indecision [Theme]

Indecisiveness increases the number of bad decisions.
№ 462205   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 15:53
Do you think you're alive?
№ 453554   Added MegaMozg 12-05-2023 / 11:39
Togo is held back by the thought of loved ones who would be too stunned by such an end, and in the event of publicity, perhaps, would bring reproaches on them; the other is too weak in spirit to take his own life. To some extent, I belong to this second category; I, for example, am decidedly incapable of putting a pistol to my temple and pulling the trigger: something stronger than myself prevents me from making this last gesture, and although life is completely disgusting to me, I do not have the strength to go towards death myself.
№ 452166   Added MegaMozg 29-03-2023 / 17:09
Togo is held back by the thought of loved ones who would be too stunned by such an end, and in the event of publicity, perhaps, would bring reproaches on them; the other is too weak in spirit to take his own life. To some extent, I belong to this second category; I, for example, am decidedly incapable of putting a pistol to my temple and pulling the trigger: something stronger than myself prevents me from making this last gesture, and although life is completely disgusting to me, I do not have the strength to go towards death myself.
№ 452165   Added Viker 29-03-2023 / 17:09
Indecision is a war of opposing arguments within.
№ 448424   Added MegaMozg 02-01-2023 / 22:48
- ... After all, only I can give you the love that you deserve, Chris. And remember: pain is what connects our hearts with you. That's how everything is arranged.
№ 446785   Added MegaMozg 24-11-2022 / 12:30
The main reason why so many people don't do what they would like to do is that the bar is too high, the desire to do everything perfectly and right away the first time.
№ 428305   Added Viker 28-09-2021 / 20:12
Indecision creates serious obstacles to making difficult decisions, sometimes even making it difficult to defend them.
№ 413869   Added MegaMozg 21-02-2021 / 02:09
Anxiety and indecision ... It seems that life began only now, when I pulled myself together.
№ 412820   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2021 / 09:24
If you were born in 18th century America, had a dozen interests, switched from science to business, from business to music, philosophy and politics, no one would call you indecisive and scatter. You would be called Benjamin Franklin.
№ 398158   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2020 / 19:12
Question: Why does evil so often is in life, the predominant influence on the good?
Response: Due to the weakness of the good; the wicked are bold and crafty, timid kind; when the latter wants, they will prevail over the first.
Quote Explanation: N 932
№ 397689   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:42
Last time I said that I like you. We had to be resolute and say that I love you.
№ 383149   Added MegaMozg 20-11-2019 / 23:36
But while choose two, both lose.
1 Season 12 Series
№ 373503   Added MegaMozg 29-06-2019 / 02:06
One you decide how much to continue to suffer
Lady can not wait. You couldn't know Boo?..
Most importantly, bear in mind one thing: help my not wait
To take everything into account, it is better to clearly understand who you are.
Maybe I'll wait of course, but not for a long time, do you bear in mind:
Decide yourself - in happiness or in trouble, you've won a place on the front row
But my respect for a long time usually does not burn,
Lady angry at the guy following her,
A couple of days I get tired of your shield. In General, then, no offense!
№ 362119   Added MegaMozg 23-02-2019 / 06:13
- What indecisive today, Yevgeny Lvovich.
I'm always so indecisive. It is only the killer is strong. Hitler before the war was decisive, Dantes before the shot... Indecision makes you think, evil itself is growing, and kindness to grow.
№ 359003   Added MegaMozg 29-01-2019 / 02:05