Author of quotes: Allan Kardec

Question: What to think about the opinion of people considering messages from the world beyond the grave as a profanity?
Answer: there may be profanity, when there is a focus and calling is carried out with due respect and common decency; the best proof is the fact that loving you spirits gladly respond to your call; they are very nice, what do you remember about them and they are happy to talk to you. Blasphemy would be to do this lightweight.
Quote Explanation: 935 N
№ 397766   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2020 / 12:57
Question: How did the fact that some spirits in the language of their finding their own superiority, very serious people about hell and purgatory answered in agreement with a narrow-minded about their concept?
Answer: They speak a language that is understandable to those who asked. If these people are too stuffed with some ideas, the spirits don't want too sharp to touch them, so as not to offend their beliefs. If a spirit without any oratorical precautions told the Muslim that Mohammed is no prophet, he would have met a very poor reception.
Quote Explanation: N 1014
№ 397765   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2020 / 12:54
Question: is the Dogma of the resurrection of the body, whether it is a peculiar expression of the dogma of reincarnation, taught by spirits?
Answer: How could it be otherwise?! With these words, the same happens with many others, they seem foolish in the eyes of some people only because they are taken literally, it leads to unbelief. But give them a reasonable interpretation, and those whom you call free-thinkers, easily accept them because they wonder; for, make no mistake about them, these free thinkers are also committed only to the faith. They, like the others, and maybe more than others, thirst for the future, but they can't accept the fact that rejected by the science. The doctrine of the multiplicity of existences is consistent with the justice of God. Only it one can explain the fact that without it is inexplicable. And how would you like to the principle of this was not inherent in the religion?!
Quote Explanation: N 1010
№ 397764   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2020 / 12:51
Question: What are in General the consequences of suicide for the spirit?
Response: the Consequences of suicide are very diverse; there is no certain punishment, and in all cases they described the reasons that led to them; but there is a consequence, whose suicide may not avoid: it is a disappointment, everything works out the way I hope it will be deceived. However, the fate of each has its own; it depends on the circumstances. Some redeem their guilt immediately, the other in his new life, which will be worse than that, the course of which they broke.
Quote Explanation: N 957
№ 397762   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2020 / 12:45
Question: Why does evil so often is in life, the predominant influence on the good?
Response: Due to the weakness of the good; the wicked are bold and crafty, timid kind; when the latter wants, they will prevail over the first.
Quote Explanation: N 932
№ 397689   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:42
Question: Why the suffering classes in society are more numerous than happy?
Answer: actually none of them is quite happy and what you think is happiness, often fraught with intense pain. Suffering everywhere. Still, to answer your point, I will say that the classes that you call the suffering, the more numerous because your planet is a place of redemption. When people turn it into a place where there is good and live the good spirits, then there will be no more accidents and she'll be for man an earthly Paradise.
Quote Explanation: N 931
№ 397687   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:42
Question: Why the gifts of fortune (e.g., wealth) God gives to those who, apparently, didn't deserve it?
Answer: It looks like the bounty and mercy only in the eyes of those who sees nothing but the present moment; but know that wealth is a test is often more dangerous than poverty.
Quote Explanation: N 925
№ 397686   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:42
It was a clash with the selfishness of other people makes a person and very selfish, because he should be ready to resist. Seeing what others think about themselves, not about him, it comes to having to deal with them more than others. Let the principle of charity and fraternity become the basis of public policy, let the relationship of nation to nation and human to human based on the spirit of law - and people will think less of the person when you see what others thought about him; he will experience the moralizing influence of example and contact. In the face of such rampant selfishness, as now, hath need of true virtue, in order to renounce his self for others, which often without any gratitude.
Quote Explanation: No. 917
№ 397685   Added MegaMozg 10-06-2020 / 11:42
The more evil, the more disgusting it becomes. Egoism had to do a lot of evil, in order to understand the necessity of its destruction. When people are freed from selfishness, now ruling over them, you will begin to live as brothers, not making each other evil, but rather as a result of mutual feelings of solidarity and helping each other; then a strong will be the mainstay, not the oppressor of the weak, and no more people in need of necessary, because everyone will actually accomplish the act of justice. This Kingdom of good, the preparation of which is imposed on spirits.
Quote Explanation: N 916
№ 397591   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:27
Question: Since the ego-based sense of personal gain, it is very difficult to completely tear it out of the hearts of men. Will it ever achieved?
Answer: as people will be enlightened about things spiritual, they will give less importance to material things; and then you need to convert a human Ordinance and companies, its support and delivery. It depends on education and culture.
Quote Explanation: No. 914
№ 397587   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:26
Question: Which of the vices can be seen as a radical?
Answer: We have said many times that this selfishness: it will expire all evil. Study all the vices and you will see that selfishness is present in the depths of each of them; you will in vain fight it, and you will not be able to eradicate them, as long as you do not encroach on the evil at the root, as long as you don't erase the cause. Let all your efforts tend towards this goal, for truly the plague of society here. Whosoever in this life to approach moral perfection, must root out from my heart every selfish feeling, for selfishness is incompatible with justice, love and mercy: it neutralizes all other virtues.
Quote Explanation: N 913
№ 397584   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:26
Question: Reprehensible to wish for wealth if you want it in order to do good?
Answer: This will, without doubt, commendable, when it is pure; but if the desire is proving to be unselfish and not hidden in some back thought about their own benefit? After all, the first person, which usually want to do much good, is it not often we do?
Quote Explanation: N 902
№ 397582   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:26
Question: two richest men, one born in affluence and never knew the needs of another as its bound to his work; they both use wealth exclusively for his personal satisfaction. Who are the most to blame?
Answer: the One who knew suffering; he knows what it's like to suffer; knows grief, that does not help, and often even completely forget about it.
Quote Explanation: N 899
№ 397581   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:25
Question: since bodily life is only a temporary our stay, and our main concern should be the future, it is useful to try to acquire scientific knowledge concerning only objects and material needs?
A: Without a doubt; above all, it gives you the opportunity to help your brothers; then your spirit will rise soon, if he already has improved mentally. Between incarnations you in one hour, learn what would require several years on your land. No knowledge is not useless; they all contribute more or less improvement, because the spirit is perfect everyone should know, and as progress must be carried out comprehensively, all of the acquired knowledge contribute to the development of the spirit.
Quote Explanation: N 898
№ 397580   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:25
Wealth is given not to throw it to the wind or to keep in the chests; it is a pledge in which people will have to give the report, because they will be responsible for all the good that could do for the wealth, but did not, for all the tears that could drain money thrown to those who didn't need them.
Quote Explanation: N 896
№ 397578   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:25