Author of quotes: Allan Kardec. Page 2

Question: What is the biggest obstacle to progress?
Answer: Pride and selfishness; I'm talking about moral progress, for intellectual progress occurs constantly. It even seems at first glance that it doubles the activity of these defects by developing ambition and the love of riches, which in turn, motivates activities that enlightens his spirit. So, what happens is that everything is interconnected as the world's moral and physical, and out of evil can come good; but this situation is only temporary; it will change as people begin to understand that beyond the pleasure earthly things there is happiness infinitely greater and infinitely more lasting.
Quote Explanation: N 785
№ 397222   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:08
Need an excess of evil to get a man to understand the need for good and change.
Quote Explanation: N 784
№ 397221   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:08
Question: is the progress of mankind takes place steadily and slowly?
Answer: There is a continuous and slow progress, carried out by the force of things; but when people are not progressing fast enough, God produces it from time to time some physical or mental, is a concussion, it is transformational.
Man cannot forever remain in ignorance, because it is intended to achieve the objective set by Providence, and he's gaining knowledge by the power of the things themselves. Moral revolution as the revolution of social, penetrate little by little in ideas; they grow for centuries, then suddenly explode and crush the old building of the past, are not more in harmony with new needs and new aspirations.
Quote Explanation: N 783
№ 397212   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:07
Question: There are people who, from the fact that animals eventually leave their young conclude that, if family ties are nothing more than the result of social mores, not the law of nature. We have to think about it?
Answer: a person a different fate than animals. What, therefore, always want to liken him to them?! He, in addition to physical needs, there is yet another property: it is a necessity of progress. Progress requires social connections and family ties strengthen these ties. This is why a person's family ties - nature's law. God wants people to learn in their brotherly love to each other.
Quote Explanation: N 774
№ 397199   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:05
Question: is it Possible to link the brutality of the instinct of destruction?
Response: It is the instinct of destruction that only have it very bad, because if destruction is sometimes necessary, cruelty is never necessary; it is always a consequence of vicious nature.
Quote Explanation: N 752
№ 397190   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:04
Question: Guilty in the murders that he commits in war?
Answer: No, when he is forced to violently; but he is guilty of committing atrocities and humanity it will be reckoned to him.
Quote Explanation: N 749
№ 397189   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:03
At the time of the barbarism of the peoples knows only the right of the strongest. So the war is quite a normal condition. As a person develops, she becomes more rare because he's avoiding the reasons causing it; and when it is still needed, he is able to bring humanity.
Quote Explanation: N 742
№ 397185   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:03
Whether this destruction some kind of usefulness from the point of view of physical, despite the troubles they cause?
Answer: Yes, sometimes they change the state of a particular country, but the benefit that follows from them, often felt only by future generations.
Quote Explanation: N 739
№ 397181   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:02
Question: what purpose God imposes upon mankind the misery and destruction?
Answer: in Order to encourage him to move faster. Not the king we said that the destruction is necessary for the moral regeneration of spirits, who in each new existence derive a new degree of perfection?! Need to see the finale, based on him, to judge there. You judge only from their personal point of view and called it a "disaster" because of the damage it causes to you; but these concussions often absolutely necessary to quickly achieve the best order of things to achieve in a few years what would have required several centuries.
Quote Explanation: N 737
№ 397176   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:02
People should try to extend its life to fulfill its assigned duty; that's why God gave him the instinct of self-preservation, which supports it in the test; without it, he would frequently despair. Secret voice, forcing him to push away death, tells him that he can still do something for its development.
Quote Explanation: N 730
№ 397031   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2020 / 14:48
Question: Can we consider the destruction of the law of nature?
Answer: it should be destroyed in order to be able to be reborn again, as what you call destruction is only a transformation that has the goal of updating and improving the living beings.
Question: If the destruction is necessary for rebirth of living beings, what nature gives them the means to self-preservation?
Response: For the destruction is not done earlier is needed for this time. Every premature destruction slows down the development of the rational principle; that is why God has given every sentient being need to live and reproduce.
Quote Explanation: N N 728 and 729
№ 397029   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2020 / 14:42
Question: Voluntary celibacy is there a state of perfection, commendable in the eyes of God?
Answer: No, and those who live thus from egoism, deceiving everyone and blagorodny God.
Question: Celibacy is by some persons sacrifice them with a view to devote themselves completely to the service of humanity?
Answer: That's another thing; I said above: out of selfishness. Every personal sacrifice has merit, when it is brought with a good purpose; the greater the sacrifice the greater the merit.
Quote Explanation: N N 698 and 699
№ 397025   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2020 / 14:30
Question: Complete the indissolubility of marriage, whether it is in the law of nature or only in human law?
Answer: It's a human law, quite contrary to the law of nature. But people can change their laws; nothing but laws of nature are immutable.
Quote Explanation: N 697
№ 397024   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2020 / 14:27
Question: Artificial improvement of breeds of the animal and plant Kingdom by science contradict the laws of nature? More will be according to the law, if you provide a all-natural course of things?
Answer: you Need to do everything possible to achieve perfection; the man himself is a weapon used by God to fulfill his plans. Since perfection is the goal to which all nature is striving, to help this improvement means to contribute to the fulfillment of His purposes.
Question: But the man usually cares about improving the breed only of personal benefit, often without having any other purpose; do not reduce it is his merit?
Answer: What of it, if not its merits; the question is that progress is made; it's up to him to plead that his intention made his work worthy of an award. However, this work develops his mind, and in this respect he brings him the most benefit.
Quote Explanation: N 692
№ 397023   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2020 / 14:24
Question: does the right of people to rest during his old age?
Answer: Yes, it must work, but not beyond their strength.
Question: What do the man who has not already forces, meanwhile, must work to maintain its existence?
Answer: Strong work for the weak; the lonely society should substitute for the family; it is a law of mercy.
Quote Explanation: N 685
№ 397022   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2020 / 14:21