chess [Theme] Page 3

Life is a game of chess on a field where there are no cells.
№ 406813   Added MegaMozg 14-11-2020 / 10:21
Stupid - I don't see stupidity.
Also as a weak player doesn't see that he makes stupid moves.
№ 400314   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 04:33
What is a successful game? The one where you win? The one where you were good? No. You can win to thousands of chess, or whatever tournaments and not feel anything. The kids remember where suddenly, no matter what - chess, catch-up, they were able to have someone to share warmth. Even if it is necessary to gather in flocks and hate the neighboring joint people. In childhood play the gangster and policemen, then the partisans and the SS. Or in exchange. Or sale. But what would we all played, the goal isn't to become richer, not to round up all the guerrillas, not anything else... the goal is to give a little heat.
№ 399908   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2020 / 03:48
You can lose a lot of soldiers but still win the game.
№ 398877   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2020 / 14:33
Chess pieces do not need emotions. They are just puppets in the hands of the player.
Quote Explanation: The Retired Figures (Exiled Chess)
№ 392377   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2020 / 21:42
- Are you sure you want to go?
№ 391958   Added MegaMozg 23-04-2020 / 00:36
Politics is not even chess, where the pawns are sacrificed in the hope for a brighter future. This is judo, where you use the energy of opponent against him. The stronger the enemy the more powerful the strike, the worse for him. A tactical retreat maneuver, designed to save forces and tighten its territory, where it remains catch and skillfully put the squeeze on. Thus, in the end, unbeknownst to lean on and with a smile on it Pat. Always with a smile. Friendly.
№ 390940   Added MegaMozg 11-04-2020 / 20:15
Fortunately, mental work is not always unpleasant; people often have made significant efforts over long periods of time without using will power. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi did more than others for the study of such natural attention, and proposed the name "flow" has firmly entered the language. Experienced the feeling of flow describe it as "a state of deep, relaxed concentration, where one loses the sense of time itself, and their own problems," and the joy experienced in this state are so compelling that Csikszentmihalyi has called it an "optimal experience." A variety of classes - from painting to racing - produces a state of flow, and for some authors even writing a book becomes an optimal experience. The well stream separates the two forms of effort: concentration on the task and systematic control of attention. Riding a motorcycle at 150 miles per hour or a game of chess, of course, require a lot of effort. However, to hold the attention of these all-consuming tasks in a state of flux self-control is not needed, so to perform them frees up additional resources.
№ 390460   Added MegaMozg 06-04-2020 / 12:12
He felt alert and knew that the first move e2 - e4 does not cause any complications. Other moves, however, were drawn already in a perfect mist, but it does not bother the great schemer.
№ 388894   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2020 / 22:24
- Maybe a game of chess?
- Well, of course, and why I would go against this cacophony. By the way, Shomen what you fantasize yourself who will win, you or the strongest?
You know Leon, it seems to me that for the first time in the history of chess, under these sounds, we will lose both.
- Simon, if you will speak ill about my child, he will play at your funeral.
- SIM, I for the sake of God will sit in, if it is for free. Just please, put me in the last row... Leon, do you happen to know if the house the Germans?
- How would such a joy? Of course not.
- Then someone takes revenge on this boy?! Yoshiko, let me give you a hundred rubles, to at least pay your half-hour break.
- Yoshiko. Do not listen the play. Up to three hundred...
Quote Explanation: Two Jews playing chess in the Odessa yard Simon and Leon, Yoshiko is torturing a violin sounds terrible, and Shem hanging Laundry.
№ 388487   Added MegaMozg 11-03-2020 / 00:44
- Sometimes you sacrifice the Queen for the good of the whole Kingdom.
- Yes, but sometimes even a simple pawn can become a Queen and hurt to grab ass.
№ 387977   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2020 / 06:30
World chess champion Emanuel Lasker once said: "If you see a good move, look for a much better move".
2 Season 7 Series
№ 385580   Added MegaMozg 05-01-2020 / 10:26
From the point of view of the pawns are only visible companions on each side and the enemies on the other side of the field. The king sees the chess Board differently. The worst enemies surround him. The tokens can lock the king in a trap. And then Shah and death. Chess, the Witcher is art to sacrifice their own pawns.
№ 383759   Added MegaMozg 01-12-2019 / 18:50
I thought that one thing we need to faithfully execute the work and see that there is marriage. And realize how much more you can do, and to play chess, and people not to avoid, listen to the music and to go to the theater.
Quote Explanation: Kwangali was a carpenter
№ 382804   Added MegaMozg 17-11-2019 / 17:12
The game sticks can give almost happiness, clarity of mind, sincere, unselfish joy from a good speed, and most importantly, it's not about losing or winning that much more fun nice to play a losing party than to use the miss of his partner and win.
Quote Explanation: Kwangali in prison he learned to play chess
№ 382802   Added MegaMozg 17-11-2019 / 16:32