Author of quotes: Arthur Schopenhauer

A person can be as sociable as he is spiritually poor and generally mediocre.
№ 459834   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 19:11
Dullness of mind creates inner emptiness. You will see it on many faces. She betrays herself by constant interest in the most insignificant external events. This inner emptiness pushes us into a pursuit of external stimulation in order to at least somehow stir up the mind and soul.
№ 459833   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 19:11
Most people are so violently subjective that nothing really interests them but themselves. Any remark made by someone prompts them to think about their own affairs, and all their attention is absorbed and captured by the slightest chance to turn the conversation to their own person, no matter how distant the topic may be.
№ 455586   Added MegaMozg 07-08-2023 / 23:51
Anyone can study science - one with more, the other with less difficulty. But from art everyone receives as much as he himself is able to give.
№ 440064   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 10:49
Nature is more aristocratic than man. The differences in rank and status in European societies, as well as caste differences in India, are negligible in comparison with the differences in the mental and moral qualities of people, assumed by nature itself.
№ 425525   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 10:25
The card game is a clear detection of mental bankruptcy. Not being able to exchange thoughts, people throw cards.
№ 425416   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 10:03
Mental superiority, even the most significant, will show its decisive superiority in a conversation and will be recognized only after a person has blown forty years.
№ 425415   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 10:03
Constant mental labor makes us more or less unfit for the cares and troubles of real life.
№ 425406   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 10:02
You can only think about what you know - that is why you need to learn something, but you also know only what you have thought.
№ 419883   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2021 / 05:42
Yet humanity, with the exception of an extremely insignificant part of it, has always been and should remain rough, since the intense physical work necessary for the whole interferes with the development of the mind.
Quote Explanation: When Schopenhauer needs it, he knows how to make excuses perfectly - for which he himself reproaches other philosophers.
№ 417224   Added MegaMozg 18-04-2021 / 08:36
Of course, no more valid basis for morality can be imagined than theological; for who would dare to be so audacious as to go against the will of the Almighty and Omniscient? Of course, no one - if only this will was announced in a completely reliable, inaccessible to any doubt, so to speak, in an official way. But this condition is of such a nature that it cannot be fulfilled.
№ 415891   Added MegaMozg 27-03-2021 / 15:45
Philosophy is the knowledge of the true essence of our world, in which we exist and which exists in us, that knowledge of the world as a whole, the light of which, once perceived, then illuminates everything separate, no matter what everyone meets in life, and reveals its inner meaning.
№ 415179   Added MegaMozg 17-03-2021 / 18:45
Living only for himself, a person feels himself among strangers and enemies, and the good of everyone interferes with his good. Living for others, a person feels himself among friends, and the good of each is his own good.
№ 415178   Added MegaMozg 17-03-2021 / 18:42
Physical truths may have many external meanings, but they lack internal ones.
№ 411593   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2021 / 01:03
"Pardon's the word to all". We must be condescending to all human stupidity, blunder, vice, taking into account that it is precisely our own stupidity, blunders and vices, for these are the shortcomings of humanity, to to which we also belong, and therefore, we ourselves share all of its shortcomings, that is, those that we are indignant with just at this time precisely because this time they did not manifest themselves in ourselves. They are not on the surface, but are rooted in the base and will emerge on the first occasion and declare themselves in the same way as they have now manifested in others; although there is no doubt that in one one flaw creeps in, and in the other another again, and that the general complexity of bad properties in some is greater than in others, for the individual difference is incalculably great.
№ 411590   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2021 / 00:54