the ability [Theme] Page 2

I work like a horse! I run, I fuss, I beg, I ask, I beg, I charm. I get and achieve.
№ 457170   Added MegaMozg 06-10-2023 / 06:15
My father built his own theater, as well as cinema, all his life - his own, unlike any other. For 46 years at Lenkom, he created his own Cherry Orchard and grew unprecedented trees in this garden. He raised truly great artists, and more than one generation. It seems that no one succeeded, not even the great Tovstonogov. As a passionate person, my father never ceased to be amazed at how the whole world arises from nothing - just from an idea, from a fantasy, which suddenly materializes and becomes something that can be touched, that becomes material. Although the theater, of course, is not very material.
№ 456866   Added MegaMozg 20-09-2023 / 23:18
A gloomy, bleak outlook on life is like a negative vision of a colorful world. In such a situation, you feel only gloom, gloom and cloudiness around you, which negatively affect you and your self-esteem. Instead of being in a state of joylessness and apathy, we must constantly work on ourselves, look for the meaning of our lives, understand ourselves, find ourselves. This path will lead us to a peaceful and contented life, living with a positive attitude for the rest of our lives. Confidence in your future and the ability to see the bright moments around are signs of a strong and healthy psychology. A good outlook on life is a sign of confidence in a calm future.
№ 455588   Added MegaMozg 08-08-2023 / 02:45
The main thing is not control over the situation, but the ability to adequately respond to success or failure.
№ 455570   Added MegaMozg 07-08-2023 / 19:21
Peace, light in the soul, the ability to enjoy the rain and the sun, the willingness to accept this world - this is probably happiness ...
№ 455513   Added MegaMozg 05-08-2023 / 11:24
It became clear that earlier we did not destroy as much as we did not know how to build.
№ 454344   Added Viker 20-06-2023 / 10:52
- General Guderian wrote the book “Attention Tanks” before the war, so a lot of useful information could be gleaned from there.
№ 453844   Added petrashevgant 26-05-2023 / 09:44
The ability to move on gives rise to a person to interesting actions. Which will help to take further actions in his boring and quiet life. ۞:••:۞:••:۞:••:۞:••:۞:
№ 453639   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2023 / 05:48
True success is not a moment of achieving goals, but the ability to find joy along the way.
№ 453035   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2023 / 14:51
The ability to beautifully enter the age, to be comfortable in it and there is true beauty.
№ 452501   Added MegaMozg 02-04-2023 / 21:21
The most important of these skills, and also the main foundation of power, is the ability to control your feelings. Emotional reaction to a situation is the biggest obstacle to power, a mistake that will cost you far more than any temporary satisfaction you get from expressing feelings. Emotions do not show the true causes, and if you do not see the situation with all clarity, you will not be able to prepare for it and somehow control your own reaction to it.
№ 451919   Added MegaMozg 17-03-2023 / 14:36
The ability to control the power of the Spirit is an art-talent of aerobatics. There are no wimps in sports and everyone goes bone to bone to the finish line. The winner is the one who approaches the start at the peak of psychic energy, ready to burst into crushing fury!
Quote Explanation: © Copyright: Piotr Kwiatkowski, 2013
№ 451907   Added MegaMozg 17-03-2023 / 14:03
The greatest art is the ability to forgive and believe, for these two concepts are the lot of the strong. Inability to forgive and unbelief lead to suffering, because this is the lot of the weak and the poor!
№ 451850   Added MegaMozg 15-03-2023 / 15:24
If a mercenary person wiped his feet on your kindness and caused you severe pain, you should not drown out your emotions with alcoholic beverages and be hard to worry about. In such a situation, you should calm down, pull yourself together, take a warm shower, go outside and start thinking only about the good, so that the sediment from the negative event leaves the body faster and dissolves into space. If you act correctly, inner harmony will return to you much faster than you think. The ability to properly overcome unpleasant situations is the key to your mental stability.
№ 451721   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 10:05
Between the public exposure of thoughts and the revelation of scenes, it is quite easy not to notice the pride that slipped gracefully into the heart. It is so easy and simple to get lost in ambition and perishability, sending responsiveness, gratitude and the ability to ask for forgiveness and forgiveness to the depths of memory.
№ 451523   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2023 / 03:12