hell [Theme] Page 1

And there will be no dark end.
№ 453311   Added Viker 04-05-2023 / 10:35
Yes, dogs all go to heaven... and wait for us there. And women, alas, go to hell.
№ 453106   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2023 / 09:30
In Hell, the most terrible thing will be the eternal fragility and injustice of everything you experience.
№ 449925   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 10:38
Hell is the cure for lust that has not been completely cleansed.
№ 448717   Added Viker 09-01-2023 / 11:13
God waited until he created a creature similar to himself, after an experiment with a monkey, Adam appeared from the water and soil. But, unfortunately, humanity failed to become a caliph (viceroy), people did not live up to God's expectations, and as a result, God created hell.
№ 448060   Added Viker 02-01-2023 / 12:07
Sartre said, "Hell is other people." He is my first love.
Sartre said, Hell is other people. He is my first love.
№ 447715   Added Viker 19-12-2022 / 16:45
Hell is just in front of you.
№ 446975   Added MegaMozg 27-11-2022 / 01:06
I am for faith in God, but not for faith in priests, because God wants all people to become brothers and be happy, and priests drag us into hell.
№ 445750   Added MegaMozg 25-10-2022 / 05:18
The Garden of Eden may be closed, but the gates of hell are always open.
№ 443559   Added MegaMozg 15-08-2022 / 18:15
The monster is oblo, mischievous, huge, with trizevnoy and Lay ...
Quote Explanation: Alexander Radishchev modified a line from the 514th verse of Vasily Trediakovsky's poem "Telemakhida" (1766), which is a free verse translation of the prose novel "The Adventures of Telemachus" by the French writer Francois Fenelon, made in hexameter. But the source of the phrase in Telemachis is not the text of Fenelon, but Virgil's Aeneid, and the translator made a combination of two fragments: "The appearance is ugly, formidable, huge, devoid of sight" (lat. Monstrum horrendum, informe, ingens, cui lumen ademptum - about the Cyclops Polyphemus, blinded by Odysseus) and “Cerberus of these kingdoms, huge, with a three-yawn bark // Overflows” (lat. Cerberus haec ingens latratu regna trifauci // Personat) This passage tells about the punishment of kings in hell for abuse of power. They constantly look at themselves in the mirror and see monsters.
№ 443455   Added Viker 15-08-2022 / 11:39
Once it was given to me to feel the stench of Gehenna. This is something so terrible... There is nothing: no shackles, no pain - and such boundless fear permeates your entire being. I only felt this unbearable smell for a moment - and you are already throwing up everything, deadening with rigor, and if you find yourself there? ... People have no idea what they are preparing for themselves, renouncing God.
№ 442122   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2022 / 13:12
- I told her: I will go through any hell, enjoying.
№ 441767   Added MegaMozg 03-07-2022 / 16:54
hell is based on it.
№ 441522   Added MegaMozg 26-06-2022 / 23:33
Hell seems like hell to us precisely because we hope to find heaven here.
№ 438738   Added MegaMozg 24-05-2022 / 21:21
In hell, it is the attachment to our particular identity that torments us.
№ 438734   Added Viker 24-05-2022 / 21:13