void [Theme] Page 1

Pieces of life flashed by in flashes, like the windows of a fast-moving train. In between there is emptiness.
№ 459264   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 12:05
A mistake is not the end, it's just a reason to become stronger
№ 458246   Added MegaMozg 05-11-2023 / 00:36
Emptiness absorbs everything that does not strive for fullness.
№ 458158   Added MegaMozg 01-11-2023 / 23:54
If a person doesn’t read for a couple of days, the emptiness will immediately make itself known.
№ 457934   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:51
The New Year's tree decoration has a characteristic feature - emptiness, despite its external attractiveness, so it easily breaks into fragments.
№ 457924   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:50
Normal and healthy relationships develop gradually and a person does not fly into your life like a whirlwind. The degree of warmth increases month by month, and not from the first day of acquaintance, hour by hour. The narcissist has some kind of childhood trauma, or he is like this from birth... He expects from you all-consuming and unconditional love, which only comes from parents. Perhaps he was not loved in childhood and is trying to replenish his self-esteem with every fleeting connection. But don't be fooled by his eternal:
№ 457344   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 11:16
You say: “It hurts me,” and they answer you: “No, you don’t...”. It doesn't hurt you. Are you scared. You're not feeling bad. You're not tired. This is a whim, be a soldier, pull yourself together, pull yourself together. And you're going to. Once you're going, twice you're going, three, four, five you're going, eighteen times you're going, forty-three. And you really feel how you become more hardened and stronger, how your skin becomes rougher, how your armor grows. And where there used to be something alive and warm, a cold void forms.
№ 457316   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2023 / 11:12
The emptiness of people bothers me!
№ 457045   Added MegaMozg 29-09-2023 / 21:30
A nice-looking but dishonest person is like a beautiful package of ice cream with harmful ingredients. The wrapper may say that the ice cream is tasty and healthy, that it is made according to a time-tested recipe, but sometimes this turns out to be untrue. The appearance of packaging can be deceiving. Similarly, beautiful appearance does not say anything about the character and qualities of a person, so you should not seriously trust it. It is much more correct to carefully look not at the face and figure, but at the inner world. Behind external beauty sometimes hides emptiness, and behind a plain appearance - a precious soul.
№ 456738   Added MegaMozg 13-09-2023 / 22:15
you easily mold your ideals on the sand of your soul, but the tide of life mercilessly washes them away, leaving only an eternal emptiness in your soul.
№ 455131   Added MegaMozg 20-07-2023 / 08:09
Both of them were chicks with broken wings, each of which tried to fly by grabbing another equally sick chick. People who feel empty are never healed by connecting with another incomplete person. On the contrary, two birds with broken wings, united, make a very clumsy flight. No amount of patience can help them fly; and in the end they must be separated and the wounds healed each separately.
№ 454753   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2023 / 20:21
The problem with this setup is that you have to live without people around. Maybe this is one of the reasons for your feeling of inner emptiness. One way or another, any relationship ends sooner or later. There is no lifetime warranty. It's like refusing to watch the sunrise because you hate the sunset.
№ 454746   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2023 / 19:54
When you live the last day of every day. Remember if you experienced anything? Any feelings, maybe it's you? The emptiness that deprives you of living on, it just burns you from the inside
Quote Explanation: The emptiness that you can't live on burns you up sometimes it's best to accept
№ 454207   Added MegaMozg 12-06-2023 / 21:12
The wind in the head carries away everything perishable and only the imperishable remains.
№ 454079   Added petrashevgant 06-06-2023 / 09:04
The constant repetition of pleasant memories only reinforces the emptiness of reality.
The constant repetition of pleasant memories only...
№ 454050   Added MegaMozg 04-06-2023 / 15:39