comfort zone [Theme]

The more you are ready to get out of your comfort zone, the more calm and confident you feel in everyday life.
№ 456010   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:59
The comfort zone is a kind of psychological scenario, because of which 95% of the time per day a person lives on autopilot and only 5% lives a conscious life.
№ 450236   Added MegaMozg 11-02-2023 / 17:27
Dans ma bulle.
Quote Explanation: It's to immerse yourself in yourself, in your world, to stay in a certain personal comfort zone. Bulle defines this comfort zone.
№ 422747   Added MegaMozg 09-07-2021 / 10:45
Everyday behavior, consisting of hundreds of habits that have been formed throughout life, is a zone of our comfort and some (albeit suboptimal) balance. Even if this behavior is ultimately harmful, it is the norm for our brains. Any deviation from the norm causes resistance, no matter how good our intentions are. The more significant the changes we demand of ourselves, the greater the resistance.
№ 418713   Added MegaMozg 08-05-2021 / 00:36
From three words you have a fever. Three words chain you to the bed: change your life. Yes, that's the goal. It's simple and straightforgiving. A road leading to a goal that we don't see. Illness - lack of road, uncertainty in the chosen path. The question is not before us, it is within us. We are the question ourselves. A new life - we would like to start it, but our will, which belongs to our former life, is devoid of any power. We are like children who tend to hold the ball in their left hand and not unclench it until they are convinced that in return they have received a coin in their right hand. We would very much like to start a new life, but at the same time not to lose the old life. Not to know the moment of transition, when there is nothing in your hand.
№ 410736   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2021 / 19:06