Author of quotes: St. Nicholas Serbian

During the war, a fearful soldier was sent on reconnaissance. Everyone knew his timidity and laughed when they found out where the foreman was sending him. Only one soldier did not laugh. He approached his comrade to support and encourage him. But he answered him: “I will die, the enemy is very close!” - "Do not be afraid, brother: the Lord is even closer," the good comrade answered him. And these words, like a big bell, rang in the soul of that soldier, and they rang until the end of the war. And now the once timid soldier returned from the war, awarded many orders for bravery. So his good word transformed him: “Do not be afraid: the Lord is even closer!”
Quote Explanation: (From the book of St. Nicholas of Serbia: Missionary Letters)
№ 449505   Added MegaMozg 03-02-2023 / 11:21
It is not God that bears witness to the beauty of the firmament, but the beauty of the firmament to God.
№ 445997   Added MegaMozg 02-11-2022 / 00:57
Belief in immortality has a special power to have a beneficial effect on people. The human soul, surrounded by evil of every kind, is full of doubts and relies on the will of circumstances, but in its innermost depths, under a thick layer of disbelief and inertia, it carefully preserves one quiet, semi-dark room, where, although a bright ray of light does not break through, darkness and cannot completely fill it. There is hope for a better life.
№ 445996   Added MegaMozg 02-11-2022 / 00:54
If you argue with the godless according to his own violent rules, you will further inflame his arrogance, which denies everything and everything. If you speak in a raised tone with a madman, the darkness of madness thickens. If you think to convince the evil one with anger, then you kindle the fire of hatred even more. A meek and good deed is the water that extinguishes this whole fire.
№ 445927   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2022 / 01:45
One act of mercy will sooner enlighten the insane and soften the heart of the embittered than many hours of conversation.
№ 445926   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2022 / 01:42
Beware of astrology, because at its core it means blind fatalism. According to Christian teaching, man is higher than the stars.
№ 445921   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2022 / 00:06
Be human. It's more honorable than being king. Be human. It is more precious than all crowns and more important than all thrones.
№ 438768   Added MegaMozg 24-05-2022 / 22:54
What evil do people talk about with particular pleasure? - About other people's sins and their victories.
№ 435221   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:16
When love rushes towards love, everything loses its meaning. Time and space give way to love.
№ 431257   Added Viker 25-10-2021 / 09:32
You say: “Where is the Lord?” - On the sidelines of your life, that's why your life is ugly. If the Lord were in the center of it, where He should be, and your life would be straightened, and you would see the Lord and would not suffer in search of Him, asking: "Where is the Lord?"
№ 421046   Added MegaMozg 19-06-2021 / 14:51
If the Russian Tsar Nicholas II aspired to the earthly kingdom, the kingdom of petty personal calculations, selfishness, he would still sit on the throne in Petrograd. But he chose the Kingdom of Heaven, the kingdom of sacrifice in the name of the Lord, the kingdom of evangelical spirituality, for which he laid down his head, for which the heads of his child and millions of subjects were laid down.
№ 416298   Added MegaMozg 04-04-2021 / 12:39
The sun reflected in the clear waters and the sky in a pure heart.
№ 401620   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2020 / 19:45
The love of God casts out all fear from the soul, but fear sin. And the fear of sin is the fear of God.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the book Elena Morozova "How to raise a boy a real man"
№ 400492   Added MegaMozg 15-07-2020 / 14:21
Oh, o you of little faith, remember: the more you only care about yourself, the less it cares about you God. ⠀
№ 389970   Added Viker 02-04-2020 / 08:17
Can help a person help me, can't help - pray, can't pray - think about the good man! This will help because light thought - it is also a weapon!
№ 362195   Added Viker 24-02-2019 / 09:55