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We don't have to love all the hard and painful things that happen to us. Well, when we stop fighting and resisting, we have more energy and imagination, we are no longer moving into the void, but moving forward.
№ 442516   Added MegaMozg 27-07-2022 / 00:30
Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you should bring them back into your life. This feeling is just part of moving forward.
№ 442218   Added MegaMozg 16-07-2022 / 05:09
• Be in love. Is always.
№ 441702   Added MegaMozg 01-07-2022 / 03:57
Green is the color of calmness, harmony, unity with nature, self-acceptance, the color of spiritual development and new hopes. Green is also a healing color, it removes negative thoughts, bad moods and even reduces neuroses. It is believed that this color closes the ajar doors of the past, helps to get rid of bad memories and move forward with faith and optimism.
№ 441697   Added MegaMozg 01-07-2022 / 03:42
Life goes on at its own pace, and if you put off your dreams until later, it rushes forward, leaving you with your beautiful illusions covered in dust.
№ 441105   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2022 / 22:30
Mom is the saving of what is significant for us, dad is the development and impetus for moving forward.
№ 440961   Added MegaMozg 23-06-2022 / 15:12
Come on, monkeys! Or do you want eternal life?
№ 438780   Added MegaMozg 24-05-2022 / 23:30
The world was about to fall apart, burn to the ground in the fire of human hatred. And I... I was lying in some Belgian village unknown to me on bare ground next to a German soldier and a British doctor. The unknown lay ahead. I lay there and realized that, it seems, I am where I should be. Thoughts turned to Lawrence and Yoka, to all those articles that I have already written and what I will write again. Everything I have seen and will see again. Everything unforgettable and passing, big and small, disgusting and beautiful. Something secret, inaccessible stirred in me while I looked at the sky. Its boundlessness and the absence of any boundaries were awe-inspiring and at the same time inspiring. The second wind opened the realization that I can do so much... So much to tell. Inside, a candle that had gone out was lit and a desire to move forward appeared. The desire to create now felt stronger than before.
Quote Explanation: Quote from Theodora
№ 438765   Added MegaMozg 24-05-2022 / 22:45
moving forward.
№ 437025   Added MegaMozg 17-03-2022 / 08:33
Nowhere will they understand me better than in Russia, where there have been many "Enchanted Wanderers" and "Enchanted Wanderings" along the paths of fate. Life weaves its own pattern, throwing us into all kinds of vicissitudes, and we, floundering, drowning, trying to save ourselves and others, are moving somewhere forward, and maybe back. Memories, like a mirror, reflect what happened. Words or facts cannot be changed. On pain of death - DO NOT!
№ 436467   Added MegaMozg 09-03-2022 / 04:18
If you are embarrassed to do something in public, imagine how someone else is doing it, and if this does not seem strange to you, then go ahead.
Quote Explanation: For example, if you are ashamed to eat in public, imagine how another person does it, and if you do not want to judge him, then others will not judge you, so you can eat in peace:
№ 436119   Added MegaMozg 25-02-2022 / 16:33
I don’t know how to play chess, but I master the art of calculating my steps many moves ahead.
№ 434965   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 09:45
move forward?
№ 434552   Added Viker 26-01-2022 / 18:54
The further you advance, the more dangerous your forward movement becomes. The path leading up is illuminated by a single light - the fire of boldness that burns in your heart. The more you dare, the more you will get.
Quote Explanation: Helena Blavatsky "Seven Gates"
№ 434531   Added Viker 26-01-2022 / 18:51
Poetry works by arousing our curiosity, gradually forcing the mind to take an interest in the event, keeping the event in limbo, and finally surprising with unexpected disaster. The art of the artist is more limited and has nothing to match or perhaps equivalent to this power and advantage to lead the mind forward until attention is fully occupied. What is done by painting must be done in one stroke; curiosity immediately got every possible satisfaction.
№ 433380   Added MegaMozg 21-12-2021 / 14:54