Genesis [Theme] Page 3

problematic. Tyutchev said: a spoken thought is a lie. Nietzsche taught about the mimicry of truth, about its eternal movement.
№ 420786   Added MegaMozg 14-06-2021 / 23:06
The hourglass of existence, which measures eternity, will be turned over again and again, and you are with them, a small grain of sand, barely distinguishable from others!
№ 420081   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 17:54
Existentialism gives each person the possession of his being and gives him full responsibility for existence.
№ 409319   Added MegaMozg 14-12-2020 / 23:27
like a flower, it comes out and falls; runs away like a shadow and does not stop.
Quote Explanation: Chapter 14, verses 1-2
№ 408891   Added MegaMozg 10-12-2020 / 21:27
The paradigm stems from doubt.
The mysteries of being are incomprehensible.
№ 407033   Added MegaMozg 18-11-2020 / 20:30
I touched my hand
tongue pale pink cat -
and touch to
opens to me for the first time
being a sad charm...
№ 405928   Added MegaMozg 27-10-2020 / 11:03
My true essence is "awareness". In other words, I distorted or enlarged. I don't have a product of these processes; I am in the process itself. So, if I realize that I have distorted our awareness, that I have partially restored him; when I realize that one can improve his awareness, what I'm doing. It is easy to lose sight of the importance of this identity for our lives and our consciousness. We, Westerners, are so used to the objective view of the world that is constantly trying to transform its own being into the object. And to find the most suitable for this effort objects. The object is a person. Personality consists of all truly objective aspects of our being. It includes our body image, our ideas about its nature, our assumptions about how we are perceived by others, and our personal history. So the concept of "personality" is an abstraction, perceptual and conceptual object. It's not who I am; it is rather what I was and what I did. Personality is a product of It's flushed skin, externally observable aspect of what has changed and is absolutely pure and completely subjective process.
№ 396244   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:26
It's very simple: we don't have to do anything to be what you really want to be; instead, we should just be truly ourselves and more widely aware of their existence. However, it is just in name only; it is incredibly difficult to achieve this in reality. The thing is that when I'm more fully aware of what you want to be and that keeps me from having to be so, I am already in the process of change. Full awareness is itself a way to become what I truly aspire to become.
№ 396240   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:26
There is a crucial and very important difference between the learning engine and a more full awareness of his existence. After I finished checking the engine, the real work is just beginning. On the other hand, when I am fully aware of its existence - including their feelings about its way of being and how I really want to live in, the real work ends!
№ 396239   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:25
In each of us a smoldering flame that could ignite. We are constantly pursues lust for life. How much would any of us have been taught to reduce, distort and mangle our existence, something inside of us seeks to broaden the horizons, to provide a space for growth and development. We are afraid the price of this growth, we are afraid of those outdoor spaces that our eyes sometimes detects around; want to close their eyes to their own capabilities.
№ 396229   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:24
If I want to feel the meaning of his existence, I need to "trust" their ordinary life. Many of us are accustomed to betray their views, desires and values, if significant or many other people take a different position. When I put aside my own unique understanding of the experience for the sake of momentary satisfaction or seeming security, I break away from his centre. I can be myself only if ready to defend its own existence. But I also understand that in order to do this effectively, you must be prepared to understand the viewpoints of others.
№ 396102   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:58
Of course, you can't really avoid responsibility for your actions and your being. Liability neither the left or right, and such an attempt is always destructive to someone trying to do it. I stood up Louise with her obsessive desire to please and thereby showed that the only way to please me - not to be obsequious. In doing so, I exacerbated its contradictions. This tactic output constant inner struggle Louisa.
№ 396099   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:57
Four important characteristic of what it means to live a full life.
I am alive only in the process of my being. I can't find their Genesis in what you do, what achieve, what titles I have, that others think and say about me. I truly exist only in moments of awareness, feelings, choices and actions. So I can't see my Genesis, because I have a vision and all I see cannot be me. I - vision, movement, awareness.
If I want real life, I have to realize the course of its existence, the fact that my center is my experience, and if I don't take life seriously, it eludes me. My inner feeling is the key to the realization of being.
Taking his life seriously, I open a lot in its existence, before too low-priced, but now can appreciate. Thus I can enrich your life. So, I will pay attention to their emotions - for all, including those who previously tried not to notice, for example, fear and anger, to their imagination, imagination and experiences, which attempted to exclude from his life, but which are part of any human story - disappointment and failure.
If I admit that my personality will be tied to objective things, I would be extremely vulnerable to external circumstances and accidents. Identity, based on what I did, how I perceive what others think about me is identity tied to the past. It can lead to stagnation and repetition in life. Only genuine procedural identity is living in the moment and are capable of change and evolution with the flow of my life.
№ 395430   Added Viker 19-05-2020 / 11:10
In fact, he was here because I overcame a huge split of their personal identity. On the one hand, he was confined to vedmosti, attributes and achievements. He was surrendered to chance and constantly trying to build a safe haven from the sand of their actions and their results. It seemed durable, because it rested on the fact that apparently tangible and inform. But the person, based on objectification, in fact the most vulnerable; however, this model of personality, Lawrence, like most of us learned in early childhood. On the other side of this huge watershed Lawrence has opened up the possibility of genuine freedom, the freedom to Express your being in any moment, not dragging the heavy, immobile shell of the past. Knowing who we are, we don't need to see ourselves because we have the vision; we don't rely on what he did, because we know that was the effect, but most are not. This person who is genuine in its deepest sense. And, as yet found Lawrence, it reduces our vulnerability to the vicissitudes of success and failure, approval and disapproval.
№ 395422   Added MegaMozg 19-05-2020 / 11:09
I got fed up life is full of hassles,
Fed up with troubles, poverty! Oh God, if you
Brought from non-existence existence, and bring me
In the name of your being - from bitter poverty!
№ 394915   Added MegaMozg 14-05-2020 / 21:24