Genesis [Theme] Page 4

Legislative enactments, ridiculous piles of hastily invented ideas, for the most part abstract. They're not even something that is contrary to the nature and meaning of life, and just somewhere to the side, as a bow, attached to every "God knows what".
№ 391007   Added MegaMozg 12-04-2020 / 11:03
When we dance, the world becomes more joy. And joy is the ideal material for repair of leaky existence.
№ 391004   Added MegaMozg 12-04-2020 / 10:54
Genesis - an ordered chaos, the reality of the empirical state of existence.
№ 388741   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2020 / 14:24
... why did they act corruptly, turning away from virtue? From ignorance of the good? But what bessilna blindness of ignorance? Maybe they know what to look for, but also passion irresistible force down them the wrong way? But then again, they are powerless, because they can not resist the Vice. Or knowingly and willingly they avoid good and tend to wrinkle? In this case, they not only have more power, but cease to exist. Because people are rushing away from the total for all purposes, immediately lose their existence.
№ 388627   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2020 / 11:49
The experience of all peoples and of all times has proved that autocratic government is still fatal to rulers and to society. We cannot allow the basis of the government - the tyranny of one man - it is impossible to agree that all rights were on one side and all duties on the other. Putting yourself above the laws, the rulers have forgotten that they are in this case outside the law, outside of mankind! - It is impossible to refer to the laws when it is about others and not to recognize their existence, when it comes to them.
Quote Explanation: the Decembrists, the draft Constitution
№ 386325   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2020 / 12:32
The direct communication of man with the soul occurs when he tries a taste of it - and there is nothing above and more important than the taste of this living substance, like low as our being compared to her.
№ 385688   Added MegaMozg 08-01-2020 / 10:50
A key human desire is not the destruction of the surrounding nature, and in his rape. The whole historical process - this is a permanent domination of the individual, the crowd and archetype.
№ 384229   Added MegaMozg 11-12-2019 / 15:17
Reading Hegel November 9, 11:59 "Since reflection in the true nature of things is revealed to the extent that this thinking is my activity, this true nature is at the same time a product of my spirit, and it is precisely a product of this spirit as a thinking subject; it is my creation, of my simple universality as just a self-existing "I", or, in other words, the creation of my freedom. " ... which is limited by my awareness of the world and myself. Expanding your knowledge, you expand your freedom of action and judgment. (Collapse) "Note. Often you can hear the expression: independent thinking, as if something significant is being expressed. In fact, no one can think for another, just like no one can eat and drink for another; this expression therefore represents pleonasm.In thinking, freedom is directly contained, because it is a universal activity, therefore, some abstract relation to oneself, some self-being, devoid of definitions from art. Orons of subjectivity, but on the content side it’s immersed in the subject and its definitions only, if therefore they speak of philosophizing about humility (or modesty) and pride, and humility or modesty consist in not attributing anything special to their subjectivity, at least it is impossible to blame pride in philosophizing, because thinking in its content is true only insofar as it deepens into the subject, and in its form it is not a special being or action the essence of the subject, but consists only in the fact that consciousness behaves as abstract, as freed from any particularity of particular properties, states, etc., and produces only the universal, in which it is identical with all individuals. If Aristotle demands that we be worthy of such behavior, then the dignity that consciousness gives itself is precisely that it renounces its private opinion and belief and gives itself to the power of the subject. “Independent thinking is a tautology, thinking is always independent, it is developed as a skill, or in its infancy, so you need to strive for the independence of the thinker. For this he needs a goal - survival, and a means - the study of the world and himself in order to achieve the goal , which is initially impossible to achieve if you remain indifferent to the world around you and yourself.Do those who killed for the sake of momentary survival, not knowing the finiteness of life, seek to survive? They acted within their horizons. the threat is wider, there would be wider choice, freedom of choice within a wider range of judgments and possible actions.Then killing would not be in the first place, and it would always be applied only to those who are always forced by an affordable choice to act only like that, not otherwise, and whom it is impossible to influence by expanding this horizons through the formation of the being that defines them. "A person, since he wants to be real, must exist in cash, must limit himself. To whom the finite is too disgusted, it does not achieve any reality, but remains in the abstract and decays without leaving a trace in itself. "Unification is possible only if we realize (freedom, this is a conscious necessity according to Marx) of our individual boundaries, if the goal is unattainable by other means (individually , within these borders), so those who promote individually achievable goals (apartments, cars, food and a good night's sleep) most likely do not care about our survival individually either (death is still not defeated), not even of a species weighed down by biological heritage (all global dangers threatening our civilization are difficult to predict, we can only dream of counteracting it) After the formation of a personality capable of independently exploring the world and responding to its challenges, delving into the subject after subject, it will inevitably have to face , which exceeds its capabilities, which will lead to an awareness of the need for unification.The personality is inert, built into the ready-made adaptive mechanisms of civilization is sheltered from challenges, from necessity cognition, and from the possibility of encountering something beyond its capabilities. One cannot count on such a person in case of danger requiring the participation of everyone, even if it is a fire at the neighbors.
№ 382355   Added MegaMozg 10-11-2019 / 17:00
One: What is creativity?
Habuda: You call creativity is a new combination of old puzzles. The first step in the work - create their existence and their game.
№ 381222   Added MegaMozg 28-10-2019 / 10:52
As Genesis sees us - that is the question.
№ 381137   Added MegaMozg 26-10-2019 / 16:44
All questions, as many as there are the issues of life, Makalaure. Even your song you created in the images of being, because imagine oblivion as it is, or rather - the way it not - and you don't.
№ 378148   Added MegaMozg 10-09-2019 / 00:00
I'm pretty sure that would never have been able clearly explain to another person the exact reasons why I still refrain from committing suicide - that is why I still find existence enough of a compensation to outweigh the greater painful existence.
№ 376836   Added MegaMozg 22-08-2019 / 08:39
A man fills his life, based on its understanding of the fullness of each day and awareness of the finiteness of existence.
№ 372896   Added Viker 21-06-2019 / 12:26
Only in other circumstances, you realize yourself who you are.
№ 369671   Added MegaMozg 12-05-2019 / 16:04
Every human life is a quest and the number of rooms we choose.
№ 361361   Added MegaMozg 18-02-2019 / 18:15