inner awareness [Theme]

Quote in English
Quote Explanation: The phrase of the fictional American comic book character "Pogo" created by cartoonist Walt Kelly. The words "We met in the enemy and he is us" were first published in "A Word to the Fore", and then became the epigraph to the book "The Pogo Papers" (1853).
№ 438822   Added MegaMozg 25-05-2022 / 01:36
- I am who you made of me! I led a life that you valued, but was afraid to realize it myself! I have become all that you yourself were afraid to be! But I've always ... always tried to be better than I am.
№ 431418   Added MegaMozg 30-10-2021 / 21:00
I find no solace when I get older year after year. It seemed that further my subsequent pointers in life would be eternal doubts, and I was their familiar guide. I lived with a calm conscience until it was interrupted by a hidden stranger inside.
№ 414627   Added MegaMozg 07-03-2021 / 18:03
It is impossible to achieve inner success, but it's something you can practice your entire life. And no, this work won't do for you.
№ 399957   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2020 / 22:51
Allow me to give you a completely different definition of success, it exists already at least two thousand years. According to this definition, success depends not on how society is distributed in prestige, and not from the vulgar rank. True success is internal success. Voila!
№ 399953   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2020 / 22:39
Forms are constantly changing. Change is natural. And for us, even if the appearance does not change inside change is constant. I have accumulated not a little of what I have long ignored, that scares me. But it's a part of me. While I feel the form of your soul I'll be fine.
№ 399455   Added MegaMozg 30-06-2020 / 04:03
What should a person who wants to be the master of your life? The main thing - as much as possible to provide and to open their minds to the care of his life, the very fact that you live here, in a certain place at a certain time. Most of us seem to blindly believe that we do have such awareness, and we only sometimes allow it to be obscured by different interventions - social pressure, attempts to enhance our images, guilt, etc. In fact, this open and free awareness is extremely rare, and only people who are skilled in meditation and other arts of contemplation, can develop it to a significant level.
№ 396236   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:25
I was never taught to listen to your inner feeling. On the contrary, I was taught to obey external - parents, teachers, scout leaders, professors, bosses, the government, psychologists, and science - from these sources I took the instructions as me to live my life. Those requirements, which went inside, I soon learned to consider as suspicious, selfish and irresponsible as sexy (a terrible possibility) or as disrespectful to the mother (if not worse). Internal motivation - and this seems to agree all the bosses are random, unreliable, subject to immediate strict control. Initially this monitoring shall be adults, but if I was the right person (there it is again), eventually I would be able himself to perform the functions of warden, like a parent, teacher or police are right here (as it is) in my head. So now, when I was trying to listen to myself, so many stations give signals at the same time that it is difficult to distinguish among them your own voice. I wouldn't even know that I have this voice, if thousands of hours that I spent listening to his patients, has not shown me clearly that it exists in each of us, and our task is to regain it's innate right inner voice, which was partially or completely suppressed. So I came to the conclusion that even I have this inner feeling that guides me inner knowledge.
№ 396232   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:24
Under such strong pressure of the unconscious needs to believe in his divinity, he had no contact with their inner feeling. Thus, the Hole could not know themselves well enough to correctly hear the other. The only way that allowed Hal to understand his surroundings and to interact effectively with it, was a radical reduction of his world. So, he focused on external, on behaviour, on the surface. Denied the subjective sphere, hiding from its human limitations. He narrowed his world to the size that can be managed, but lost the ability to manage their emotions and relationships with people. Hall, like many of us, was convinced that ignorance is failure, lack of something, the opposite of knowledge. When it came to recognition of its limitations, I realized that ignorance is actually part of the learning experience. Only geniuses and idiots (strange parallel!) don't understand the limits of your knowledge. We are finite and mortal - are aware that they can't know everything and are forced to consider that there is always something that eludes consideration. As you accumulate more and more knowledge, we also gain awareness of their ignorance in many many areas. Hal still willingly to learn, but he threw a terrible burden attempts to first learn and then act. If we really knew enough, we would be able to trust all machines. As Jennifer discovered, people are required in those situations where decisions must be made without sufficient knowledge, most of the really important situations. Hola, it was necessary to deny its limitations. Limitations meant death and imperfection. He honestly tried to learn all about their professional field. Tried to be ready to help any who turn to him for advice. Tried to force myself to do my best. Have achieved outstanding success, but inwardly dying, that forced myself to do more than was humanly possible. He was beside himself with anger at his son, who has clearly demonstrated that it no longer considers Hola all-knowing and all-powerful. The opening Hole of his inner feelings and acceptance of its limitations freed him from the unbearable burden of responsibility and guilt. He allowed himself to become just a man - vulnerable, fallible creatures. Allowed himself to cry with rage, realizing their losses. And then Hal started to live their own lives and to experiment with changes in your life. Hal realized that God is doomed to a static existence by the fact of its omniscience and omnipotence.
№ 396223   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:23
... most of the time we are dealing with things, people and situations that are beyond us. When we begin to think about yourself, then do it the same way - objectively, as if we are objects that can be manipulated. In many situations, it works well enough. But it's no damn good when we try to understand why we feel or do this or that, or when trying to change our feelings and actions arising from them. As in your case when you are trying to understand why start off with Tim. If you find the right explanation - whatever it was - it still won't help you change, until you touch it from the inside. So we need a different type of thinking - not objective. The other type is to listen to yourself, rather than to speculate about yourself.
№ 396221   Added Viker 26-05-2020 / 07:22
Like many of us, Hal was much more familiar with the objective world than subjective. We are all in some sense pilgrims, expelled from Paradise self-conscious spontaneity of being.
№ 396104   Added MegaMozg 24-05-2020 / 16:27
Louise let her inner feeling were suppressed by the expectations of others. She had such a weak sense of your own inner being, which she sincerely doubted that would exist at all if not answered in some way on the needs of others. This doubt Louise was not a figurative expression. She really lost the inner sense of being, which can only arise from experiences of his own life in action. This experience - the immediate feeling I as a process - cannot be replaced. She tried to replace it by others, as well as Larry tried to replace it with image which has been created for others. Neither Louise nor Larry like replacement was not successful. Each of them felt a genuine sense of horror because of the constant feeling of emptiness. This emptiness arose because of the lack of internal center, the inner sense of identity. Louise came to the realization of their individuality and freedom of choice. No longer feeling that it will make her an outcast, she began to become herself.
№ 396101   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:57
When making decisions we rely on rules and regulations, when we depend on abstract principles (e.g. "justice"), when we shift the responsibility on others, we repress our awareness of the inner senses, which we need for the genuine experience of his own life. My decisions should be in harmony with my subjective feeling. Only then they will matter to me.
№ 396053   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:49
Four important characteristic of what it means to live a full life.
I am alive only in the process of my being. I can't find their Genesis in what you do, what achieve, what titles I have, that others think and say about me. I truly exist only in moments of awareness, feelings, choices and actions. So I can't see my Genesis, because I have a vision and all I see cannot be me. I - vision, movement, awareness.
If I want real life, I have to realize the course of its existence, the fact that my center is my experience, and if I don't take life seriously, it eludes me. My inner feeling is the key to the realization of being.
Taking his life seriously, I open a lot in its existence, before too low-priced, but now can appreciate. Thus I can enrich your life. So, I will pay attention to their emotions - for all, including those who previously tried not to notice, for example, fear and anger, to their imagination, imagination and experiences, which attempted to exclude from his life, but which are part of any human story - disappointment and failure.
If I admit that my personality will be tied to objective things, I would be extremely vulnerable to external circumstances and accidents. Identity, based on what I did, how I perceive what others think about me is identity tied to the past. It can lead to stagnation and repetition in life. Only genuine procedural identity is living in the moment and are capable of change and evolution with the flow of my life.
№ 395430   Added Viker 19-05-2020 / 11:10
Inner feelings can scream, just as listening to or watching the inner life.
№ 395411   Added Viker 19-05-2020 / 11:06