drop [Theme] Page 3

I feel like a pill-pumped up, a god and angelic sputty, frozen at the very peak of the Ferris wheel. I'm not afraid to break down, I'm happy, I'm not afraid of falling, I'm attracted by the flight...
№ 418016   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2021 / 17:57
“Every day, Countess. Anyone with a sensitive heart cannot fail to understand this. Falling morals - such is the age.
№ 417014   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2021 / 07:21
- ... But the animation I want to do is slide down the slope and fall!
- Too simple.
You know some animators focus on realism, right? These can be normal, everyday movements, but when animated, they look amazing!
- Is there anything more spectacular? Any animation whose appearance would impress every viewer?
- For me, this kind of animation is the most impressive!
- Too faded for such and such money! You can even use limited animation, but please do something brighter!
- The essence of animation is movement, and the goal of animators is to make everything move! You know, professional animators take a sword and wave it while working. What can be the poses when the sword is at the hip? What does the process of its release from the sheath look like? How do the folds on the moving hokam gather? They work by learning all these details rather than just imagining them! To be an animator is to be an actor! But you're not just portraying people... Movements of dogs and cats, ocean, weather... cars, airplanes... all this is the work of animators! I want to draw realistic and lively movements with my own hands! I don't just want to do anime, I want to create animations!
№ 415939   Added MegaMozg 28-03-2021 / 00:39
The fourth year there is a drop in production. We broke through the so-called bottom, continuing to fall. This process, without long-overdue structural reforms, will continue. Unfortunately, the current government does not see, "does not suspect" about the economic crisis.
№ 415915   Added MegaMozg 27-03-2021 / 16:57
This is precisely the reason for such an active attack on Russia. No time. America wants to repeat the 90s and compensate for the lag behind China at the expense of Russia. China cannot be defeated unless Russia is defeated.
Release Date: 07.03.2021
№ 414735   Added Viker 09-03-2021 / 12:46
I just want you.
№ 412157   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2021 / 22:00
Афоризмы о жизни...
Жизнь человека - дальняя дорога к мечтам.
The human life is a long road to the dreams.
Жизнь человека - бесконечная борьба со временем.
The human life is an endless struggle with time.
Жизнь человека - падение капли дождя в реку забвения.
Man’s life is the fall of a raindrop into the river of oblivion.
Жизнь человека - падение хрустальной вазы на гранитный пол.
The human life is the fall of a crystal vase on a granite floor.
Жизнь человека - это лишь миг между поцелуем матери и смерти.
The human life is only a moment between the kiss of mother and death.
Жизнь человека - испытательный полигон для ошибок и ударов судьбы.
The life is a testing ground for mistakes and blows of destiny.
Жизнь человека - это болото, и только леший с кикиморами в нём не утонут.
The human life is a swamp, and only the wood-goblin and the kikimores do not drown in it.
Жизнь человека - это большой спорт с многочисленными травмами и сверхнагрузками.
The human life is the professional sport with numerous injuries and overloads.
Жизнь человека - спектакль, где режиссер - это судьба, а люди лишь марионетки в её руках.
The human life is a performance where the director is fate, and people are just puppets in her hands.
Жизнь человека - раскраска, заработаешь деньги на краски, будет красочной, не заработаешь, будет серой.
The human life is colouring, if earning money for the paints will be painted, if not earning will be somber.
Жизнь - это равенство между агрессией и смирением, а когда это равенство нарушается - пирует смерть.
Life is the equality between aggression and humility, and when this equality is violated, death feasts.
№ 411036   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2021 / 16:24
Look at the general trend in the quality of the world's elites. The quality of the world's elites is steadily declining. Each time, people who are less and less capable of strategic planning come. The exception is states that still cling to national sovereignty. Because they have a different view of these things, and they need wise politicians, and they become such in the course of work, because they realize the tasks they face. And in other democracies, the quality of politicians is declining. No wonder the West encourages color revolutions. As a result of each of them, we see a steady decline in the quality of leaders. For what? In order to eventually bring to power such people who will say: that's it, we can no longer cope, there is a single supranational center, it needs to delegate its powers. Many have already done this, if you look at the post-Soviet space.
Release Date: 27.12.2020
№ 410280   Added MegaMozg 28-12-2020 / 18:30
Now from all sides: in every magazine, newspaper or page on a social network, they are encouraged to engage in psychological self-development, but this is tantamount to putting a person at the helm of a faulty aircraft and pulling into a vertical dive - no matter how diligently pulling the levers according to the instructions, the broken unit is not able stop falling. First, maintenance by qualified specialists is required, and then you can start practice. But for some reason, in the minds of the majority, the idea runs that the book can break down internal barriers and replace the art of fishing for repressed emotions, which psychoanalysts have been studying for years. Of course, some really manage to get to the deep motives, fears, but they often become their victims, powerless to repel attacks. At best, as a result of clumsy getting rid of illusions, trying to get out of the pit of delusions, they get nervousness, a progressive obsessive state, and at worst, finally desperate, they dare to commit suicide.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text-based role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 409534   Added MegaMozg 17-12-2020 / 19:12
Those who, in one way or another, communicate with you more than once in their entire life, carry information and impressions about you as a person. To stay at an acceptable level, you need to remember this and do everything so as not to fall in the eyes of others. It is easy to crash, but to rise in the eyes of those who saw your devastating fall is a difficult and sometimes impossible task.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 408115   Added Viker 07-12-2020 / 12:59
Or I will be silent, covering my mouth with my hands, as if I were crying.
№ 407090   Added MegaMozg 18-11-2020 / 23:21
I see the imminent death of a state where the law has no force and is under someone's authority.
№ 405095   Added MegaMozg 07-10-2020 / 21:36
The fall in morality came to parachuting
№ 403238   Added MegaMozg 30-08-2020 / 15:06
In this life, it doesn't matter how you take off, it is important how you fall.
№ 402949   Added MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 20:33
Moral decline - is akin to the conscious without a parachute jump!
№ 402352   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2020 / 00:30