equality [Theme] Page 2

Only a society based on diversity, differentiation, and inequality is vital and beautiful. Unification and equality are fatal to society.
№ 420742   Added MegaMozg 13-06-2021 / 23:36
Stones are reflected in the water. The image of God is reflected in people. Love is reflected in broken hearts. The truth is reflected in the stories that people tell each other. We all live, work and die under one invisible dome: rich and poor, Muslims and Christians, men and women, slaves and free people, sultans and drovers, teachers and disciples... Under this dome, we are all equal. Under it, any differences disappear, and all sounds, regardless of whether they express sadness or joy, drown in the silence of all-consuming love. This is how I imagine the Universe.
№ 418804   Added MegaMozg 09-05-2021 / 14:45
Compromise is equality among others.
№ 416339   Added Viker 05-04-2021 / 10:02
© Mark Orion
№ 414641   Added MegaMozg 07-03-2021 / 18:45
Reciprocity is not only equality of steps, but also meeting wherever it takes place.
№ 414030   Added MegaMozg 23-02-2021 / 13:54
When your turn comes, you will return to the forefathers.
№ 411560   Added MegaMozg 16-01-2021 / 18:27
Афоризмы о жизни...
Жизнь человека - дальняя дорога к мечтам.
The human life is a long road to the dreams.
Жизнь человека - бесконечная борьба со временем.
The human life is an endless struggle with time.
Жизнь человека - падение капли дождя в реку забвения.
Man’s life is the fall of a raindrop into the river of oblivion.
Жизнь человека - падение хрустальной вазы на гранитный пол.
The human life is the fall of a crystal vase on a granite floor.
Жизнь человека - это лишь миг между поцелуем матери и смерти.
The human life is only a moment between the kiss of mother and death.
Жизнь человека - испытательный полигон для ошибок и ударов судьбы.
The life is a testing ground for mistakes and blows of destiny.
Жизнь человека - это болото, и только леший с кикиморами в нём не утонут.
The human life is a swamp, and only the wood-goblin and the kikimores do not drown in it.
Жизнь человека - это большой спорт с многочисленными травмами и сверхнагрузками.
The human life is the professional sport with numerous injuries and overloads.
Жизнь человека - спектакль, где режиссер - это судьба, а люди лишь марионетки в её руках.
The human life is a performance where the director is fate, and people are just puppets in her hands.
Жизнь человека - раскраска, заработаешь деньги на краски, будет красочной, не заработаешь, будет серой.
The human life is colouring, if earning money for the paints will be painted, if not earning will be somber.
Жизнь - это равенство между агрессией и смирением, а когда это равенство нарушается - пирует смерть.
Life is the equality between aggression and humility, and when this equality is violated, death feasts.
№ 411036   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2021 / 16:24
Quote in English
Quote Explanation: From a speech by Emma Watson at the UN in the framework of the HeForShe movement (He is for her).
№ 407371   Added MegaMozg 24-11-2020 / 01:03
"There are no winners in an equal battle" (Miarhel).
№ 406725   Added Zeus 11-11-2020 / 23:10
You don't think, I'm also for equality, I believe that women should have all the rights. But now, it seems to me, women are fighting for the right to be a man.
№ 405957   Added MegaMozg 27-10-2020 / 12:30
But someday, a person will have divine opportunities ... to control his own destiny. He will have a chance to step over himself and evolve ... and true equality for all will come.
№ 403640   Added MegaMozg 09-09-2020 / 00:09
According to A. kozheva, regulative idea of law is justice - there is ravnoznachnosti the struggle of slave and master. In the "outline of the phenomenology of law" (1943) stage primary struggle at the moment when the struggle becomes truly man-made, is characterized as devoid of "injustice" and at the same time as carrying the possibility of "justice". Kozhev's seminar argues that the original equality consent to take the risk in the interaction, not as yet justice reveals, however, the "element of fairness" in human relations.

Explanation of the quote:

On the work of A. kozheva "Essays on the phenomenology of law"
Facebook Post from 15.08.2020
Quote Explanation: About the work of A. Kozhev "Essays on the phenomenology of law" Facebook Post from 15.08.2020
№ 402458   Added MegaMozg 16-08-2020 / 16:48
Equal rights is not that all take advantage of them, and that they all provided.
№ 401247   Added MegaMozg 23-07-2020 / 22:00
Prove to me that you have the right to equality with me. And not another idiot.
Otherwise - no.
№ 400283   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 02:57