Author of quotes: Linus Torvalds

Here I want to talk about my golden rules. First, treat others the way you want them to treat you. Following this rule, in any situation you will know what to do. Second, be proud of what you do. Third, do everything with pleasure.
№ 419976   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 12:42
Mom told her friends to journalists that I was such an unpretentious child that a closet with a computer is enough for me to be happy, where a pack of pasta is thrown from time to time. She was not far from the truth. No one was afraid that this child would be kidnapped. (I wonder if anyone would have noticed this?)
№ 419937   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 10:42
Since almost all of my relatives are journalists, I feel entitled to joke with reporters about knowing what kind of goats they are.
№ 419933   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 10:30
I was helped to pass the winter a special sport for indoor spaces: programming.
№ 419931   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 10:24
Our family nest was a room in our grandparents' apartment. My first cradle was a laundry basket. Fortunately, I don't remember that period very well.
№ 419929   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 10:18
There are only three things that matter in life. They move both you and any living creature: the first is survival, the second is social order, and the third is pleasure. Everything in life goes through these three stages. And after the pleasure there is already nothing, Hence the conclusion: the meaning of life is to reach the third stage. Reached it - and it's in the bag. But first - go through the previous two ... The most obvious example is sex. Initially, it served to survive, then it became part of the social order: hence the marriage. And then it goes into the category of entertainment.
№ 419928   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 10:15
If someone complains to you about fame and fortune - do not listen to him. It's just that.
№ 419008   Added MegaMozg 14-05-2021 / 13:54
I married the first woman who contacted me by email.
№ 419007   Added MegaMozg 14-05-2021 / 13:51
Anyone who has been in Finland in winter will understand the origins of widespread drunkenness.
№ 143252   Added MegaMozg 10-01-2017 / 14:34
Programs are like sex: better when free.
№ 109004   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 17:43
Intelligence is the ability to avoid performing work, but so it was made.
№ 109003   Added MegaMozg 06-01-2017 / 17:43