fog [Theme] Page 4

If I drown in the sea - know, such is the fate!
№ 409231   Added MegaMozg 13-12-2020 / 19:39
Almost all of us have a clouded mind with our own ideas about good and evil, certain expectations. Take love, for example: many want to find a soul mate and create a deep connection with this person. This instinct, this ancient need sometimes forces us to blindly throw ourselves into our arms, hoping that the search is safely completed and that we can taste the fruits of our personal paradise. However, in the end, many realize that they took wishful thinking and are disappointed in love. They begin to accuse anyone, but not their haste and promiscuity. In a way, this embitters them. But such people are even more dangerous for those couples who, having overcome countless trials, were able to become happy: these bitter subjects, perhaps unconsciously, are trying to fog up the relationship, to bring discord, so that in the end, carefully hiding gloating and pleasure, declare that all love affairs are just an excuse not to pay for sex. Understand? Someone else's envy tries to separate those who are truly satisfied with marriage. Demons first of all try to plow souls sown with the seeds of love and happiness, they are irritated by smiles and joyful laughter. To erase peace from someone else's face, to put a stamp and anger - this is a valuable victory for them. Therefore, never dwell on your personal life with those who have experienced the sorrows of love. Especially don't tell if you're really happy. You can provoke envy, jealousy and a desire to prove to you that you are wrong and there is no love. They will start bombarding your relationship. And even the most impregnable fortress will sooner or later crack from a constant siege.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text-based role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 409157   Added MegaMozg 12-12-2020 / 20:24
The right path leads to truth, while the left path leads to deception. When the veil of deception is lifted, the fog will dissipate and the hidden paths will make themselves felt.
№ 407288   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2020 / 14:24
I walked, sadness accompanying me.
Over the lake, among the weeping thay,
The fog was inging...
Quote Explanation: Translated by Ariadne Efron.
№ 405634   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2020 / 12:54
When the fog came to my island, the gates of Demasia were closed... Will they open when you need help?
Quote Explanation: Appeal to the champions from Demasia
№ 404977   Added MegaMozg 05-10-2020 / 17:18
August dawn,
Sleep spreads the fog.
Summer, are you all?!
№ 403428   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2020 / 23:03
Morning mist
quietly out there
where it is necessary...
Quote Explanation: Translated By A. A. Valley.
№ 402292   Added MegaMozg 10-08-2020 / 18:18
The worst thing is that he me in no reproaches, but rather regret. The angry criticisms are weighty and tangible, they can be refuted, at least with his fists. And that's a shame - fog, in which it just lost.
№ 401948   Added MegaMozg 02-08-2020 / 21:30
Come on sadness veto,
when you can't sleep till dawn,
when you're in the mirror without looking
remember the gray strands.
Silence weaves intrigue,
don't pretend - read the book,
sadness weaves the heart has a cocoon -
wait with me at the blue Windows.
The city went to the fog Acacias,
soul calling it to get lost
and the wind the cherries in a white shawl,
lightly touching, comforting.
Cry, if it helps,
and rain near the Windows whispering,
what is spring not autumn - summer...
come on sadness veto.
Valery Petrosyan
№ 399966   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2020 / 12:30
No more be grieved at that which thou hast done:
Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud,
Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,
And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.
All men make faults, and even I in this,
Authrizing thy trespass with compare,
Myself the corrupting salving thy amiss,
Excusing thy sins more than their sins are;
For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense -
Thy adverse party is thy advocate -
And 'gainst myself a lawful plea commence:
Such civil war is in my love and hate
That I an ccessary needs must be
To that sweet thief which sourly robs from me.

My friend, deed your consigned to oblivion!
Rose there's thorns, there is silt in the key
The sun and moon - mist, Eclipse, -
Malicious worm is found in the flower.
All men are sinners, because sin and I
You quickly excusing;
You in favor of harming himself,
I, no matter what you do, all is forgiven.
Your sins, my love meet:
Your opponent, the defender AVAS,
Himself same a counterclaim Vineet
And, armed against himself,
Aspires to be a judge to justify a
All of you, my lovely thief!
Quote Explanation: Sonnet 35 in the translation of modest Tchaikovsky.
№ 398027   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2020 / 12:36
Delineated by a contour-beam and heat,
The coolness of the Night favors,
And let the fog wrapped in a moment,
The fate of pre-orders!
№ 397770   Added MegaMozg 11-06-2020 / 06:39
In the name of the country people are sacrificing themselves, showing the heroism and love of country.
№ 395981   Added Viker 24-05-2020 / 13:37
Higher order violated, and the future of the worlds was enveloped in fog.
№ 395677   Added MegaMozg 20-05-2020 / 15:24
- Virgo goes for you...
- The fog will absorb and everything will come together! All signs of the black Fog light!
Quote Explanation: Yorick summons a maid.
№ 394778   Added MegaMozg 13-05-2020 / 19:51
Fog of war is not to compare with the mists of fate.
№ 394247   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2020 / 17:33