head [Theme] Page 5

- I'll stay with you, watch you die. You don't have to rush. Neither me nor you have nowhere to rush.
№ 428789   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 16:23
today simply has no expiration date.
Release Date: 31.08.2018
№ 427162   Added MegaMozg 05-09-2021 / 15:24
Memory is a strange thing. What seems to be simply impossible to forget is completely erased from your head, and for this very reason. They say that this is such a protective mechanism that protects you from overload. The brain automatically blocks such things, knowing that you will just break if you constantly think about them. So your head only remembers what it wants to remember. Stores only what it can handle.
№ 427075   Added MegaMozg 03-09-2021 / 11:15
- Oh yeah. But he said that if he had a headache, he would definitely take advantage of your offer. But drinking whiskey is much nicer than this vile black potion.
Quote Explanation: Before sailing to Scotland, Jamie got drunk, so as not to feel terrible seasickness during the journey.
№ 426854   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 13:17
Strength is the pressure that squeezes your head and makes you bow.
№ 426706   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 11:40
I am not trying to humiliate the faith of other people - my texts are about me and my life. They are my head, opened and shaken out on paper! I still have the same beliefs and views, but I am open to everything. At this point in my life, I don't see anything good in people hating you for your thoughts. My songs are for everyone.
№ 426658   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 11:32
When my head tells me: do it better this way, I do it and I don't think about it anymore. And I'll start picking at the past - only it will get worse.
№ 426385   Added MegaMozg 22-08-2021 / 10:51
I have this feeling, I listen, and I immediately remind the chicken that cut off the head, and it runs around the yard. Bashka is gone. Bashka doesn't control. And she's still running. Looks like this.
- Very similar comparison. Because gosplan is the same head (replica by A. Galushka)
It's kind of a completely pointless throw. Like a fire kerosene stew.
Quote Explanation: Liquidation of the country. How they destroyed the Soviet economy.
Release Date: 19.08.2021
№ 426276   Added MegaMozg 21-08-2021 / 03:03
Francis, speak louder. You got your head in your ass, you can't hear anything.
№ 426243   Added MegaMozg 21-08-2021 / 01:24
Your head is like Maasdam cheese - flew into one hole, flew into the other!
№ 426054   Added MegaMozg 20-08-2021 / 15:57
Thoughts, legs and head are heavy on the rise, the heart will not become easier.
№ 425309   Added petrashevgant 12-08-2021 / 09:24
When you give your head a job, you always get things done.
№ 424856   Added MegaMozg 04-08-2021 / 19:27
The lot of the majors is to bask all his life by the painted fireplace and not suspect that there is a secret door behind it.
№ 424514   Added MegaMozg 29-07-2021 / 18:36
- Glitter! Big dark hole. "Something tells me..."
- Will you shut up sometime or not? My head is already hurting from your.
- Glitter! Big dark hole. Something tells me...
- Will...
№ 424250   Added MegaMozg 26-07-2021 / 20:24