goal [Theme] Page 6

The only goal in life is not the only one.
№ 450197   Added MegaMozg 11-02-2023 / 00:36
When you control a group with fear, its rank and file members lose trust in each other. The more fear, the less trust. Anger and resentment against the tyrant is turned against those who should be allies, so that the spark of rebellion cannot flare up. Everyone just wants to keep their own safety, their only goal is to avoid punishment, and they start to spy on each other.
№ 449995   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 10:58
I immediately realized that the purpose of this redevelopment was the same - someone wanted to put a tidy sum in their pocket. But the Great Depression continued, so I preferred to keep those thoughts to myself.
№ 449990   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 10:57
Her simplicity always penetrated into what they got confused about, and so clever people were deceived, straightforwardness taught with a stone, like a bird, to rush to the target, soar and soar and dive straight into the truth - and this captures; it supports and gives hope - deceitful, perhaps.
№ 449765   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 21:48
And meanwhile, the fog of lies enveloped Germany more and more densely. Hermetically isolated from the rest of the world, the country was given over to the power of lies, which the Nazis spewed out day after day, repeating it millions of times in the press and on the radio. For this purpose, they created a special ministry. Using all the means of modern technology, the fascists inspired the starving that they were full, the oppressed that they were free, those who were threatened by the growing indignation of the whole world, that the entire globe envied their power and greatness. Germany was preparing for war. Training was conducted in the country and outside the country, openly violating existing treaties. The purpose of life is death on the battlefield, the fascist leaders preached. War is the highest destiny of the nation, the loudspeakers proclaimed, all the free time of the youth was filled with military drill.
№ 449689   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 18:00
represent yourself.
№ 449639   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 15:27
I don't need anything anymore. I'm not getting anything! Everything I need, I already found. From a certain age, the main goal is to keep what you have.
№ 449521   Added MegaMozg 03-02-2023 / 12:09
The main reason for not achieving the goal is premature despair and a forced mask, internal disorder, as well as the negative influence of the environment.
№ 449250   Added MegaMozg 20-01-2023 / 11:21
Everyone makes mistakes, but it's not always possible to fix them. Not to make mistakes is the goal of computers, but to correct is the goal of man.
№ 449242   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2023 / 20:15
The highest goal is to properly educate yourself, to make yourself a useful person for society.
№ 448883   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2023 / 18:36
…the goal of an architect is to improve the lives of as many people as possible, not just the wealthy. You cannot create ghettos for the poor and ghettos for the rich: communities must be mixed.
№ 448820   Added Viker 09-01-2023 / 11:30
Happiness with purpose is life. A goal without happiness is a struggle.
№ 448442   Added MegaMozg 03-01-2023 / 07:42
Money is not the root of all evil, money is the path to all freedom. The selfish pursuit of money is an empty goal, but the pursuit of the good that money can create is one of humanity's greatest responsibilities.
№ 448367   Added Viker 02-01-2023 / 13:08
You see, when you make your first billion at 19, it's hard to find a new purpose in life. But now I have such a goal: ... World domination!
№ 447992   Added Viker 29-12-2022 / 09:44
I am not pursuing any goals. The only thing I always answer is my own motives.
№ 447643   Added MegaMozg 16-12-2022 / 06:24