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If someone needs reasons to do good to another, he is either an idiot or an atheist.
№ 457130   Added MegaMozg 03-10-2023 / 19:12
We all survive on positive emotions. And only positive emotions prolong life. This is good, this is light, this is good music, this is delicious food, this is laughter, this is good news from the screen, and this is an important thing in life - hope for a bright future. And when you have hope in the darkness all the time, naturally, you don’t even want to live.
Quote Explanation: From an interview with The Insider Live.
№ 456918   Added MegaMozg 23-09-2023 / 08:21
The boss is God's servant for your good.
Quote Explanation: Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul 13:4)
№ 456690   Added MegaMozg 10-09-2023 / 17:33
The time is coming and has already come when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and having heard, I will live; And those who have done good will go out into the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil into the resurrection of judgment.
№ 456213   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 18:42
After you overcome the wall with the help of desperation, a desperate genius will stand in your way. Here despair does not play any special role... Welcome to our world.
№ 456016   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 12:00
Now we are taught to be friends with the devil, to trust the Internet, and instead of faces, there are only masks!
№ 454379   Added Viker 20-06-2023 / 11:21
There is nothing more in harmony with human nature than charity; but it must have its own laws. We must beware that our good deeds do not injure others and do harm to those whom we wish to benefit; that our generosity should not exceed our means, and that our gift should correspond to the merit of those who receive it: for this is the basis of justice, to which all our actions must obey.
№ 454282   Added Viker 20-06-2023 / 09:09
Let us consider what a powerful remedy philosophy gives us against diseases of the soul. These means undoubtedly exist, and nature was not so hostile to the human race that, having squandered so many substances useful for the body, it did nothing for the soul. On the contrary, she showed us all the more affection because the medicines for the body are outside of us, and the medicines for the soul are contained in herself. But the more, the more divine their action, the more attention should be used with them. Reason will show us these medicines, a mind which, well directed, will always discover the highest good, and which, if neglected, falls into a thousand errors.
№ 454273   Added Viker 20-06-2023 / 09:07
Blessed is the man who does good!
№ 454124   Added MegaMozg 09-06-2023 / 16:15
Your kindness is not a sign of weakness - if others use it, then they lack it the most.
№ 453534   Added MegaMozg 10-05-2023 / 23:06
- welcome to Hell. For those who have already seen something - trust me guys, you haven't smelled gunpowder yet!
№ 452881   Added MegaMozg 18-04-2023 / 00:00
To do good, demanding something in return, but at the same time not losing anything - this is zapad, and you are just corrupt bullshit!
№ 452826   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2023 / 12:54
To use the kindness of a person for your own selfish interests, and then spit in his soul and delete him from your life is like perceiving him as toilet paper, even if it is gentle, comfortable, soft and of good quality. So that materialistic people do not use the good soul of a person, one does not need to be too soft and gentle. To use an object that does not have a soul and that does not feel mental pain is neither good nor evil. But it is cynical to use a person, and then spit in his soul - vile and low.
№ 452752   Added MegaMozg 11-04-2023 / 23:09
I hated the darkness and was afraid to be in it, because I was in that box for a long time. But now... It's so warm... I have to cherish it because I know... There are days when the morning doesn't come.
№ 452377   Added Viker 29-03-2023 / 17:59
White will clash with black. Russia has always brought goodness and liberation. Therefore, I believe that white will win... Ukraine turned out to be a field, to great grief and regret, where white deals with black.
Quote Explanation: May 15, 2022. TV channel "Tsargrad". "The tragedy of Ukraine: Alexander Rosenbaum - about the war between good and evil and the special path of Russia."
№ 452055   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2023 / 15:51