impression [Theme] Page 2

When something gives you an emotional shake-up, try to clearly understand what exactly impressed you, and remember every stroke of this event, and only then you will be able to tell what it was. If someone is around, see if they are shocked too, how much and why. The more sides you see in something, the more you know.
№ 430528   Added MegaMozg 10-10-2021 / 11:51
Sometimes, when listening to the Doctor, you get the impression that someone has taken a clear, direct thought, cut it into pieces, and randomly glued it together. I just nodded and mumbled "Mm". The rest did the same.
№ 429733   Added MegaMozg 01-10-2021 / 17:48
- Lies, Adrik. We all want respect. You want to be respected by others. The doctor wants to be respected by you. Tegan and Nissa want to respect you. It’s your fault that it doesn’t happen. You want to bring back your old Doctor, but really your old self. When you entered the TARDIS, you were sincere, emotional and believed a lot. You thought this was an exciting adventure. But when the Doctor changed, so did you. You took on some of the responsibility and helped Nyssa to be comforted after Traken's death. The only person who still believes that you are a spoiled child is yourself. If you understand that you have changed, others will understand too. Your destiny does not depend on the location of the stars, Adrik. One day you will make a big impression, change history or something like that. But until that happens, wait and be happy with your friends instead of swearing with them. Behave with dignity and they will respond in kind to you.
№ 429175   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 17:29
I do not want to give the impression that I recommend general anesthesia as a panacea for all diseases afflicted by animals, but I firmly know that artificial sleep has salutary properties. Now that we have all sorts of hypnotics and tranquilizers at our disposal, and I am faced with acute gastroenteritis in a dog, I resort to some of them in addition to the usual treatment. Because sleep interrupts the deadly exhausting vicious circle, relieves the pain and fear accompanying it.
№ 428877   Added Viker 29-09-2021 / 16:38
If you want to create an impression of the greatness of a politician, his lack of alternative as a national leader, then clean up the political space around him, save him from competition, and then, against the background of the remaining political mice and reptiles, even a midget will look like a giant.
№ 427762   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 13:46
Previously, he came across as a humble stutterer who is embarrassed to join the company of adventurers almost half his age, and they took him for their own.
№ 427746   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 13:44
We sell everything at the gas station: pots, pans, socks, chocolates, Pelevin's books. It seems that they originally came up with a store for drug addicts. And then we thought: what if drug addicts come by car - let's pour gasoline too!
Release Date: 18.10.2019
№ 427200   Added MegaMozg 06-09-2021 / 17:00
You can get into the most ridiculous situation. For example, you need to drag out time. Then entertain the audience. You can talk about your adventures, about the most amazing journeys or remember your childhood. In general, talk about anything, and at the end of your speech, summarize what you said so that all listeners have the impression that this is part of your speech.
№ 425774   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 11:17
Well, it is worth remembering about the heels. A man in shoes with a heel looks more masculine and has the gait of a leader. And the speaker is always the leader. The main thing is not to overdo it with the height of the heel, and then the viewer may have the impression that you want to seem higher. A big heel can make you funny.
№ 425611   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 10:41
The audience should get the impression that there are many more interesting things you can tell, but there is simply not enough time. You must leave in the hearts of your listeners the desire to meet you again.
№ 425572   Added Viker 20-08-2021 / 10:34
Otherwise, the spaced words take on a different meaning, otherwise the spaced thoughts make a different impression.
№ 425133   Added MegaMozg 08-08-2021 / 12:24
Art in order to give a person aesthetic pleasure and in some way is a school for the development of human morality. It is in vain to argue that art is higher or even on a par with reality. The beauties of life (reality) are numerous, varied, nature is inexhaustible in the material of the development of the soul. The question is, why an artist? The numerous beauties of nature are not available to everyone, they are sometimes found in such nooks of life that you need a mirror to find and reflect these beauties. It is difficult for a person with a material outlook on life to comprehend himself, although it is even difficult to understand a particle, to distinguish the beautiful from the ugly, dirty and so on. An artist, on the other hand, is a person who possesses such a soul, who is able not only to perceive the ideal from life, but also to reflect it with a clear, understandable hint for everyone. These hints are particles from nature, selected and flattened into the idea that the creator asked. It is clear, understandable, capable of leaving the very impression that the poet felt from the life that gave him this idea.
№ 424929   Added MegaMozg 05-08-2021 / 05:36
Just ignore the language of the ptu-shniks, you are a being of a higher order, or are you not?
№ 424120   Added MegaMozg 25-07-2021 / 01:09
“You got it all wrong. I don't care deeply about dad.
№ 423518   Added Viker 17-07-2021 / 14:02
Working at the same time on the sky, water, branches, base, keeps everything going on an equal footing, do not be afraid to put color, draw generously and decisively, as this is the best so as not to lose the first impression.
№ 423149   Added Viker 16-07-2021 / 12:17