history [Theme] Page 3

- The teacher would never give him away. But I already know that my cousin could do something like that.
№ 457877   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:42
A person must know where he is ultimately going, but he is unlikely to know this unless he looks back and returns to the origins and retains these origins in memory.
№ 457643   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:04
Any interesting story begins with a murder, ideally a group one.
№ 456982   Added MegaMozg 26-09-2023 / 08:18
The truest story is the one you tell to yourself all alone.
№ 456845   Added MegaMozg 19-09-2023 / 23:18
True history is when fables seem to be reality, and reality seems stupid.
№ 456723   Added MegaMozg 12-09-2023 / 15:12
For the history of the country to be irresistible, it does not need to be reflected, displayed, depicted anywhere, and then it will be acceptable. Sarcasm, if anything.
№ 456277   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 21:54
- In France - on De Gaulle. We would have arrived there in a few days. Learned the route. All buildings were checked. Not a single window was left open. We placed our snipers everywhere. As soon as any window opened, they would immediately contact us by radio. We would watch the crowd, everyone - who has a package in his hands, a folded newspaper. No one would even be allowed to open an umbrella. There's no way they'd let a limousine go that slow, 10 miles an hour, and make an unplanned turn. But none of this was done. There was a violation of elementary safety standards. And this is the best evidence that there was a large-scale conspiracy in Dallas.
- In France - on De Gaulle. We would have arrived there in...
№ 456252   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 20:39
The most enduring creature in the world is man! What only he did not have to overcome: hunger, cold, illness, loneliness!... The beast dies - the man lives! Especially the Russian people!... What tests of strength did not fall to the lot of the Russian people! Slavery, invasions, natural disasters, epidemics, wars... The Russian people have not been in the hands of any political adventurers! The whole history of the Russian people is an endless struggle for life, for survival...
№ 456151   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 15:36
I believe that when we die, nothing awaits us - nothing at all, only darkness and silence, and we all know this, we are just afraid to admit it to ourselves. The mechanism stops. We crawl into the earth into tiny particles, turn into soil and air, and are scattered by star dust. History continues its course, time, as before, uplifts and grinds new people, and we leave the stage, as if not very important actors, and no one notices our absence - for what is a tiny human life compared to the vast Universe?
№ 456103   Added MegaMozg 24-08-2023 / 13:12
But here it is, the story. All her details unfolded around me. And it had nothing to do with being chosen or not being chosen. He didn't write letters for me. He did not challenge loneliness for me. And this truth I needed to swallow: people don't live your life for you; it's up to you to do it. You have to be someone who dives deep enough and whispers words that people can't always say for you, whether you fully believe in them or not: “I choose you. I choose you".
№ 455910   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:44
But maybe that's why people come into your life - to topple you and throw you out. Maybe they break into your life just to tell you they weren't supposed to be here. That you can't take them with you - and no one at all - wherever you go next. Maybe not every person we meet is a love story. Maybe some of these people are just a wake-up call.
№ 455888   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:40
I gave all my girlfriends the same rationale for why this stay in a vacuum suits me: There is a chance. No chance. There is a chance. No chance. Now I'm not surprised that people hesitate so long, believing that a gray story of kind-of-love may well suit them: sometimes you just want to get the crumbs that we get. I wanted to be chosen. I wanted to win. Love is not a game to win at all, but how I wanted it!
№ 455887   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:40
If you don't turn your life into a story, you will become part of someone else's story.
If you dont turn your life into a story, you will become...
№ 455408   Added MegaMozg 01-08-2023 / 12:54