sounds [Theme] Page 4

Tick's strategy in dealing with adult liars is to say nothing, watching the lies swell and squeeze their throats. At this point, the lie acquires its own physical body, and it has to be either spit out or swallowed. Most adults prefer to push out a lie: covering their mouths with their hands, they seem to cough or burl, while others smirk, or snort, or make sounds similar to rustling.
№ 414172   Added MegaMozg 26-02-2021 / 14:51
The truth is within us.
Everything else is a hoax.
So I'm not scared.
Anything that seems weird.
The sounds of the city are removed,
Invalid tedious vote,
I'm losing the thread of conversation
And I go into my inner space.
№ 413987   Added MegaMozg 23-02-2021 / 05:00
I woke up when the sun was red, and it was the only distinct time in my life, the strangest moment when I didn't know who I was: far from home, driven and tortured by travel, in a cheap room I had never seen before, steam whistling outside the window, old hotel wood crackling, footsteps upstairs and all these sad sounds, and I looked at the high ceiling all in cracks, and for fifteen strange seconds I really didn't know who I was. It's not scary; it's just that I'm someone else, some stranger, and my whole life is ghostly, it's a ghost.
№ 413882   Added MegaMozg 21-02-2021 / 02:48
Lazy time, as the sand flowed,
But he was captivated by our ancestors,
Found in it a harmony, and a measure, and a number,
Since then, it has lived in a clock, as in a cage.
The clock measures work and sleep,
Define meetings and separations.
For us hours calm, measured ringing -
Then peaceful, then combat sounds.
№ 413693   Added MegaMozg 17-02-2021 / 00:09
- Soon you will find it all too.
№ 412569   Added MegaMozg 01-02-2021 / 00:21
Quote in English
Quote Explanation: Taking Care Of Business (also known as "A Beautiful Life", "How to Deal with Business", "Putting Things in Order")
№ 412138   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2021 / 02:48
It was October, and the sun was piercing the tight cool air with honey. Mom walked next to her in a plaid coat, and rustling a paper bag. It smelled of vanilla, autumn, wind. It smells like it when something good is about to happen and you're waiting for a miracle at any moment.
So now it seemed to me that with each step the sky becomes higher, the street is wider, the sounds are louder and more cheerful.
№ 411659   Added MegaMozg 17-01-2021 / 22:30
Once, my mother told her that childhood is a big blue wave that lifts you up, carrying you forward, but disappearing from sight as soon as you begin to think that this will always be the case. You can't run after it, and you can't get it back either. However, before it disappears, the wave leaves you a gift on the shore - a rapana shell. She has the sounds of childhood inside her. And even now, if you close your eyes and listen carefully, Jamilya could catch these sounds: the laughter of younger brothers and sisters, dad's words when he broke the fast and ate three dates, the singing of his mother, who cooked food, the crackle of an evening fire, the rustle of acacia sheets standing near the house ...
№ 409773   Added MegaMozg 20-12-2020 / 00:51
You can write down letters, but their sounds live only once.
№ 409256   Added MegaMozg 14-12-2020 / 02:42
The process of destruction was launched at the moment when the Russian refused to follow me. Now nothing can stop this decay. Everything began to tilt and fall apart. Now I was the captain, whose ship was rapidly sinking. And the iceberg hit by the ship is Mashkovskaya.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text-based role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 408604   Added MegaMozg 08-12-2020 / 01:18
In the pitch haze of sunset,
When fate is in the balance
From the line where we once were
We will be able to understand what is high
Invisible world, de only shadows,
Where souls are like mirages...
But the porch creaks the steps,
And hedgehogs live under the porch.
And all earthly with the mountain together
And forms a series of lives,
As if the sounds of a new song,
Which you are immensely happy about.
№ 408297   Added Viker 07-12-2020 / 13:27
Someone is singing downstairs. That is, he does not even sing, but shouts out the words of the song. All these people who need their TV to shout constantly. Or a radio or a turntable. All these people who are frightened by the silence. These are my neighbors. Sound-goliks. Silence is a phobia.
№ 407673   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2020 / 15:21
Like the nerves in the human body, the underworld governs the life of the external world. Our actions stem from and depend on substances and signals emanating from the ground: vibrations, floods, sounds, light, tap water - everything affects our lives. What is below us is a shadow, a twin of the city.
№ 406211   Added MegaMozg 01-11-2020 / 15:39
- Well, personally, it seems to me that you are not able to accept the departure of such a handsome man as me!
- And where do these misconceptions come from, clever?
[Vuki makes sounds like laughter]
- Laugh, laugh, ball! You didn't see us alone in the south aisle. There she expressed her true feelings.
- Mine?... Oh you, arrogant, dirty nerfopas!
- Who's dirty here?
№ 403642   Added MegaMozg 09-09-2020 / 00:15