Category: life quotes

If fate has doomed you to a difficult life, do not despair. Accept this as a challenge and humbly face the difficulties, feeling within yourself additional, hidden strengths that should be revealed and used for your needs. Yes, the world can be cruel and not always fair, but demonstrate unshakable fortitude and overcome all difficulties along the way. It may not be an easy path, but this is how we mature and achieve true success. Don't forget that good results require effort and work. Let the difficulties that arise along the way become our teachers and help us better understand the essence of life. Through them we grow and become stronger. It is these difficulties that will open up incomprehensible opportunities and new horizons for us in life. Not everyone has an easy way to become wealthy and live in abundance. However, don’t give up and don’t rely on chance. Take your life into your own hands and prove to yourself, or you can prove to other people, that even in the face of a difficult fate, you are capable of becoming a worthy and persistent person on Earth. But perhaps other people will not care about this, except yourself, not counting your family.
№ 466263   Added Айдар 27-04-2024 / 22:20
The place where a person is born becomes his teacher throughout his life. Here, in this world of habits and values, we absorb the influence of the people around us, whose lifestyles sometimes shape our character. Fate, inextricably linked with us, throws difficult challenges along our path, which we inevitably encounter, experiencing unhappy moments and difficulties. Our life is filled with dreams, but only real efforts can turn these dreams into reality.
№ 466232   Added Айдар 26-04-2024 / 20:29
I have worked as a carpenter, two types of mechanic, carpenter, cinder block maker, and cleaner. Almost everywhere with the prefix “student, trainee.” The main result that I learned: among hard workers there is a hierarchy, and the strong eat the weak. There are both appointed bosses and opinion leaders. There is also family continuity. It’s a tradition in Kuzbass to pompously declare “dynasties” of blue-collar jobs from high stands. The message is that if you were born into the family of a miner or bulldozer driver, then you MUST become a miner or bulldozer driver yourself. Serfdom, only under a thick layer of farce. However, the "Law of Dynasties" works almost without problems.
№ 466145   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 04:00
Some people changed easily, becoming completely different in just a few years. While others were like still waters passing through one hundred and eighty thousand miles, yet their hearts remained unchanged.
№ 466108   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2024 / 15:45
Democracy is not a spectator sport.
№ 466084   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2024 / 08:09
If you don't get enough sleep but don't feel tired, it suggests a manic episode. If you sleep too much but don't feel rested, this is a sign of depression.
№ 466050   Added MegaMozg 19-04-2024 / 15:15
Each person has a button, and if you press it, he will bloom like a flower.
№ 465980   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2024 / 03:39
Women's Day was invented for Lilliputians - men who are indifferent to their women the rest of the time.
№ 465978   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2024 / 03:33
People believe in everything except the truth.
People believe in everything except the truth.
№ 465971   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2024 / 03:09
The classic situation in which a person with CSD is the first to die is a stampede at the lifeboats on the Titanic or a panicked loading onto the last ships leaving Crimea in November 1920. Anyone who has self-respect and respects the rights of others will not save himself at the expense of others - and dies in the icy waters of the Atlantic or the basements of the Emergency. Lowering the threshold of vitality is the price that a person pays for a higher quality of his spiritual and mental life.
Quote Explanation: SSD - self-esteem
№ 465949   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2024 / 15:12
Happiness is getting up in the morning: there is work, home, care. There is meaning in life - that means happiness.
№ 465915   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2024 / 10:12
A person, when he is a fool, is very vile...
№ 465914   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2024 / 10:03
When you are in love, you have no face and you survive because you are very naked, vulnerable, but you are really real. No reservation.
№ 465909   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2024 / 09:45
Fashion and popularity are scales that prevent you from living and communicating with like-minded people.
№ 465907   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2024 / 09:24
We can shoot rockets into space, but we cannot cure anger or dissatisfaction.
№ 465902   Added MegaMozg 15-04-2024 / 09:03