Author of quotes: extreme motherhood

Maternal work can and should be learned - this saves from unnecessary illusions, disappointments, doubts about one's own competence.
№ 441776   Added MegaMozg 03-07-2022 / 23:24
Studies show that maternal depression is especially dangerous for boys - they develop speech and large motor skills worse than girls in the same situation, they cope worse with tests that determine the development of intelligence.
№ 441758   Added MegaMozg 03-07-2022 / 16:27
Maternal depression directly affects the condition of the child.
№ 441757   Added MegaMozg 03-07-2022 / 16:24
Depression is a serious disease with a high probability of death (70% of depressed patients have suicidal thoughts, 15% commit suicide). Depression cannot be ignored.
№ 441756   Added MegaMozg 03-07-2022 / 16:21
Adults sometimes do not understand why a child is bargaining for so long, delaying the moment of going to bed or courting lessons - you still have to do it, and you won’t get enough sleep tomorrow. But for a child, tomorrow is almost never, and right now he has beaten off an extra hour of play from you. Victory!
№ 441755   Added MegaMozg 03-07-2022 / 16:18
The right home for a child with ADHD is one that is ready for a wild monkey invasion.
№ 441576   Added MegaMozg 27-06-2022 / 23:42
In psychology, there is no concept of laziness, there is a concept of absence
№ 441532   Added MegaMozg 27-06-2022 / 00:15
Forgiveness is an opportunity to start over. This is sanitation and hygiene in relationships.
№ 441330   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 09:54
Love and affection is exactly what brings up better than any punishment, than any method or system.
№ 441329   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 09:51
If you go to a psychologist, then you are a psycho. No: it means you have a soul, psyche in Greek.
№ 441298   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 08:09
When it comes to fatigue, lack of sleep, constant stress, hatred and dislike often turn out to be the flip side of love.
№ 441214   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 03:57
It is impossible to deprive a child of his birthday, Christmas and New Year! You just can't - that's all, even if he behaved very badly. Birthday, Christmas and New Year are not a reward for good deeds, they are just a holiday for everyone, to which everyone is entitled. Birthday is when everyone is happy that you are in the world. New Year - when everyone celebrates the new year of life. Christmas is for everyone in the world. Taking away these holidays is like taking away the right to live and enjoy life.
№ 441187   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 02:36
A difficult temperament does not mean a natural propensity to delinquency. But if society pushes a difficult child to the sidelines, instead of helping him, sooner or later he may find himself on the sidelines: not everyone will have the strength and perseverance to return from this side of the road again and again.
№ 441178   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 02:09
Far from all bad behavior of a child is conscious behavior aimed at testing boundaries, manipulation, failure to complete a task, etc. Parental skill consists precisely in figuring out: when the child screamed from fatigue, and when he just tries to scare his parents with a cry to buy him a toy.
№ 441176   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 02:03
Difficult children are not parents' fault. Easy children are not parental merit.
№ 441155   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 01:00