Author of quotes: Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Ask a cancerous tumor - why does it grow? She just can't help it. So is communism: it cannot but seize new countries, striving with an evil instinct, and not at all with reason, to seize the whole world. Communism is a new quality that has not been seen in the entire history of the world, and it is futile to look for analogues.
№ 451311   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:34
For too long, we have been in charge of every business and led by those who do not understand anything about it. Finally, every case should be conducted by the knowledgeable.
№ 418565   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2021 / 01:06
To deny private property to a village is to close it forever.
№ 418564   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2021 / 01:03
You don't know everything in the world. You will die a fool anyway.
№ 418563   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2021 / 01:00
An intellectual is one whose interests in the spiritual side of life are persistent and permanent, not forced by external circumstances and even in spite of them.
№ 418562   Added MegaMozg 06-05-2021 / 00:57
If only it were that easy! - that somewhere there are black people, maliciously doing black deeds, and you just need to distinguish them from the rest and destroy. But the line dividing good and evil crosses the heart of every person. And who will destroy a piece of his heart? ...
№ 418561   Added MegaMozg 05-05-2021 / 23:24
Education does not add to the mind.
№ 418560   Added MegaMozg 05-05-2021 / 23:21
Public life cannot be built on hatred. And who from year to year has been flaming with hatred, cannot from one day say: the Sabbath! from today I hated and now only love. No, he will remain a hater, he will find someone to hate closer.
№ 413506   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2021 / 12:39
This is how to live, as the Cadmins live - - to rejoice in what is! The one and the wise man who is satisfied with a little.
№ 413504   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2021 / 12:33
Order in business keeps our peace of mind.
№ 413503   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2021 / 04:12
According to some signs - you perceive them, you cannot name them - that force was felt in Zoya - not the one that is needed to drag the cabinets, but another that requires a counter force. And Oleg was glad that, it seems, he can accept this challenge, it seems that he is able to compete with her.
№ 413501   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2021 / 04:06
Not so long ago, she herself worked, but she began to understand this annoying principle: whoever does not pull, you won’t ask, and who pulls - and will pull for two.
№ 413500   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2021 / 04:03
Companions to a glass of water to heat the speaking, they should say two thousand years, and to shout loudly of seventy - five years. And if a glass of heat will not go away. So consider, what is the use of chatter.
№ 372590   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2019 / 22:14
River, ends life in the sand! River, flowing into nowhere, all the best water and the best forces radarusa so, on the way and by coincidence, friends! isn't that the way we convict lives, which is nothing to do, destined to an inglorious stall, and all our best is one ples, we haven't dried up, and all memory of us two laconico water, that stretched we are for each other meeting, talk, help.
№ 372589   Added MegaMozg 15-06-2019 / 22:13