Author of quotes: Concordia Antarova

Have a nice day of work. Treat everyone who comes to you. If you come alone, give him all the love of your heart, so that when he leaves, he will understand that he has a friend. If a mournful person comes, illuminate his life with your joy. If a weak one comes, help him by knowing the new meaning of life that has been revealed to you. And your life will be a blessing to people.
№ 447909   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 22:12
Get stronger every day. And for this, learn to act, and not wait, to create, and not gather your spirit.
№ 447908   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 22:09
In vain you waited for special tests. Your simple days went by, and in them you didn’t see the main deeds of love and its very first sign: to live easily your current day. To live in the most ordinary affairs, bearing in them the highest honor, peace and disinterestedness. Not in dreams and vows, not in ideals and fantasies, the love of man for man. But in a simple matter of the day, one who walks the life of love must be a link of spiritual unity with everything around.
№ 447907   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 22:06
You are bitter that someday you will have to part with someone. But after all, each of us will be born and just as inevitably die. And the drama of people is that they cannot prepare themselves for separation from their loved ones. If a mother understood that her children are only treasures given to her for storage, for temporary storage, she would, seeing in them God's gift, which should be returned to her improved, polished, would not look for herself in children, but would see in them that power of the highest, one love, which creates in the whole universe.
№ 447906   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 22:03
The true power is possessed by such Knowledge, in which one wins not by stubborn will, but by love.
№ 447905   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 22:00
And every time, no matter what suffering you meet, you will see that the origins of everyone are in fear, doubt, jealousy and envy, as well as in the thirst for money and fame. On these roots grow all the other passions in which people perish. The other half of sorrows stems from blindness, from the idea that life is a small period from birth to death, deeply personal and cut off from the rest of the world. And this main prejudice prevents us from seeing the whole universe clearly, from understanding our place in it.
№ 447904   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:57
And don't forget that fearlessness is not only the absence of cowardice. This is still full efficiency, complete calmness in an atmosphere of danger.
№ 447903   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:54
- My dear boy, the higher and further each of us goes, the more clearly he sees that there is no limit to improvement. And it's not about how high and what limit you will reach today. And only in moving forward in the mainstream of that eternal movement, which is life. And you can enter it only with love. If today you did not decorate anyone's day with your simple kindness, your day is gone. You did not join the eternal movement that the universe lived today, you separated from people, which means you could not rise along the path to perfection. There is only one way to get there: through love for a person.
№ 447902   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:51
After all, one must carry a lot of evil in oneself so that someone else's will can take advantage of a person.
№ 447901   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:48
You can poison yourself and those around you all your life and even completely lose the meaning of a long life lived just because your days were corroded by jealousy. You can have a great talent, you can carry humanity to new heights in literature, music, sculpture, and yet create for yourself such an iron cage of passions that you will have to overcome for centuries that mold on your spirit that you managed to build up in such a family life. And vice versa, one life lived in peace and harmony sweeps over a person of the century and century like a cleansing atmosphere, invisible help and protection.
№ 447900   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:45
... in everyone there are creative forces of superconsciousness: in some people they are dormant; in others they awaken. And they come to life in each in different ways, depending on its purity and culture - from the holy fool to the sage.
№ 447899   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:42
The harmony of the family does not consist in the fact that all its members think and act in the same way, have or do not have secrets from each other. And in that regally squandered love, where no one requires obligations from each other, in that highest honor, where there are no words about self-sacrifice, but there is a thought of help, of the joy of being useful to another.
№ 447898   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:39
The happiness of a man depends on the strength of his soul; from the height he can reach. If the sensual voice of blood and flesh sounds in you, your dreams do not rise above the layer of physical bodies, beautiful and desirable. But if the thought draws you into the limits of spiritual love, you hear how the heart of another person sounds; and your consonance is formed according to the strength of those vibrations that send the power of your creative heart.
№ 447897   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:36
Who needs the kind of love that breeds jealousy, scandal, and hardship instead of joy and relief?
№ 447896   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:33
If you failed to give a person a word of consolation, you have lost a happy moment. Don't think about yourself when talking to people, think about them. And you won't get tired or irritated.
№ 447895   Added MegaMozg 23-12-2022 / 21:30