Dialogue [Theme] Page 4

“No, but I'm considering growing a thick black mustache. I am quite conservative.
№ 410402   Added MegaMozg 29-12-2020 / 23:42
- Alice, - Sasha answered me, - I love you too. - He understands everything.
№ 410278   Added MegaMozg 28-12-2020 / 18:24
- I have cream on my nose.
- Yes, but dairy products are very good for you.
№ 409713   Added MegaMozg 19-12-2020 / 00:33
- Well, you're kinder to strangers than you are to your own family.
- Strangers love me.
№ 409710   Added MegaMozg 19-12-2020 / 00:24
ᅠ Relationships between people often make their way through such wilds that it is impossible to predict every fork. There's a lot to worry about. How is there something to be afraid of on the roads: is there little that will come to mind for another driver? But you still don't give up the car. Does this indicate that you unconditionally believe the people behind the wheel? Hardly. You only monitor the scale of your vigilance, physical condition, dexterity and speed of reaction. And so it is, Jeffrey. You can only control yourself. If I want to betray you vilely, I will betray you, and you will not interfere with it in any way. If I decide to change with a young man from the bar - I will change, coming up with a million excuses in the list of excuses for my act. And this will be solely my responsibility, even if you forget to give gifts for anniversaries and return home late. Understand? In this matter, nothing depends on you. Such a feeling is disgusting, I know it very well, because your actions do not obey me, therefore, in the same limbo. But she agrees with clinical psychologist Cloud Henry: "When one spouse dominates the other, love does not reach true depth and completeness, because in such a marriage there is no personal freedom." Here's the challenge: giving freedom. Not to control, not to require strict adherence to the plan outlined by one partner. Conduct an open dialogue. Don't just rattle what we'll do on the weekend or what kind of mat is in front of the door... I touched my palm to his forehead, which made me look at myself. "And this," my hand moved into the area of his heart. I don't want to live with you for a year or anything else and then say with horror, "I have no idea what kind of man is lying next to me in bed. What is he thinking? What does he care about? What is he afraid of? And - Oh my God! - what does he expect of me?!" You and I should have the right to express our opinions freely, because if we brush him off, love will wither, and fear will take its place.
Quote Explanation: Characters from the text-based role-playing game Barefoot on Baker Street
№ 409395   Added MegaMozg 15-12-2020 / 18:27
- My father is sick now.
When someone is healthy, do you ask yourself if it's your fault.
№ 408661   Added MegaMozg 08-12-2020 / 04:15
Amusingly... If you're funny most of the time, you're considered an idiot and a frivolous person. If you are serious, you immediately fall into the category of very reliable, thorough. The label principle works because it's easier than admitting that people aren't static at all. If you admit this, you learn to maneuver, for each topic to first determine the mood, and then in this regard to conduct a dialogue. This is very difficult, so they choose the easiest way. One of the two, green or blue. And few people want to delve into the colors themselves and determine with a combination of what shades they turned out.
Quote Explanation: Character from the text role-playing game "Barefoot on Baker Street"
№ 408138   Added Viker 07-12-2020 / 13:02
- Not really. They call this ... Punisher.
№ 407359   Added MegaMozg 24-11-2020 / 00:27
- With holes, if you fell from a cliff onto a deer.
№ 407297   Added MegaMozg 22-11-2020 / 14:51