position [Theme]

True compassion is not only an emotional response, but also a conscious acceptance of an unshakable commitment. Thus, a truly compassionate attitude toward others does not change even if those others behave negatively.
№ 464956   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 17:15
The current life position is an energetic striving for a full life and fulfillment of duty in the name of raising Man to the pedestal of humanity.
№ 463134   Added Viker 13-03-2024 / 12:08
A winning position is when your enemies point at each other with their sharp, accusatory swords, trying to pin their mistakes on the person most disgusting to them, attributing to her their values and prism of perception, while you yourself remain in the shadows, conducting them. For there is nothing worse than a person who is convinced of something - the main thing is to plant the seed of the idea you need in time.
№ 457033   Added MegaMozg 29-09-2023 / 05:51
The position “I don’t know” is the starting point of any knowledge. Only by admitting one's ignorance can one gain some knowledge. This ability is an essential character trait of a true spiritual seeker.
№ 450729   Added MegaMozg 02-03-2023 / 11:00
Humanism is not an ideology, but the life position of the modern individual and the vital moral force of society.
№ 450625   Added MegaMozg 24-02-2023 / 19:27
Spirituality is a mature humanism as a worldview, life position and way of life.
№ 447624   Added MegaMozg 15-12-2022 / 17:03
Now is the time for categorical statements. And yes, it's not mine, I don't like being categorical. I can't say: this is black, this is white. I'm talking about semitones. And now, being a popular person is quite simple: take any of the positions - and the more categorical it is, the brighter it is. The key word is "radical". Stand your ground, don't go anywhere, and your time will come, the pendulum of history will reach you.
№ 445739   Added MegaMozg 24-10-2022 / 19:45
"Position" is what determines in which direction we tend to distort the facts, the point from which it is most convenient to fire at other positions.
№ 444808   Added MegaMozg 22-09-2022 / 03:45
The strongest position is the position of ignorance. She is invulnerable and irrefutable.
№ 444807   Added MegaMozg 22-09-2022 / 03:12
As long as the Earth is spinning, any position is shaky.
№ 440260   Added MegaMozg 29-05-2022 / 18:30
Worldview - a person's general idea of the Universe, the origins of life and its possible future, the meaning of life and happiness, his general attitude to the world around him and to himself, as well as his ideals, life position and value orientations due to these views. Adequate worldview allows you to: rationally understand the world; get rid of prejudice; enhance thinking skills and critical thinking; enrich the higher senses; determine worthy life values; form spiritual needs; reveal moral resources; find in yourself an inexhaustible source of motivation for a meaningful and productive life. Therefore, the development of a worldview is the key to the full self-realization of a person.
№ 435880   Added MegaMozg 17-02-2022 / 17:21
Bottom line: The position of the "Creator" (Creator) is the creation of a new one. The position of the "Ego" (consumer) is to hold on to the created old.
№ 435259   Added MegaMozg 02-02-2022 / 11:42
... there are situations where a friendly attitude is absolutely inappropriate. Friendliness is an inadequate response to an aggressor. Not so long ago, we had the opportunity to see examples from world politics that show how unworthy, morally unseemly and imprudent the position of appeasing the aggressor can be. It's both shameful and stupid to talk in a friendly way with a person who intends to destroy you. For the enemy, such friendly conversation only means that you are either too weak or too cowardly to fight him.
Quote Explanation: Group psychology is something more than the individual psychology of all members of the group. A group can be considered a family, a labor collective, a national minority. But the very first and well-known group for Levin was the Jewish people. Therefore, in 1939, learning from his relatives about what was happening in Germany, Levin wrote the article "In the Face of Danger", in which he analyzes the situation of the Jews from the point of view of social psychology.
№ 434699   Added MegaMozg 26-01-2022 / 20:36
- Liquor and vodka industry. Yes, you know, these are live taxes, by the way, so I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a patriot. The whole country rests on people like me.
№ 431749   Added MegaMozg 07-11-2021 / 00:18
Eugene had a clear civic position, simple and easy to explain. She loved her country with all her heart, generally supported the current government, respected, even admired the current leader, but considered unacceptable any attempts by parochial politicians to manipulate the population. They did not know how to play honestly, did not grow up, cared not about people, but about profits. Budgets were quickly "sawn", mayors, regional ministers and heads of departments were imprisoned one by one, and the inhabitants of the long-suffering city of N were increasingly plunged into despair.
№ 426784   Added Viker 31-08-2021 / 11:53