position [Theme] Page 4

I hid it from you, but now I confess: you have to dig a tunnel not in the shaky rock from which your fingers are bleeding, no! You will undermine your own ignorance, disharmony of consciousness, weakness of spirit and reason. You won't just break free, no! We will change not only the gait, the position of the spine, vocabulary, ethics and aesthetics - no, we will change the structure of your thinking!
№ 424636   Added MegaMozg 31-07-2021 / 01:39
Christina, keenly interested in any details of her relationship with Zavyazin, at the same time made every effort to break this connection. Knowing perfectly well from personal experience that remaining emotionally completely absorbed by her husband, Polina made her situation painful to the point of impossibility, she stubbornly tried to tear her friend out of the abyss of the past, to help her take a new look at the world, to make it clear that the changes taking place in her life are not the end, but, on the contrary, the beginning of something new and, perhaps, much more interesting.
№ 424192   Added MegaMozg 26-07-2021 / 08:39
Seduction of a woman is one of the most effective factors in satisfying innate male egoism and the desire to excel. It gives rise to a whole heap of exciting emotions in a man, from a feeling of superiority to a feeling of his own worth. Such a unity of perception inevitably forms in the male community the value of victories in the field of conquering women ... A similar state of affairs has existed from time immemorial, and even more clearly manifests itself in our pre-redistribution simplified time, when even a legal marriage, which has shrunk and lost all social significance, does not create this much - any significant obstacles.
№ 424187   Added MegaMozg 26-07-2021 / 08:24
The land and the city belong to the jarl in Vaitran, I just pay taxes.
№ 422898   Added MegaMozg 11-07-2021 / 00:00
When Minya won the war - and Minya always won the war - she turned the playing board over so that all the figures flew in different directions, and the loser had to crawl on all fours, collecting them. It was important to her that the losers understood their position; sometimes this idea had to be conveyed to the opponent.
№ 422720   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 22:12
When faced with internal problems, a person often overestimates his capabilities - he prefers to postpone them for a while, not thinking about the fact that he thereby aggravates, and does not prevent his already difficult situation.
№ 417795   Added MegaMozg 27-04-2021 / 00:03
The military-political situation in the South-West strategic direction remains difficult. This is largely due to the attempt by a number of foreign states to fix their military presence at the southern and western borders of Russia. The destructive course of the military-political leadership of Ukraine, which seeks to destabilize the situation in Donbass, continues. The United States and NATO continue to conduct provocative activities in the airspace and waters of the Black Sea. The unstable state of affairs is observed in a number of countries in the Middle East region and the Caucasus. The alliance's attempts to resist its normalization are forcing us to take symmetrical measures of strategic containment and building up the combat capabilities of the troops of the southern military district.
Release Date: 20.04.2021
№ 417445   Added MegaMozg 22-04-2021 / 16:21
When you see what you served honestly, gave your life, did not spare it, was ready to die, and looked for this death when it was extremely difficult for your subordinates, and suddenly everything collapses, while it collapses treacherously, thoughtlessly ... I knew perfectly well that my reports on corruption, my reports on the deaths in Chechnya, where I accused the government, the president of having created such a situation, about the situation in the North Caucasus, about the situation with the CIS countries, a report on the supply of weapons - that is, this is all that where I revealed the essence as a specialist, who saw the true state of affairs not from the outside, not from the office, not from a warm corner, but who went through all this, saw these mistakes, revealed them, I thought that it was criminal, that it should not be so, that it needs to be corrected. Millions, tens of millions of dollars in the same leadership of the Ministry of Defense are being plundered, and no one says a single word. Of course, I, a person who went through all this, worried about my subordinates, could not come to terms with this.
№ 417233   Added MegaMozg 18-04-2021 / 09:03
Man, no matter how high a position in the world he occupies, still most of all must think about the salvation of his soul.
№ 417137   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2021 / 00:33
Why is this so interesting? Why remember today? Because now there will be a renewal of the elite. It's a litmus test. And now it will become clear that the elite that was focused on America, on the 90s, on "let's listen" - it will simply sweep away. The Americans, now showing all their agents of influence who are in a hurry to speak, they put the Russian government in an unambiguous position. It will have to clean up and bet on nationally oriented cadres.
Release Date: 17.03.2021
№ 415242   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2021 / 13:54
It was not a natural inclination for good that became the measure of a good person, but the chosen comfortable position between good and evil, a constant and balanced temperature of the soul. "Hut on the edge" with windows on two sides moved to the center.
№ 413722   Added MegaMozg 17-02-2021 / 10:48
If you have no enemies, you are in the same position with friends.
№ 413070   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2021 / 11:36
Before entering someone's position - determine your own position and place in it.
№ 412919   Added MegaMozg 04-02-2021 / 06:36
We have said more than once here that the situation is pre-war. In diplomatic polite language, President Putin said this today at a forum in Davos. To the whole world. For those who understand, I will continue. It is necessary to consider everything - the economy, politics, social situation - in this framework. And then there are a few important things.
Putin has proclaimed a new type of state policy. A modern state that will replace everything that was. It was about the welfare state. These are all words from the previous generation. Putin was not talking about the individual, but about the peoples who have their own states. And the most important task of the state is to be the life support infrastructure of the people as a whole. We call such a state a people's state.
The entire previous model of the state brought us to the brink of war. The challenge is how to get out of this now without leading to war and world catastrophe. The ideology of this exit is the emergence of a new type of state aimed at people's welfare.
Release Date: 27.01.2021
№ 412266   Added MegaMozg 28-01-2021 / 22:54
All the efforts of a prudent person should be directed not towards repairing and caulking his body, like a fragile boat, but towards leading a lifestyle in which the body would get into a frustrated position as little as possible, and therefore, as little as possible. would be in repair.
№ 412224   Added MegaMozg 28-01-2021 / 01:24