the team [Theme]

“The team is more important than you” - this principle is at the core of hockey.
№ 463562   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 14:35
The team only works when it gathers around a star.
№ 463456   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 13:12
A process in which the consciousness of an individual or group of people is changed so that behavior becomes the opposite of what can be expected from the person.
Quote Explanation: Definition of the word Alienacio (madness, alienation, insanity) from the Dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy
№ 463159   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2024 / 12:27
At the industrial level of production, genius alone no longer solves anything. We need a leader to direct the efforts of the team. This is already imperial science.
№ 461241   Added Viker 13-01-2024 / 12:15
- I don’t understand why she’s worried? Well, okay, tomorrow I DO NOT win - which is completely UNnatural - and return the money to the cash desk for mutual gain, love and respect.
№ 459704   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 18:28
She is illogical.
№ 452933   Added MegaMozg 20-04-2023 / 17:18
We're all monsters in the dark, son. How many times have we talked about this? Each book from the father's library is just a piece of knowledge. All my life I have been collecting scraps together, comparing every scientific fact, putting it together and found it - that book that prevents me from sharing knowledge with people. This is a book of human greed and human ego. People don't have time to immerse themselves in science. On the other side of the planet they play for money, and on this side they play for the power of the people. Science shattered by the spines of books no one has read. None of the currently existing social systems allows humanity to fully develop! They are all defective! Remove money, shift labor onto the shoulders of robots! Remove the inequality of capitalism and the lies of communism. Give people freedom of choice! Accelerate evolution! Share knowledge with everyone and connect the world into a single team! And then science will flow in the heads of the citizens of a single state - the great planet of the Knowledge Union! The “collective” is the hand of kindness, embracing all people. Raise your head and open your eyes, son, only then will you realize the full weight of a head devoid of knowledge. The "collective" will lead humanity to the heights of evolution without stopping for internecine strife and without falling into the abyss of wars and hatred! You are a warrior of science! Drive your blade of knowledge into the temple of the capitalist bureaucracy! Make the world pure and great! And the one who dies will remain in digital copies. Nobody will be forgotten! The new world of the "Collective" is the world of Limbo, where everyone is smart and happy. What world is this happening in, son?
№ 450963   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:41
In Auschwitz, those who were only for themselves and for themselves simply did not survive.
№ 442676   Added MegaMozg 05-08-2022 / 23:18
The connection that exists in nature, says Goethe, also exists in the human world. Man is a collective being, and only by working shoulder to shoulder with other people, only by giving himself to others, does a person acquire his strength and his meaning.
№ 433147   Added MegaMozg 16-12-2021 / 09:48
Therefore, the more people, the more valuable each next one, it multiplies the strength many times over. The team is a great power!
№ 428115   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 14:58
Life in the jungle is quite harsh, but have you ever tried to survive in a corporate environment?
Life in the jungle is quite harsh, but have you ever tried...
№ 424458   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2021 / 21:27
The rich are also the owners of political power. These slackers are the natural enemies of their tribe, since it is in their interest to lower the level of public welfare by all means. For their profit, they start wars between tribes and force the poor to kill each other. In short, these barbarians have perverted the natural order of things at their root, sacrificing the sacred interests of the breed to the narrow and selfish interests of the individual.
Quote Explanation: Martians can't understand terrestrial humans
№ 422611   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 10:06
In the foreground, they have the interests of the individual, to whom the interests of the entire breed are sacrificed. What intelligent creature would put the unit above the collective? They work not for the good of society, but for the sake of personal gain. The poor are jealous of the rich: the last sad phenomenon is the inevitable result of the absurdity of the basic principles of social life.
Quote Explanation: Martians can't understand terrestrial humans
№ 422607   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 09:54
Artel cabbage soup is boiling thicker
Quote Explanation: Artel in the old days was called a group of people who were engaged in one thing. Lunch, as a rule, the artel sat down together. It was cheaper and more fun.
№ 421984   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 19:57
The main weakness of the species to which the Beast belonged was the disregard for collectivism, to which humanity and other races owe their power.
Quote Explanation: The beast is an intelligent creature from another planet
№ 421801   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 10:51