house [Theme] Page 6

And he will burn down your house! Here, mark my word...
№ 451369   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:43
I would like to become an interior designer. I love going into a house that is falling apart and looking for ways to put it back together. I feel like I'm fixing myself, like I'm returning to the light myself. I had to do a lot of work on myself, picking up parts of me that hadn't healed since I was a little kid. I am a very independent person. I am constantly working on myself. We all break. The forces of the universe then pick up and reassemble our broken pieces, turning them into a beautiful mosaic.
№ 451246   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 08:56
Home cannot be a place where you want to run away. It's not a home, it's just a place to eat and sleep.
Quote Explanation: Quote from the story "Legend of the Willow".
№ 451087   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 12:00
Sitting in his room, he controlled the movements of his devotees throughout the world. Sitting in his room, Baba called his devotees to him at any moment from anywhere in the world, and sitting in his room, he sent his workers even to the most remote corners of the planet. Of course, Baba was God Himself. In his formless state, he is the core of the entire universe, but in physical form, he needed a permanent home. This abode was not a specific country or state, not a city, and not even an address in a city. It wasn't even a house at a specific address, but just one room in whatever house he lived in. The simplicity of Baba's lifestyle was simply breathtaking.
№ 450833   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:16
Often we underestimate such a wonderful period of our life as youth. Youth is an opportunity to see incredible happiness on your face every day, getting out of bed and going to the mirror. Youth is a greater value than money and property. For money, we can buy a house, a car, and much more, but youth, and life in general, we have no opportunity to purchase for any wealth. That is why it is necessary to truly appreciate the time of youth. That's all.
№ 450802   Added Viker 02-03-2023 / 11:11
- Firstly, the wheels of the wheelbarrow did not appear. And secondly, I have already tuned in to kill!
№ 450485   Added MegaMozg 17-02-2023 / 13:06
Not comme il faut, like going to work without pants.
№ 450183   Added MegaMozg 10-02-2023 / 16:30
I wanted to tell him that the pool, the garden, the house, the tennis court, the paradise and the whole villa would be his ghostly place. But he pointed up to the French windows of his room. Your eyes are forever there, I wanted to say, in the folds of tulle, staring intently from my bedroom, where no one sleeps now. When the wind blows and the tulle rises, and I look at it from here or stand on the balcony, I catch myself thinking that you are there, looking out of your world into mine and saying, as on that day at the stones: I
№ 449809   Added MegaMozg 07-02-2023 / 00:03
- So far, they have mastered only one type of transformation: you take a house - you get a deep hole.
№ 449770   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 22:03
- It's okay, they will understand that we are people too, her grandmother reassured
№ 449332   Added MegaMozg 23-01-2023 / 15:57
The guest will come - happiness will enter the house.
№ 449324   Added MegaMozg 22-01-2023 / 22:39
Good luck, let it follow!
№ 449271   Added MegaMozg 21-01-2023 / 04:48
You got worse after the wedding. Because you first realized that you have to live alone. And it's not even about being alone. The fact is that you constantly need someone to help. From the beginning, they raised children, then raised their grandchildren, but here ... Everyone has their own house, their own apartment. Your son hired an assistant for you, but it only made it worse, she even saved you from taking care of yourself. You don't know what you can do alone. You do not know how and do not want to live for yourself.
№ 449035   Added MegaMozg 12-01-2023 / 07:24
But its darkness deceived you, like strangers to children.
№ 448996   Added MegaMozg 11-01-2023 / 08:33