dogs [Theme] Page 4

Cheerful and loyal dog.
№ 424293   Added MegaMozg 27-07-2021 / 13:12
hit immediately.
№ 421932   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 17:21
And Raccoon - that master was fighting. I crushed the dog under myself and well, rattle. To tell the truth, there is not much left of the dog, and what is left has escaped - and nautoy, into the thicket, as if someone shot with a gun.
Quote Explanation: The story "Brave Brother Opossum".
№ 421919   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 16:42
- More English than you think. Countryside, big old house, horses, dogs, walks in the rain, burning wood in the fireplace, garden apples, lack of money, cheap dresses, neglected garden ...
№ 421783   Added MegaMozg 01-07-2021 / 19:03
I didn't understand at what point the dogs stopped ingrowing after people. My aunt's dog eats cabbage in Stepnogorsk, her titki are like this! Human. All my life I thought that a dog is a vacuum cleaner. I have a pug and we recently found out that he is allergic to chicken. What else? Can I enroll you in shugaring?
Release Date: 05.04.2020
№ 420408   Added MegaMozg 08-06-2021 / 11:42
If a person is indeed the king of nature, then a dog, no doubt, will pass for a baron, at least.
№ 419780   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2021 / 12:51
he recognizes the watchdog.
Quote Explanation: Songs of Zarathustra
№ 419148   Added MegaMozg 16-05-2021 / 17:09
My dogs really helped me get out of what I was in then. In an instant, I lost everything - my wife died, they stopped taking pictures of me, I had to pay the house for debts - I had nowhere to live. And most importantly, they stopped trusting me. The only thing that the newspapers wrote about me was that "the once famous actor is no longer needed by anyone." Once I went out to buy cigarettes, and the seller told me: you look like some guy from a TV set. I wanted to hang myself. All my friends turned away from me. I got a dog. And only that saved me. Last year, my beloved Locke died, I miss her very much and will never forget.
№ 418801   Added MegaMozg 09-05-2021 / 14:36
Fastidiously bent over the handout, buried his nose in it, sniffed it, turned and trotted away. This time he didn't even turn around, moving faster and faster down the street. Unsurprisingly, I was constantly depressed - inadequate nutrition.
№ 418508   Added MegaMozg 05-05-2021 / 07:33
No one who has decided to really succeed in life should waste time on personal arguments, not to mention the fact that he should not allow himself to lose his temper and lose his composure. It's better to give way to a dog than to let it bite you. Even killing a dog won't cure a bite.
№ 417664   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2021 / 17:24
The dog's relationship to the afterlife is a general theme, reflected in a number of more specific motifs. Note the following:
1. The dog helps to achieve the world of the dead or facilitates existence in this world.
2. In particular, he transports the deceased across the river.
3. The condition for help, admission to another world or the absence of afterlife punishment is a good attitude towards dogs during life. This motive is all the more significant because the actual attitude towards dogs in areas where this motive is recorded is indifferent or cruel[8].
4. The dog is the owner, inhabitant, guardian of the afterlife.
5. In order for the dogs to let the deceased pass or help him, he must appease them with food and / or have a weapon to fight off them.
6. The dog of the afterlife is on the Milky Way, associated with it.
7. In the afterlife there are special villages of dogs or there is a special trail designed for dogs.
8. In the world of the dead or on the way to it there are reservoirs of tears
Quote Explanation: Some ideas about the path to the world of the dead among the American Indians and their Eurasian roots
№ 417590   Added MegaMozg 26-04-2021 / 13:39
• I have enough patience, kindness and will for everyone. But will I have enough strength - I don't know!
№ 416929   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2021 / 03:03
• Fatigue has no place, as long as Chopin's soul is on it!
• I will not have enough life to tell my life!
• A person is always alone with his inner world!
• Than to publish three quotes for all hundred - better one, but for all two hundred!
• I do not have a car, a yacht, a country house, a lot of money - I have only a heart, soul and deity of nature!
• For some, the fate is destined by God - for others the devil has determined!
• Who has not tasted the taste of love - that life has not tasted!
• A person should think about why the dog believes him!
• There is no need to be angry - you just need to love!
• Boxing virus - the uncerone king of world sports!
If you haven't washed your hands yet, COVID-19 is coming to you.
• Degradation of personality occurs much faster - than its development!
• Philosophy begins where healthy progmatism ends.
• Dreaming of freedom, I escaped from the cage, but fell into a trap!
• How many people on earth, so much truth, vice and evil!
• Boxing has a kind face!
• Nature can do without man, man without nature never!
• The main thing is that the soul is not empty and the heart is not bored.
• He loved dogs, and his grandmothers loved him like dogs!
• Boredom bitch - our life is a painful torment!
• There is no fear - there is insecurity in yourself!
• How rarely in our life - we find good deeds to use.
• When she is 70 and he is 25 - there is no love, there is profit or mercy place!
№ 416494   Added MegaMozg 06-04-2021 / 22:09
A dog that has guarded the house all his life will not be expelled.
№ 416195   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2021 / 12:30