Character: Zik Yeger

She loves you so much that she will tear off a giant's head for you.
№ 420072   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 17:27
Eren: You've always been waiting, right? Waiting for someone ... for 2000 years ...
Quote Explanation: It takes place after watching Zik and Eren, the memories of Eren and Grisha. Ymir was ordered by Zeke to take away the ability to bear children from the Eldians.
№ 419246   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2021 / 20:57
Zeke: Father ...
Quote Explanation: Occurs in the ways when viewing the memories of Eren and Grisha, Zik and Eren. After the murder of Grisha, Reis.
№ 419217   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2021 / 19:30
* Grisha decides to kill the Reis family *
Quote Explanation: Occurs in the memory of Eren and the hereditary memory of Grisha.
№ 419201   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2021 / 12:33
Eren: Because in this world I was born.
Quote Explanation: Conversation in the ways of Eren and Zika, after contact.
№ 419200   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2021 / 12:30
Eren: Always ... all alone ...
Quote Explanation: Eren and Zeke's conversation on the tracks, after their contact.
№ 419199   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2021 / 12:27
Colt: Falco! He took your cereminal fluid!
Please Zick, don't scream!
Zick, you know! I achieved an animal-like so that my relatives would not be sent to heaven!
Falco: BROTHER, LET ME go!
Colt: You're as respectable as you could?! I never understood you, especially when you betrayed us! Never!
But you're definitely not one of those who will make cannon fodder out of a child!
Zeke! I'm not asking you to die here without making a sound!
Just wait until Falco is out of range of the scream!
And then kill each other as much as you can!
Whoever you want to kill even the Eldians, even the Marlians! But not my little brother!
Zick: Colt... I understand your love... to his younger brother...
Colt: Zik...
Zick: So... I'm sorry.
*Zik screams*
Falco: Let me go, Brother!
Quote Explanation: It occurs before Zika's scream and Zika's subsequent contact with Ehren.
№ 419145   Added MegaMozg 16-05-2021 / 16:48