experiences [Theme] Page 3

Through sincere inner pain and suffering, and later ~ through introspection and expansion of our consciousness, we come to the fact that we can solve the existing problem. But not always pain and suffering can lead to introspection and problem solving, some people, having a limited consciousness, cling to the pain and experience of what seems to them that there is more comfortable - but this is self-deception, sincere comfort is felt only when a person is happy. Only by expanding your consciousness and going beyond the limited vision of the problem ~ can you solve your problem and feel happy in life.
№ 419917   Added MegaMozg 31-05-2021 / 09:42
There is no point in looking for a sweet life where you will never experience adversity, disappointment and other difficult experiences. That doesn't happen.
Do not bring yourself to depression because of desperate self-pity - this is a meaningless waste of time and effort. Sooner or later, life will change for the better - provided that you make an effort to do so. But it will never be perfect. And if so, then it is worth learning to be happy here and now, regardless of the circumstances.
№ 419855   Added MegaMozg 28-05-2021 / 23:27
Against all odds
Unrequited love to all in spite of everything,
without demanding anything in return.
Silence and silence in response,
Even connoisseurs are lost there.
And warms his soul aesthete.
Just live with hope,
Understand you like no one else.
Emotional experiences down -
all attempts are in vain.
"But thank you for being there, dear!"
№ 419521   Added MegaMozg 22-05-2021 / 11:27
The enemy's ideal is a person who, having worked a day for the benefit of future generations (if this is his vocation), in the evening postpones all care, completely entrusting himself to heaven, and remains only with the patience and gratitude that are required of him here and now. We need a person tormented by the nightmares of the future, persecuted by the ideas of an impending paradise or hell on earth, ready to transgress the Enemy's commandments now if we convince him that by doing this he will bring closer or avert something that he will not even see in his lifetime. We would like the human race to constantly and in terrible agony try to grab the mind with its hands, so that this race would never be honest, kind and happy, and that everything given to it in the present would be carried to the altar of future times.
Quote Explanation: Letter 15
№ 419245   Added MegaMozg 17-05-2021 / 20:54
The forms that the individual chooses in non-orgiastic culture are alcoholism and drug addiction. In contrast to those who engage in socially approved action, such individuals suffer from feelings of guilt and remorse. Although they try to escape separation by taking refuge in alcohol and drugs, they feel even more lonely after the orgiastic experience is over, and the need to return to their refuge as often and as intensely as possible increases. The sexual orgiastic solution to the problem is not much different from this refuge. In a sense, it is a natural and normal form of overcoming separation and a partial response to the problem of isolation. But for many individuals, whose separation cannot be overcome in other ways, the source of sexual satisfaction acquires a function that makes it not too distinguishable from alcoholism and drug addiction. It becomes a desperate attempt to escape the anxiety generated by separation and, as a result, leads to an even greater sense of separation, for a sexual act without love can never bridge the gap that separates two human beings. Except for a brief moment.
№ 418361   Added MegaMozg 03-05-2021 / 15:42
It seems that after an orgiastic experience, a person can part with suffering for a while, which largely stems from his separation. Gradually, the anxiety tension rises again and again decreases due to the repeated performance of the ritual.
№ 418314   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2021 / 23:45
most people seek romantic love, a personal experience of love that should then lead to marriage. This new understanding of the freedom of love was to greatly increase the meaning of the object to the detriment of the meaning of the function.
№ 418310   Added MegaMozg 02-05-2021 / 23:33
- Two years less than you.
№ 415745   Added MegaMozg 24-03-2021 / 13:27
When you comprehend your experiences, it will become easier for you to accept the present.
№ 414701   Added Viker 09-03-2021 / 12:40
The goal of each of the mothers, everyday and not the easiest one, is not to pass on their negative experiences to the child, not to infect him with them, not to harm.
№ 414653   Added Viker 09-03-2021 / 12:32
It's not about what you eat, it's about what eats you.
№ 414600   Added MegaMozg 07-03-2021 / 16:39
Maybe it is, but I am sure: there are no people who do not experience despair at times. However, it recedes, only one has to accept that life is impossible without sorrows, losses, and that they are transient.
№ 414551   Added MegaMozg 05-03-2021 / 15:15
Xie Lian reached out and lightly touched the drawing.
The touch was not as noticeable, like a whiff of fresh wind, nothing more. But the young man suddenly tore his head off his knees, his wounded face even brightened for a moment:
- Is it you?
Feng Xin was ammmeasured:
- And why is the guy so nimble?
Mu Qing said:
- Let's leave.
Xie Lian nodded softly and turned around to leave, but the young man rushed to the edge of the pedestal, his breath even lost a little:
- I know it's you! Your Highness, don't go away, I want to tell you!
The trio immediately froze. The young man seemed terribly worried, he clenched his fists tightly:
- Let me... your temples are burned, but... no need to be sad. From now on, I will build for you even more, more majestic, more luxurious, such with which no one's temples can be compared. No one compares to you. I'll definitely do it!
- ...
The trio was silent, unable to find the words.
The young man looked deplorable: in rags, covered from head to toe with dirt, with a bloody swollen face. But at the same time, he spoke so inspired and decisively that it became both funny and bitter, the audience was visited by extremely contradictory experiences. As if afraid that his words would not reach the ears of the prince, the young man folded his palms at his mouth and shouted, turning to the picture above the pedestal:
- Your Highness! Can you hear? In my heart you are a deity! You are the only deity, you are the true deity! Can you hear?!
He screamed so tearfully that the whole of Mount Taitsant echoed:
Can you hear?!
Quote Explanation: Chapter 88, translated by Younet Translate
№ 413767   Added MegaMozg 18-02-2021 / 19:00
- What are you even talking about? I was going crazy with anxiety for you! Can you imagine what I had to go through?
№ 413516   Added MegaMozg 13-02-2021 / 13:09
- And you worry, worry! This is how people find themselves.
№ 413020   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2021 / 18:00