The sun [Theme]

But the deeds of man, whether the good crops, will all live!
№ 466168   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2024 / 16:30
I am in your spring, Azerbaijan!
№ 465789   Added MegaMozg 12-04-2024 / 15:39
But I know everything is for the better! All goes to good..
№ 465648   Added MegaMozg 07-04-2024 / 09:27
The winter was terribly hard. I feel like the spring sun is healing some deep, long-healed wound in my soul. Sometimes it’s enthusiastic, like in early youth. I feel that my soul will become fresh again.
Quote Explanation: Alexander Blok, from a letter to his wife, 1908.
№ 465490   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 09:54
The sun is shining so nicely over the dirty earth, there is such a smell of spring in the air that I am too lazy and have no strength to sit in the room, but for me - woe is me! - up to my neck in work: exams, daily bread... I love spring, and yet I use it least of all. Involuntarily, you will not be a poet: the gods did not give you talent, and social conditions take away spring.
Quote Explanation: Anton Chekhov, from a letter to Alexander Kanaev, 1883.
№ 465397   Added MegaMozg 01-04-2024 / 05:15
We've all done something wrong...
№ 465255   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2024 / 22:09
Sometimes people die, leaving everything as it is. and, one wonders, why this wind, the mutes, the moon, the sun and the lost stars.
№ 465218   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2024 / 20:18
and drank greedily in secret...
№ 465036   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2024 / 04:00
The sun slightly cracked on the turquoise tablecloth of the sky like a ripe tangerine... Juicy splashes of rays drip onto the windowsills and almost ring with a spring drop... Birds joyfully preen their feathers in light streams of wind, raising their heads to the bottomless sky, praising it and saying hello. .. The thick ink of the night spreads like watercolors from the palette of the new day... Take it, draw or just trust the Great Artist and he himself will bring out new everyday life with his own hand...
№ 465035   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2024 / 03:57
The world cannot be created again!
№ 464931   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 16:00
Since then, at the request of Thunder, Sun and Sky, whenever her husband gets angry, the Rainbow Fairy calms him down with her beautiful dance. And peace comes on earth...
Quote Explanation: A tale Queen Mab told her daughter Titania. From the story “The Gates of Samhain”.
Since then, at the request of Thunder, Sun and Sky,...
№ 464928   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 15:51
You see, a person leaves almost no traces of himself. You are born into the world, you try to do something, without knowing why, but you still continue your attempts; Having been born at the same time as many other people, you are connected to them, and therefore, when you try to move your arm or leg, you seem to be pulling strings, but the strings are tied to the arms and legs of everyone else, and they are all also trying to pull them and also don’t know why, they only know that all the strings are tangled and interfere with each other, just as if five or six people were trying to weave a carpet on one loom, and each would like to weave his own pattern into it, but you know that this does not matter no meaning, otherwise those who created this machine would have arranged everything much better, and yet it cannot but matter - after all, you continue your attempts, in any case you should continue them, and then suddenly it turns out that everything is over, and from you are left with just a block of stone on which something is scratched, unless, of course, someone bothered to put this marble up and scratch something on it, and now the rain pours on it and the sun shines, and soon no one remembers a name , what these scratches mean, and it doesn't matter either.
№ 464741   Added MegaMozg 19-03-2024 / 12:36
- Angry? No. Does it kill and deprive you of strength? And how. You can’t even imagine how... I brought him out of the kingdom of the goddess Persephone, carried his soul next to my heart, and this connected me with him forever. But he didn’t promise me anything, and I can’t demand anything from him. I'm just glad it exists. Glad I met him. All my strength is for him. “I love him more than my life, and I love her indescribably,” the girl smiled. - But he will never know about it. You can't keep the sun on a leash. It will destroy you and everything around you.
№ 464729   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:34
Beautiful as a ray of sunshine, she could talk about Shakespeare like no one else.
Quote Explanation: Quote about Salma
№ 464547   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:05