wall [Theme] Page 1

According to another legend, the Danube is one of the four rivers that flow from paradise, therefore Belgrade is one of those famous cities whose names begin with the letter "B" (Bratislava, Budapest, Bucharest, Brăila), and their walls are washed by a paradise river. This heavenly river also flows through the “Gate of Wars”, as the Turks have long called Belgrade.
№ 449913   Added Viker 08-02-2023 / 10:36
The prison was very quiet and calm. The bench was comfortable. The walls were covered with inscriptions, and William passed the time correcting the spelling.
№ 449788   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 23:00
Lies and violence went hand in hand. The "browns" abolished the principles that since the French Revolution have been the basis of the social life and culture of the peoples. They re-introduced slavery under the guise of "voluntary labor service." They imprisoned their opponents, kept them worse than animals, subjected them to torture and called it "physical training." They burned swastikas on their bodies, forced them to urinate on each other, plucked grass with their mouths, led them in buffoon processions through the streets and called it "education in the spirit of national identity." The commandment "Thou shalt not kill" was abolished. Political assassination was extolled as a heroic deed, the Fuehrer called the murderers - precisely because they were murderers - his brothers; memorial plaques were erected to the murderers, the dead were thrown out of the graves; one murderer - precisely because he was a murderer - was elevated to the rank of police president. During the first three months of fascist domination in the country, there were five hundred and ninety-three murders with impunity - more than in the entire previous decade. This figure includes only registered, documented murders. And the number of those executed in the first months of fascist domination was greater than in the previous fifteen years.
№ 449691   Added MegaMozg 06-02-2023 / 18:06
Your screams are still not enough!
№ 447779   Added MegaMozg 20-12-2022 / 16:15
I love music madly, that's why I curtained all the walls of the house with pictures.
№ 447388   Added MegaMozg 08-12-2022 / 13:15
- Adult, huh? I hate all adults! Especially your stupid parents! And I'm not going to die like those pathetic idealists who helped the refugees! Any adult who wastes time on empty dreams is a hopeless fool! Merge
№ 446874   Added MegaMozg 24-11-2022 / 16:57
These walls, trees, bushes, these scenery painted on canvas have seen the most sublime love created by the imagination of poets who stand a hundred cubits higher than ordinary people.
№ 445940   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2022 / 17:39
The higher the walls you build around your heart, the more it hurts when they are broken.
№ 445866   Added MegaMozg 28-10-2022 / 14:15
Because then it will become even worse than "wasted and there is no need."
№ 444565   Added MegaMozg 17-09-2022 / 00:45
- Incomparable… Artillerymen! I won’t waste words, I don’t know how to speak, because I didn’t speak at rallies, and therefore I’ll say it briefly. We will beat Petliura, you son of a bitch, and be calm, we will beat him. Among you are Vladimirovites, Konstantinovites, Alekseevites, their eagles have never yet seen shame from them. And many of you are pupils of this famous gymnasium. The old ones from the wall are looking at you. And I hope you don't make me blush for you. Mortar battalion artillerymen! We will defend the Great City during the hours of siege by a bandit. If we roll this dear President six inches, the sky will seem to him no more than his own underpants, his mother's soul through seven coffins!!!
№ 443105   Added Viker 07-08-2022 / 21:36
It is not very pleasant to be in a strange house where you are not welcome. There is an acute feeling that everything is trying to squeeze you out of here, even the walls seem to be shrinking, increasing the discomfort.
№ 442384   Added MegaMozg 22-07-2022 / 11:18
His tongue works faster than his head, but in his own way he is very intelligent, no doubt about it. He clearly sees his benefits, even through three brick walls.
№ 441136   Added MegaMozg 24-06-2022 / 00:03
I take off the cap from the pen and start writing. All my life I've been doing just that. He wrote, drawn by a double contradictory impulse: to erect walls and open doors. Walls - to protect reality from destructive cruelty, and doors - to break out into a parallel world, the same reality, but not as it is, but as it should be.
№ 440143   Added Viker 27-05-2022 / 11:32
- I'm telling you exactly. As you will see, you will immediately understand.
№ 439174   Added Viker 25-05-2022 / 21:14
We built bridges...
№ 438580   Added Viker 17-05-2022 / 15:33