aphorisms [Theme] Page 2

• You shouldn't put me on the Black List - I will be bored without you!
№ 417075   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2021 / 17:51
• I have enough patience, kindness and will for everyone. But will I have enough strength - I don't know!
№ 416929   Added MegaMozg 14-04-2021 / 03:03
• Fatigue has no place, as long as Chopin's soul is on it!
• I will not have enough life to tell my life!
• A person is always alone with his inner world!
• Than to publish three quotes for all hundred - better one, but for all two hundred!
• I do not have a car, a yacht, a country house, a lot of money - I have only a heart, soul and deity of nature!
• For some, the fate is destined by God - for others the devil has determined!
• Who has not tasted the taste of love - that life has not tasted!
• A person should think about why the dog believes him!
• There is no need to be angry - you just need to love!
• Boxing virus - the uncerone king of world sports!
If you haven't washed your hands yet, COVID-19 is coming to you.
• Degradation of personality occurs much faster - than its development!
• Philosophy begins where healthy progmatism ends.
• Dreaming of freedom, I escaped from the cage, but fell into a trap!
• How many people on earth, so much truth, vice and evil!
• Boxing has a kind face!
• Nature can do without man, man without nature never!
• The main thing is that the soul is not empty and the heart is not bored.
• He loved dogs, and his grandmothers loved him like dogs!
• Boredom bitch - our life is a painful torment!
• There is no fear - there is insecurity in yourself!
• How rarely in our life - we find good deeds to use.
• When she is 70 and he is 25 - there is no love, there is profit or mercy place!
№ 416494   Added MegaMozg 06-04-2021 / 22:09
• Aphorisms and poems - inner awareness of our importance in the field of art!
№ 416223   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2021 / 14:12
Aphorisms are thoughts that concentrate the educational, cognitive and animating power of the word.
№ 414989   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2021 / 21:03
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• Someone else's thought is always more interesting than your own - since the meaning of the thought is filled with its meaninglessness!
• When the possible and impossible become possible!
There is music that makes me believe there is a God!
• March 8 - a holiday of soul and heart!
• In order not to cry, it is better not to have fun!
• I try to understand the incomprehensible - I am embarking on a moral path!
• When the author has zero subscriptions - to know himself multiplied by zero.
• While the heart is beating - the soul lives!
• Life - eternal desires and eternal doubts!
• The illumination of life only comes to the one who paved his way to God!
• I regret, I call, I cry - but I do not blame anyone in this life.
• Everyone has their own choice and purpose!
• There are hands, but no head - there is a head and hands will be!
• There is no originality in that, rather verbal stupidity.
• Not everyone knows their worth, but everyone knows what it is worth!
• Previously, the bed of the young was dominated by seeds - now iPhones!
• At the boundaries of the necessary - the necessary boundaries.
• Money gives rise to greed - greed degenerates a person.
• Without social media, even snow doesn't fall today.
• Do not be afraid of death - you should be afraid of life illusion!
• Sex without love - spiritual emptiness!
№ 414711   Added Viker 09-03-2021 / 12:42
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• I have always dreamed of a hat - invisible, in order to save the world from evil and
about the tablecloth - samobranka, in order to save people from hunger!
• I thought that the woman was from God, but it turned out - the devil is a brilliant creation!
• In your every move - I catch moments of pleasure!
• No matter how much evil there is in the world, you can not lose faith in good!
• Pain breaks the soul - the soul breaks the heart.
• The one who easily converges and easily breaks up - a woman of easy virtue!
• Misunderstandings and scandals shorten life!
• Who said that life has become better - just life has become more expensive!
• The Milky Way will show the right way to your heart!
• I don't want to communicate with you anymore - I'm just healthy my shore!
• Never swear love and never swear at all - it's sinful and ridiculous!
• I fear dogs less than people!
• Those who create, I admire,
Whoever manages - I'm annoyed!
• When we stop believing in miracles, old age is approaching.
• Swine is also magical!
• There is a place in the world for everything - but more often for evil!
• Love does not obey the laws of nature - love has its own laws!
• I do not know what to write about, how to live according to conscience - but I do not know what conscience is too!
• Every stupidity has its own explanation!
• I immediately remember my childhood when I raise my eyes to the sky.
• All adversity will go away when the time comes.
• Do not look for your friend in the mirror!
• Nothing changes people like money!
№ 412012   Added MegaMozg 24-01-2021 / 17:54
Афоризмы о жизни...
Жизнь человека - дальняя дорога к мечтам.
The human life is a long road to the dreams.
Жизнь человека - бесконечная борьба со временем.
The human life is an endless struggle with time.
Жизнь человека - падение капли дождя в реку забвения.
Man’s life is the fall of a raindrop into the river of oblivion.
Жизнь человека - падение хрустальной вазы на гранитный пол.
The human life is the fall of a crystal vase on a granite floor.
Жизнь человека - это лишь миг между поцелуем матери и смерти.
The human life is only a moment between the kiss of mother and death.
Жизнь человека - испытательный полигон для ошибок и ударов судьбы.
The life is a testing ground for mistakes and blows of destiny.
Жизнь человека - это болото, и только леший с кикиморами в нём не утонут.
The human life is a swamp, and only the wood-goblin and the kikimores do not drown in it.
Жизнь человека - это большой спорт с многочисленными травмами и сверхнагрузками.
The human life is the professional sport with numerous injuries and overloads.
Жизнь человека - спектакль, где режиссер - это судьба, а люди лишь марионетки в её руках.
The human life is a performance where the director is fate, and people are just puppets in her hands.
Жизнь человека - раскраска, заработаешь деньги на краски, будет красочной, не заработаешь, будет серой.
The human life is colouring, if earning money for the paints will be painted, if not earning will be somber.
Жизнь - это равенство между агрессией и смирением, а когда это равенство нарушается - пирует смерть.
Life is the equality between aggression and humility, and when this equality is violated, death feasts.
№ 411036   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2021 / 16:24
Афоризмы о счастье
Наше счастье живет там - где живут наши мечты.
Our happiness lives where our dreams live.
La nostra felicitа vive dove i nostri sogni vivono.
Реальное счастье в виртуальном мире не живет.
The real happiness in the virtual world does not live.
Счастье - брать от жизни то, что душе угодно.
Happiness is to take from life what the soul desires.
Счастье - когда возможности идут в ногу с мечтами.
Happiness is when opportunities keep pace with dreams.
Счастье - когда душа и тело идут в одном направлении.
Happiness is when the soul and body go in the same direction.
Счастье - когда душу греет солнце и убаюкивает шёпот моря.
Happiness is when the sun warms the soul and the sea whisper lulls her.
Счастье - это ощущение востребованности человека обществом.
Happiness is a feeling of demand for a person by society.
Счастье - когда Бог создал тебя цельным, а не без второй половинки.
Happiness is when God created you whole, and not without the soulmate.
Счастье - это гармония души, физиологии человека и окружающего мира.
Happiness is the harmony of the soul, the physiology of man and the environment.
Счастье - это найти в жизни гавань, к которой может причалить корабль твоей мечты.
Happiness is to find in life a haven to which the ship of your dreams can dock.
Счастье - это умение радостно мыслить, - умение найти песчинку радости в буре горя.
Happiness is the ability to think joyfully, the ability to find a grain of joy in a storm of grief.
№ 411032   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2021 / 16:12
Love is that which can break the heart, and also the only thing that can glue its parts again.
№ 411028   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2021 / 16:00
Афоризмы о любви. Часть I
Любовь - дама лёгкого поведения.
Love is the woman of loose morals.
Любовь - мера безумия разума.
Love is the measure of mind’s madness.
Любовь - это когда сердце сильнее рвёт, чем от инфаркта миокарда.
Love is when the heart is torn more than from myocardial infarction.
Любовь - универсальное омолаживающее средство для всех возрастов.
Love is the universal rejuvenating remedy for all the ages.
Любовь - сильнодействующее снадобье, одних она лечит, других калечит.
Love is the strong drug, it cures one, and cripples others.
Любовь - гремучая смесь из чувств, полового влечения, разума и глупости.
Love is the rattling mixture of feelings, sex drive, mind and stupidity.
Любовь - это когда она называет тебя мой маленький, а он становится большим.
Love is when she names you my little, and he is getting big.
Любовь - омолаживающее средство, - чем больше вкусишь, тем сильнее впадёшь в детство.
Love is the rejuvenating means - the more you taste it, the more you will fall into childhood.
Любовь - это слабость по отношению к возлюбленному человеку и полная зависимость от него.
Love is the weakness toward beloved person and the complete dependence on him.
Любовь - это такое состояние души, когда не важны ни социальный статус, ни материальное положение.
Love is the state of mind when neither social status nor financial position are important.
№ 411027   Added MegaMozg 09-01-2021 / 15:57