leisure [Theme]

An individual receives wages for his work, which he spends on purchasing goods and services that benefit him. Leisure also benefits him: he reads, watches TV, plays sports, communicates with friends, etc. The basic principle of an individual's economic behavior is maximizing the utility obtained from work and leisure. Of course, each individual has his own subjective scale of values.
№ 464246   Added MegaMozg 16-03-2024 / 01:39
School is the place where our journey through life begins, where concepts such as disappointment, joy, hope, and love are revealed to us. As soon as you leave this path, you will immediately find yourself an outcast. Being at school will seem like hell, and all daytime leisure will consist of observing others. As if you are a stranger among your own. A person who has left this path will not have such concepts as love, friendship, only the bitter awareness that something is missing...
Quote Explanation: The moral is that school is not only the center of your learning, it influences much more than you think, it shapes people, personality, our beliefs. A person who formed his personality around friends and groups will find it difficult to understand why other poor fellows lack friends, communication, and why they themselves are like that. rather, he will try to demean it by playing at being a dramatic person.
№ 457106   Added MegaMozg 02-10-2023 / 05:24
Let a friend at work!
№ 451348   Added Viker 13-03-2023 / 09:39
There will be leisure when they carry it out.
№ 445434   Added MegaMozg 14-10-2022 / 06:21
Feverish? - Tell me, about the Parisian-brother?
Quote Explanation: 1877
№ 438172   Added MegaMozg 29-04-2022 / 17:06
How quickly are you going to kill yourself in your tiny apartments, all you can do is stare at the wall?
№ 434823   Added MegaMozg 27-01-2022 / 02:39
For a creative person, there is nothing more valuable than leisure, when you can be irresponsibly lazy and live "just like that". And the result of this brilliant "lazy" life may well be some masterpieces, what is there. But this is not even necessary in a situation where Life itself magically manifests itself through you - your breath, silence, thought, imagination, dreams... Isn't that a masterpiece in itself?
№ 412875   Added MegaMozg 04-02-2021 / 04:24
The walking tour will inevitably end where it started.
№ 404375   Added MegaMozg 23-09-2020 / 23:09
...Hang out [with older children] to carry much easier if you know that then you split up again.
№ 391100   Added MegaMozg 13-04-2020 / 10:51
Used to look at things you, my friend,
As all of them you see; and it is necessary
Smarter, smarter to spend your leisure time.
№ 389760   Added MegaMozg 30-03-2020 / 17:42
A man does not choose the country in which he was born. He can't choose who to be: a boy or a girl, disabled or stocky. Does not depend on him, with what color of hair and eyes he will see the light. This is the law of life on our planet! But we decide how to fill leisure time, where to direct the energy, what to serve, darkness or light. We are not responsible for your height and eye color, but we are responsible for how to dispose of this each of us freedom. To bury the talent in the ground or to multiply is up to us.
© Aidar Zamaldinov
№ 387882   Added Айдар 29-02-2020 / 08:54
What child would not teshilos, just not interfere with adults. The gradual alienation and difference in interests.
№ 384051   Added MegaMozg 07-12-2019 / 14:22
Teach my son, if you can understand what a miracle book. But also give him a good time, during which he can contemplate the eternal mystery, perpetrated by the sky and the birds, the bees, the sun and flowers on the green slopes. Explain to him that it is better to fail than to lose honor and stoop to deception.
Teach my son, if you can, the wonder of books. But also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the flowers on a green hillside. Teach him it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat.
Quote Explanation: Excerpt from a letter that Abraham Lincoln wrote to the teacher of his son.
№ 377185   Added MegaMozg 27-08-2019 / 02:04