trail [Theme]

Polad Bulbul oglyYour roadromantic quotesloveinevitability, rock, fate
Quote Explanation: In the Azerbaijani version the song is called “Gəl ey səhər” (Come, morning)
№ 465792   Added MegaMozg 12-04-2024 / 15:48
Be the citrus tree - stand tall, bear the fruit of joy and leave a refreshing trail wherever you go.
№ 464217   Added MegaMozg 16-03-2024 / 00:12
Every wrinkle on the face is a trace of a life filled with the beauty of moments.
№ 463977   Added Viker 15-03-2024 / 15:23
If you encounter February 29th, think about a distinctive footprint. If you meet February 29th, think of something unique, because it is the only day that defines the year as a leap year. This is the only day that makes February truly unique. If you meet February 29, live and leave a unique mark, because you will rarely meet such a day.
№ 463856   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 15:52
Learning is when you know something and then react emotionally to it. And the emotional reaction to what you have learned creates a memory trace. And we call this learning. If you are simply confronted with given pieces of information and have no emotional reaction at all, you are likely to forget it. Research has shown that within one year, you are likely to forget 90% of the information you encounter. Because you don't have an emotional reaction. If I tell you facts right now about something that really doesn't interest you at all, you will most likely forget it within one year, within a few days. So this is the same thing. I know what I know about narcissism, but it doesn't trigger any emotional response. So I keep forgetting the lessons of my life. It's like every single day, I'm reborn as a child. And I make the same mistakes, I face the same problems, I experience difficulties. I do everything wrong again and again, almost without exception. I put myself in danger again and again. There is no learning process here, no cumulative acquired conditioning.
№ 461864   Added Viker 05-02-2024 / 12:40
Many other branches of science also have Greek roots. Since those times, people have invented a lot of new things, but if you dig deeper, in any innovation you will find a trace of the ancient Greek.
№ 461607   Added Viker 15-01-2024 / 13:28
Unable to hide your fiery trail...
№ 461156   Added Viker 13-01-2024 / 12:02
Allowing yourself to make fun of children is almost a crime. They leave an indelible mark on the child’s soul, which affects his habits and actions in adulthood.
№ 459035   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:30
Leave a good mark on this world...
№ 458932   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 11:14
Every work of art leaves a mark on people's minds.
№ 457580   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 11:54
It seems to a drunk that he is walking securely on his own two feet, although at this very time he is walking on his eyebrows. At the same time, others also see the mark from the eyebrows. This is the game of consciousness and what others notice.
№ 457187   Added MegaMozg 07-10-2023 / 12:15
Here and now we live by the weather. The face of the earth will be washed by the rain, no, the past does not die, and it is pure where the trace is remembered.
№ 457186   Added MegaMozg 07-10-2023 / 12:00
If you are aware of the bizarre whim of the enemy, if you understand his taste and sexual preferences, then in these exotic enclosures you need to set up your punishing nets, because sooner or later he will pay a visit to his sacred citadel. Instead of chasing a man through the back alleys, sniffing out his trail and getting tired of rat hunting, while risking becoming a target, you can lurk near your opponent's chosen lair and wait patiently.
№ 456556   Added MegaMozg 05-09-2023 / 16:33
Quietly the summer was leaving to return to us in a year.
№ 456438   Added MegaMozg 30-08-2023 / 23:24
In the cruelty of a man, look for the trace of a woman.
№ 455577   Added MegaMozg 07-08-2023 / 22:18