interests [Theme] Page 3

Here you have New Orleans flooded. And instantly all democracy disappeared somewhere, the territory of law disappeared somewhere, and no one protects any interests of minorities. There is also a feature of human nature. And often the need for the state is to fight the base manifestations of human nature. The main task of the state is not to build heaven, but to prevent hell.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov from 10/19/2021
№ 431020   Added MegaMozg 20-10-2021 / 12:03
If God is absolute Love, absolute integration, then the Devil is hatred, the cause of disintegration. Destroy mutual trust and respect in your life, undermine mutual interests, reject diversity, and you will notice hatred arise. Notice how the hatred will grow, you will drive out God and invite the Devil into your life. God is a natural love system based on a culture of mutual trust and respect - needs nourishment, needs servicing needs. If God is absent, the Devil will appear.
№ 428167   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 15:06
The interests of the participants in capitalist production collide with each other and the benefit of some means the misfortune and sorrow of others.
№ 427529   Added MegaMozg 14-09-2021 / 17:00
The more interests in life, the more topics for conversation.
№ 426980   Added MegaMozg 02-09-2021 / 15:12
You inevitably attract people and circumstances that are in harmony with your prevailing thoughts.
№ 425183   Added MegaMozg 08-08-2021 / 18:09
The monkey stood on its hind limbs, and with the forelimbs stretched towards the beautiful.
№ 425075   Added MegaMozg 07-08-2021 / 05:42
Wars are raging around. Around poverty and bitterness. At any second, something can happen to you that you will not have enough tears to mourn your fate. And what do you spend your time on? On a theology course! Are you still trying to understand what the Holy Spirit is? Come on! This world was not created by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but by the devil. Better look at the necklace Stefano gave me. It's pearls.
№ 424815   Added Viker 02-08-2021 / 12:57
Small interests diminish over time.
№ 424744   Added MegaMozg 02-08-2021 / 12:45
By the way, I would like to note: among those who wrote about our self-intoxication and teased us with it after Sevastopol, there were several new young writers who at that time attracted great attention of society and aroused in it ardent sympathy for their denunciations. And, however, so many impudent and filthy people immediately joined these truly well-wishing accusers, there was so much whistle, so many people who did not understand at all what the essence of the matter was, and yet imagined themselves to be the saviors of Russia, moreover, it appeared in their there are so many even outspoken enemies of Russia that, in the end, they themselves damaged the business that they joined and which was led by talented people. But at first they were successful, solely because the pure-hearted Russian people, who really thirsted then everywhere for renewal and a new word, did not discern in them scoundrels, people without talent and without convictions, and even corrupt ones. On the contrary, they thought that they were for Russia, for its interests, for renewal, for the people and society.
№ 423795   Added MegaMozg 20-07-2021 / 23:45
The reader will find answers to these and many other questions in the classic textbook for secondary schools, compiled by the prominent Soviet psychologist BM Teplov.
Quote Explanation: 16 Aug 2018 Nov.
№ 423458   Added MegaMozg 16-07-2021 / 18:48
The rich are also the owners of political power. These slackers are the natural enemies of their tribe, since it is in their interest to lower the level of public welfare by all means. For their profit, they start wars between tribes and force the poor to kill each other. In short, these barbarians have perverted the natural order of things at their root, sacrificing the sacred interests of the breed to the narrow and selfish interests of the individual.
Quote Explanation: Martians can't understand terrestrial humans
№ 422611   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 10:06
In the foreground, they have the interests of the individual, to whom the interests of the entire breed are sacrificed. What intelligent creature would put the unit above the collective? They work not for the good of society, but for the sake of personal gain. The poor are jealous of the rich: the last sad phenomenon is the inevitable result of the absurdity of the basic principles of social life.
Quote Explanation: Martians can't understand terrestrial humans
№ 422607   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2021 / 09:54
We, women, constantly have to defend our interests with the help of a variety of tricks, and in high society this, unfortunately, is achieved at the expense of other ladies.
№ 422557   Added MegaMozg 07-07-2021 / 22:18
And the second point I would like to say. It would be extremely dangerous in this situation, especially considering that, unfortunately, geopolitical hooligans - marginalized, like Poland and the Baltic limitrophes, and Romania, by the way, have acquired too much influence on Western institutions, to try to go on the defensive. This is how the Soviet Union was lost. When, in the mid-80s, we started leaving everywhere. Of course, we need to create opportunities for pressure on their interests, safe for ourselves, but sensitive for the West. Without bringing it to the level of a conventional war, but not excluding the support of those forces that oppose American domination.
Quote Explanation: Redistribution of spheres of influence in the world: who is the future?
Release Date: 01.07.2021
№ 421882   Added MegaMozg 05-07-2021 / 14:51
You (Kira. Sazonova), at the beginning said a very accurate idea. They (The Americans) are not going to recognize our sovereignty. Look at how Biden said. The DNA of our civilization is human rights. I won't be understood in America if I don't ask these questions. To which Putin told him: and the DNA of our civilization is our national interests, the interests of the Russian people. And I will not be understood if you get into our sovereignty. But it turns out that Biden denies russia's right to determine what happens on the territory of Russia. He believes that the American people, through him, have the right to make human rights claims to us and how things work inside our country. That is, he spits on our sovereignty. He says outright: Putin still thinks we want to overthrow him. Yes, you allocate money for this! Why should we enter into a system of relations with you, when you, realizing that you cannot destroy us with weapons, destroy us from within? Then - be afraid!
Release Date: 17.06.2021
№ 420984   Added MegaMozg 18-06-2021 / 15:12