process [Theme] Page 1

The recipe for preparing the legendary Tatar meat is quite simple, although the process is long: a piece of meat must be put under the saddle of a war horse in the morning, and eaten in the evening, well salted with sweat and beaten with the saddle. All. Nowadays, “meat a la tartare” simply refers to raw beef, which is eaten with salt, pepper and various sauces.
№ 459481   Added Viker 07-12-2023 / 12:38
So, consciousness is what we are aware of: how we understand life, what we think about ourselves and other people. But our brain is ourselves. Every action in our brain, every nervous process, every reaction of our brain is us.
№ 458685   Added Viker 05-12-2023 / 11:59
If a person throws a spear at a target all day, he will eventually hit it.
№ 457662   Added Viker 31-10-2023 / 12:08
At some point, life pats you on the top of your head and hands you a list of what you can keep. This list is surprisingly long. You can keep letters. You can persist in your efforts. You can keep secrets and keep promises. You can stay steadfast on your path. You can keep his sweatshirt - the one he left on the living room floor. You can keep pictures and memories, but you can't keep people. People are not things, they cannot be saved.
№ 455890   Added Viker 24-08-2023 / 11:41
Any excess only harms a person - and even the process of thinking is not yet an absolute good ... An absolute good is a prayer, because you can read it all your life without causing any harm to health, both mental and physical.
№ 455308   Added MegaMozg 28-07-2023 / 23:42
This process is quite rare, and therefore much more valuable than any other art in the world.
№ 455206   Added MegaMozg 23-07-2023 / 01:24
In order to change your life as abruptly and drastically as you did, you had to go through a complex mental process, and in order to continue this life now and constantly be at the height of your convictions, you must work hard day after day with your mind and heart.
№ 455011   Added MegaMozg 15-07-2023 / 12:24
It is important to be able to overcome moments of desynchronization and restore harmony. Relationships are a never ending process of renewal and reconnection. Their stability does not depend on the ability to heal terrible lacerations, but on the ability to quickly notice and treat minor abrasions.
№ 454768   Added MegaMozg 06-07-2023 / 14:51
The problem of humanity is that human vices ripen much earlier than the process of becoming a person's personality.
№ 454030   Added MegaMozg 03-06-2023 / 15:48
Sometimes it seems to us that improving life is a long and complicated process. But in fact, it all starts with small daily changes that gradually accumulate and lead to significant results.
№ 452727   Added MegaMozg 10-04-2023 / 18:48
Decide which stage our age belongs to...
№ 449230   Added MegaMozg 19-01-2023 / 08:06
Quote Explanation: Account
№ 447967   Added Viker 29-12-2022 / 09:41
- You can whine as much as you like. When I get back, we'll discuss your role in repopulating the Earth.
№ 447070   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2022 / 21:09
Mobilization cannot be partial. Mobilization is a process like pregnancy. A woman cannot be a little pregnant. The question is: yes or no. This is how the question is posed in the state: we transfer the entire state apparatus, industry, transport, armed forces, population and all the resources of the state to the needs of the war or do not transfer.
№ 444827   Added MegaMozg 23-09-2022 / 02:15
It is only important to learn to hear the echoes of the breath of the approaching storm and accept what is happening as a natural process of the flow of being.
№ 443323   Added MegaMozg 12-08-2022 / 05:45