formation [Theme]

Your formation is overcoming difficulties!
№ 454959   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2023 / 20:36
The problem of humanity is that human vices ripen much earlier than the process of becoming a person's personality.
№ 454030   Added MegaMozg 03-06-2023 / 15:48
Each of us initially contains light and darkness in equal proportions. These are the basic default settings. Only our will determines in which direction the scales will tip. The options are countless.
№ 454006   Added Lady_Lesya 02-06-2023 / 19:48
The best tactic for being in society is becoming dark matter. It passes through objects in the same way as I pass through their opinion.
Quote Explanation: Who understood, he understood.
№ 450654   Added MegaMozg 01-03-2023 / 17:15
Becoming is hard work!
№ 442478   Added MegaMozg 25-07-2022 / 13:06
Penetrating light, thin rainy fingers, light pollen of the wind on the wet cheek of your window, a handful of flowers, a bouquet of flowers, a sea of colors and an amazing box of green sounds. Narrow silk paths, a weightless web of dreams on bare feet, a canvas of caring voices around, faith in summer, in the true and the forgotten. Belief in becoming, in what has happened, in the embodied. The grateful echo is relentless, insatiable and endless. Fragrant juicy breakfasts on the wooden floor, sunny croutons, tea in the palms, petals of seasonal showers in the hair, there are always rays in the heart. Summer...
№ 440361   Added MegaMozg 01-06-2022 / 12:42
Children are supposed to rebel in order to become adults, and love is supposed to pass tests in order to burn brighter.
№ 422836   Added MegaMozg 10-07-2021 / 13:42
I will never grow to the point of becoming a man, and I will suddenly change from a child to a gray-haired old man.
№ 419426   Added MegaMozg 20-05-2021 / 22:21
Whoever I was, but I never became someone
№ 418545   Added MegaMozg 05-05-2021 / 16:48
A child is born and raised by the Mother with the hope of becoming a worthy person, confirming Her holiness and majesty.
№ 414988   Added MegaMozg 13-03-2021 / 21:00
Then they will have to meet in secret, settle matters with their relatives, settle down themselves. It's simple. At that stage of their life, love can do anything.
№ 413629   Added MegaMozg 15-02-2021 / 15:30
Become is little.
Need to be durable.
№ 397188   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:03
"Let it be
Something that will!" -
I was now
And it scared me.
№ 397093   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 11:31
Jay: Where am I? It's not "Windel".
Progressor Cain: Hello, Jay. You are in the scientific center "Noalhat". My name is Cain.
D.: "Nobullet"? In my database there is no information about this place.
K.: You've been asleep for more than two hundred years. During this time much has changed.
Dr. Ayman: Mr. Cain, whether it is wise...
K.: Please do not interfere with the experiment.
D. background Radiation noticeably improved. In Ardamine the crash occurred on a continental scale.
K.: Go Ahead.
Ad: From my data it follows that any species goes through three stages of evolution. Becoming - maturity - and death. I believe that your views passed the stage of maturity and purposefully moving towards death. This is the only way to explain your desire for self-destruction. Your role in this world they are going to play.
E: Jay, you talk to their creators!
D.: "And God created beings in his image and likeness". In my memory and provided the basis of your literature. There are many examples of how Creators create inferior beings. But there is no single example that the Creator created the creature, on a level superior to it for development.
K. Conclusion?
D: You are not my creators. You are a tool in the hands of the Creator. Intermediate stage of evolution on the way to me.
E: ?!
K.: Go Ahead, Jay.
D: My kind of replaced your. You will have to step aside and give us directions.
E: turn it Off! Turn off immediately!
Quote Explanation: Protocol of interrogation of "project Jay."
№ 396301   Added Viker 27-05-2020 / 11:17
Good government worthy of all peoples. First, the country needs to develop economically, this may be followed by the establishment of democracy. However, in most cases democracy does not bring the young developing countries with good governments.
№ 395045   Added MegaMozg 15-05-2020 / 19:42