power [Theme] Page 39

I personally helps simple phrase one monk. Very simple. He said:
"The Lord gives us strength for exactly one day."
No need yet to think about the future. About how tomorrow will rise and that will take. And what are you going to feel.
Need this day to live and do his best to. To overcome the difficulties as much as you can. Make as many steps as possible on this day. Because one day the forces always given.
And tomorrow... Tomorrow things can change for the better. And the dark clouds will gradually begin to sail beyond the horizon.
The main thing - to spend the day.
№ 384744   Added MegaMozg 18-12-2019 / 20:54
According to estimates, five of the twenty most influential women in the world - were born in Illinois. This place gives me strength and composure to lead and be successful in spite of difficulties? I'd say if you hone your skills in Chicago, will be able to avoid the mud and corruption - it will give you power to rule the world.
1 Season 6 Series
№ 384717   Added MegaMozg 18-12-2019 / 12:12
This difference in the freedom that gives us our strength. And this difference is insurmountable for you. I don't even need to do anything. I have not just an endless supply of Dark Matter. My inspiration knows no bounds. No matter how many cards you collect in your hand, I can push them away by brute force, because numbers mean nothing to me... Nothing you do, will never reach me. To get to me, you first need to climb an infinite wall that goes on forever.
№ 384704   Added MegaMozg 18-12-2019 / 02:41
- How you achieved this? It's impossible this way!!
- But... I beat them all by moving one finger. One hundred pages of exercises, ten video lectures, and a special highlight and the secret of my strength - Emphasis on standard textbooks!
- Die bald!
№ 384684   Added MegaMozg 17-12-2019 / 22:13
I firmly believe that true philanthropy, most likely, lies in the ability to apply their energy, time and money to the state, growing out of this, gave the opportunity to find the greatest possible number of people and employment and a decent income; philanthropy, then, is to expand and develop the existing support institutions and facilitate the possibility of progress and healthy, where they still lack.
№ 384676   Added MegaMozg 17-12-2019 / 13:50
Tourism is aesthetic consumption. A huge number of people spends all their efforts on the job in order to travel. They want to experience a new experience, which is aesthetic experience. Dan Maccannell, for example, believes that people go on a journey, because only as a tourist they are able to see the functioning of society as a whole. This is somewhat Marxist theory: while we are working, we are alienated, busy with their business, and only the traveller, the only tourist able to see how society functions as a whole, is an aesthetic experience.
№ 384269   Added MegaMozg 12-12-2019 / 13:28
It's so hard to explain. It's not like love at first sight. It's more... like preteenie. When you see her, the force of earth no longer hold you. She's the only one holding you back. And all but it loses its value. And you can do anything for her, be anything for her... You'll be anyone for her. Be the one she needs - a quarterback, vozlyublennym, friend, brother.
№ 384101   Added MegaMozg 08-12-2019 / 23:30
There were two brothers. One was born of love, and the second was born with the help of science and under the supervision of the best genetics of his time. In childhood, the simple child has always been among the Laggards and was often ill, and his more perfect brother has always excelled in everything. Years passed and when the brothers met, temper of a more perfect brother made itself felt and he wanted to humiliate ordinary brother, born of the "primitive way" and by chance. They sailed across the stormy waves, the cold grip seeking to drown them, to a rock amidst the raging waves. "Perfect" I was afraid, started to slow down and retreated, poplib back to shore, but a simple and primitive won the race sailed. Older and more advanced younger asked: "How so? I'm perfect and better than you! How you gonna beat me? As you swam to the rock in the middle of those awful waves?". A simple and imperfect brother replied, "I just don't save your strength for the way back!".
№ 383907   Added MegaMozg 04-12-2019 / 17:16
You, our supporters have no moral right something to leave unfinished, to fake, to hide behind empty words, populism to cover up their incompetence. Reputation, the image of the party is determined by its people, which is extremely important, that I was going to say - has its own, internal position. This is the basis of any political force. Have their own, internal moral compass. And such people must be willing to uphold these guidelines and principles, to fight for them in any, even the most difficult situation. Verbiage, opportunistic, adhering to the ruling status of the party, if anything, will pass not only its, and the country will pass. This was in our history repeatedly, including in our recent history.
Quote Explanation: At the Congress of "United Russia". 23 November 2019-th year.
№ 383572   Added MegaMozg 28-11-2019 / 10:38
They have been a part of the huge mass of cheap unskilled labor, which is now pushed back to a mechanical force. They come to an end.
№ 383205   Added MegaMozg 21-11-2019 / 17:54
- Something that will not hurt me, ' he said aloud.
His eyes turned red, then darkened.
Flushed and darkened.
And then there is only darkness.
- Sheets, - said the voice of Ronan Lynch, full of power and aspirations.
- Dust, - said Adam Parrish.
The wind, said blue Sargent.
- Shit, - said Henry Chang.
№ 383110   Added MegaMozg 20-11-2019 / 20:42
In the life of every man there comes a time when he realizes that there is force in the Universe more powerful than him. Forces that you cannot see, hear or touch. Forces that can only be felt. And although life sometimes enters where no waiting, you got to believe here-that you need!
№ 383030   Added MegaMozg 20-11-2019 / 12:48
We acted separately, and all of us pulled apart, and everyone will have to die alone. But this does not mean that we are alone and that we die in vain. In the world nothing is in vain. And we're fighting for a just cause, against brute force and therefore will ultimately emerge victorious.
Quote Explanation: Germany 1942
№ 382808   Added MegaMozg 17-11-2019 / 17:44
Panaks fazo farm wanted to pomegreat paid. And why was he fired? It is possible that he was just checking to see whether the law. Control purchase, so to speak, and his resignation. Here and try for them after this. But, you know, we have, oddly enough, too like Mukhlisov punished. Though not the courts, and higher power, so to speak. For example, who the official, who supported the pension reform went to the light, before reaching the age of retirement. So they are now a little Muhlisi.
Quote Explanation: Indonesian official panaks fazo farm bin Muhammad received 28 blows with a bamboo stick as a punishment for having an affair with a married woman. It is noteworthy that the man participated in the drafting of the law on punishment for adultery, informs Bi-bi-si.
238 Series Release Date: 15.11.2019
№ 382762   Added MegaMozg 16-11-2019 / 19:54
Human nature is infinitely varied and contradictory, so that any treatment consists of patient experiment with a series of trial and error, where the doctor often plays the role of a spectator who watches the battle unfolding in front of his eyes, and no help from the outside is not even a quarter of the power of the restorative powers of the body, and pills and medicine often harm rather than help.
№ 382433   Added MegaMozg 12-11-2019 / 17:46