dependence [Theme] Page 5

Strength is a dangerous drug.
№ 403196   Added MegaMozg 28-08-2020 / 20:21
Self-sufficiency - eliminates addiction!
№ 403158   Added MegaMozg 28-08-2020 / 14:57
Who depends on the royal favors.
№ 402930   Added MegaMozg 27-08-2020 / 19:36
Only family and friends really understand you when you're afraid to be alone, without money, losing a job, being homeless, I'm afraid to become dependent on others, being left without funds in old age; fear slowly and painfully die. Others pretend that everybody understands. They pretend to care about your future and your life difficulties and problems, but actually it is not. Relatives and friends are well sorry to tears, realizing your feelings until the end.
№ 401474   Added Айдар 27-07-2020 / 09:02
In life you need to try everything.
Women - obedience to the husband, for example. And dependence on her husband.
№ 401382   Added MegaMozg 25-07-2020 / 18:18
The Creator of asepsis, Hungarian obstetrician Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis was, was raised by colleagues for a laugh, and then recognized as mentally ill in the belief that doctors must disinfect their hands and instruments before surgery. During his lifetime Vincent van Gogh was not sold any of his paintings, and hospitals for the insane he, too, failed to avoid.
It's a dead end road - look for recognition. Even if you do not reach extremes, as in the case of Semmelweis was, there is another, very real risk. If you motivate yourself by the expectation of public recognition, you are dependent on others ' evaluations and in some point can no longer do what is considered really important. This happened with many, and believe me, it is a heavy psychological trauma.
№ 401144   Added MegaMozg 23-07-2020 / 14:24
Now, about the elite. A very important topic. I have a very simple understanding of the elites, and it is very important to our history first. The elite - those who want to establish the dependence of power from himself. And in that moment, when she gets this addiction, it becomes elite. You say "influence the government". What does the word affect? Well, I've influenced, advised, No. This refers to a very specific effect, which can form a solution. This really is the essence of the Western elite. And here the nerve - rashodnie us with them. Our history is the struggle of the people and the state, including autocracy, so we have formed elite. If you look at all of our crises, this crisis is caused by the fact that he tried to form an elite, which will depend on the power and be the intermediary between the government and the people. Though take in 1612, pronounced in the Council of seven, was born there. The whole controversy with the Terrible Kurbsky is devoted to it. And Ivan said, no, we will have no elites. And no will power to depend on anyone. There is power, and the people there. And the relationship between them of trust and responsibility. Intermediaries that will influence decisions is not needed. It was revealed in all its glory in the era of Ivan the terrible. And then there were 1612 and an attempt to form the boyar elite. Answer for everything will be sovereign, and they will rule.
And then to 1917. Sorry, but who overthrew the king? The Bolsheviks? No. Overthrew those who wish to become elite. If you view the party crisis - the same story. Everything that happened after Stalin Khrushchev is trying to become elite.
The elite because the elite that it has no responsibility. Responsibility - power, which she manipulates and of the people. This is the essence of the elite.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov on 09.06.2020
№ 397750   Added Viker 10-06-2020 / 11:52
Question: does a woman of her physical weakness naturally dependent on men?
Answer: God has given the one more strength to protect the weak, not oppress it.
God has led the dispensation of each substance in accordance with the obligations which it must fulfill. The woman he has given less physical strength, but at the same time, He endowed her with greater sensitivity, which is associated with the delicacy of the maternal duties and the weakness of the beings entrusted to her care.
Quote Explanation: N 820
№ 397307   Added Viker 07-06-2020 / 14:21
The thrill of battle often becomes a serious and incurable addiction because war is a drug.
№ 395469   Added Viker 19-05-2020 / 13:22
Mushrooms - a useful thing. But without the madness and paranoia - no way.
№ 395236   Added Viker 18-05-2020 / 09:06
Incentives and subsidies kill motivation, nullifies the desire to strive for success. If a person needs help, give him a loan and see how he will be able to use the funds received. When people become dependent on subsidies, and the government at some point you have to cut them, start riots.
№ 393032   Added Viker 06-05-2020 / 09:10
The number of drink me alcohol was directly proportional to the number of people at the concert.
Quote Explanation: About his alcohol addiction
№ 392236   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2020 / 19:12
I sometimes amusing to watch the human desire to be Elected. Inukami. Not similar. And definitely the best. So that this otherness was consistent with the morals of society, despised the "herd". Incredibly advanced, because of the limitations in society is not valued, all-knowing, because knowledge is the value of the society, with some unknown but awesome ability like telepathy, empathy, clairvoyance, prescience and so forth, because it is fashionable and is being promoted actively.
Those who are younger and have not yet figured out the priorities, choose self-self easier, from a number of "most beautiful", "the strongest", "most rich\successful". And human same naivete with which they begin to believe it.
It's funny and sad. Everything comes awareness of a simple truth: a man has a desire only to what he does not. And those who are beginning to prove their otherness, funny twice, because people resort to evidence in two cases, either when he himself is not confident in his words and he needs to confirm himself, or when it is important to convince other people. And this is a direct dependence on the opinions of that nasty the herd, the innocence of you and they also prove.
№ 390768   Added MegaMozg 10-04-2020 / 05:06
The behavior of the jealous partner becomes "strong" curse, because it reflects the emotional dependency and tenacity is "weak."
№ 390411   Added Viker 06-04-2020 / 11:33
To love someone and keep it to yourself - not one and the same. I never thought that I ever have to explain such simple things!
№ 389872   Added MegaMozg 31-03-2020 / 18:54