dependence [Theme] Page 3

And that's true - much less fears remain in you, and with those that are, life becomes more fun.
№ 437410   Added MegaMozg 03-04-2022 / 11:51
Addiction is the only flaw in the world that a person owns to perfection.
№ 435309   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 13:12
Just take a look. Yes, have the courage to look around and see how people are such little rusty rats hidden in the corners. Who are not capable of any openness at all, of any manifestation of warmth, if they do not flavor it: some with weed, some with tobacco, some with alcohol ...
№ 435178   Added Viker 02-02-2022 / 11:09
Career is addiction. Give in here, rot there, shut up, get out. It turns out that it is not your career that helps your life, but you help your career, serve it, become its slave. Everything for her, everything for her.
№ 431471   Added MegaMozg 31-10-2021 / 22:33
Sometimes I wondered what love is. Tenderness, addiction or memories?
№ 431197   Added Viker 25-10-2021 / 09:23
The worst addiction is human addiction.
№ 431127   Added MegaMozg 22-10-2021 / 23:06
He was too direct to make the creative impulse dependent on the mind, and smart enough to understand the superiority of artistic intuition over the claims of reason.
Quote Explanation: It is said about Wagner.
№ 428269   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 15:23
He felt reality itself as a hostile force, peace as cruelty, dependence as slavery.
Quote Explanation: It is said about Hölderlin
№ 427856   Added Viker 27-09-2021 / 14:01
What is the difference between the brain of an alcohol-dependent person and the brain of an ordinary person? An ordinary person drank something, relaxed a little and jazz played in his head. Once - and he sobered up. The addict drank and the seven-day Brazilian carnival began. "Sasha, you're going to work tomorrow!" and you're like, "I'm at the carnival!"
Release Date: 01.11.2019
№ 427223   Added MegaMozg 06-09-2021 / 19:06
Bill Mar ends each episode of his HBO show Real Time with a monologue. He usually chooses political topics. But on May 12, 2017, Mar looked into the camera and said: Social media tycoons should stop pretending to be friendly nerd gods building a better world, and confess that they are just plain T-shirt tobacco farmers selling addictive products to children. Let's be honest with ourselves: checking likes has become the equivalent of smoking.
№ 426252   Added MegaMozg 21-08-2021 / 01:51
• You will never be kinder than you are now!
• Upset is not the same - grief at a life knockdown is similar.
• Conscious ugliness - unconscious stupidity is worse.
• The more I value you, the more I value myself.
• You live like in war, if in each person there is an enemy.
• In everything look for the soul, the rest will be found by itself.
• An unenviable fate of a young oak, when its twigs mercilessly people on the brooms of the bath crumble.
• Artificial beauty is more terrible than natural ugliness.
• True love is one and for life, otherwise it is an illusion of love.
• Independence always - through dependence comes!
• Less thoughts - more meaning!
• No matter how much we love the stars in the sky, we will never reach them.
• My past years have passed through joys and tribulations,
a breath of unreal freedom - I felt with you my precious years!
• You may not be educated, but you must be reasonable!
• A real man will never be exchanged for a fake.
• Whipped his fate with a belt, whipped.
She waited like that, and I didn't become a padon!
• Attention and care - the best confirmation of devotion!
• Physical infidelity has a spiritual beginning!
• I can't watch when the weak are offended, but I watch calmly when the strong deserved is punished.
• I despise everything that is without a soul and idolize everything that has a soul.
• We parted - the soul was not empty without you and the heart did not become stone.
• Not everything we win is blindly submitted to us!
• Every dream has its own predictions.
• Vanity - does not bring satisfaction!
• Simplicity has a natural face and a kind soul!
№ 423616   Added MegaMozg 17-07-2021 / 22:33
In everyday life, a person is driven not by what he is aware of, but by what is stronger than him.
№ 420789   Added MegaMozg 14-06-2021 / 23:15
Any addiction, from my point of view, is an escape from reality. On the one hand. On the other hand, the desire to relax, just cut off your head on certain problems. A person cannot sleep, he has a feeling of unrealization, regardless of whether he is a creative person or not. The problem is the provision of qualified medical care. On the one hand, the cure of chemical dependence, because alcohol and drugs are the chemical dependence of the body. The structure is changing. On the other hand, qualified psychological help is needed. Relatives are sometimes unable to provide it, no matter how much they want to. Loving a person, they can not cope, because that person, their beloved, dear, he is transformed into the creature with which they do not understand how to communicate with him. Even if at this point he is not under the influence of drugs. His condition is taken out, and then, having recovered, it seems that he is sent further to the family. We need the help of an escort, because a person cannot cope on his own!
Release Date: 05.02.2021
№ 419106   Added MegaMozg 15-05-2021 / 09:54
Trade unites humanity in a universal brotherhood of mutual dependence and interests.
№ 418465   Added MegaMozg 04-05-2021 / 17:51
The forms that the individual chooses in non-orgiastic culture are alcoholism and drug addiction. In contrast to those who engage in socially approved action, such individuals suffer from feelings of guilt and remorse. Although they try to escape separation by taking refuge in alcohol and drugs, they feel even more lonely after the orgiastic experience is over, and the need to return to their refuge as often and as intensely as possible increases. The sexual orgiastic solution to the problem is not much different from this refuge. In a sense, it is a natural and normal form of overcoming separation and a partial response to the problem of isolation. But for many individuals, whose separation cannot be overcome in other ways, the source of sexual satisfaction acquires a function that makes it not too distinguishable from alcoholism and drug addiction. It becomes a desperate attempt to escape the anxiety generated by separation and, as a result, leads to an even greater sense of separation, for a sexual act without love can never bridge the gap that separates two human beings. Except for a brief moment.
№ 418361   Added MegaMozg 03-05-2021 / 15:42