TV show: Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov

The concept of a fool - it's not that you're stupid... it's another word. A fool is someone who thinks he's smarter than you. Unreasonable! And you know what he thinks and wants to deceive you. Here he is a fool! In the obvious situation, he acts as if this is a cunning secret plan! Here the concept of the fool.
Release Date: 02.08.2020
№ 401996   Added MegaMozg 03-08-2020 / 18:54
If we are allies why is it so happened that they are not even afraid to play us that way?
Quote Explanation: Sunday night with Vladimir Solovyov on 02.08.2020
Release Date: 02.08.2020
№ 401968   Added MegaMozg 03-08-2020 / 09:42
I certainly am surprised by the review media in Belarus, which seems very, very illogical. Maybe I won't give their additional comments, and I must say that in European countries political elites and government circles qualify it as orchestrated campaign. This is unfortunate, but I hope that after some time the incident will be exhausted and overcome.
Release Date: 02.08.2020
№ 401967   Added MegaMozg 03-08-2020 / 09:39
And finally I will tell. Morality in politics is first and foremost not to lie. Don't lie to yourself. Not to lie to their partners. Not to promise the partners that you are unable to perform. Not to deny its history. Problems the United States began in the moment when they began to lie to allies. This is a problem of trust and respect. Because a lie in foreign policy, is a pile of lies is a black hole. It tightens state. You view the world in which we begin to live. We begin to live in a world of total lies. And the question about Russia's future and the future of the Russian moral or immoral foreign policy is the question of whether we will be able to get out of this pyramid lie or not. We can say that we are not? We will be able to cling to it is international law that does not exist? Or we shall be most diligent students, to learn the lesson that has long been canceled?
Release Date: 12.07.2020
№ 401788   Added MegaMozg 31-07-2020 / 20:15
Then, when he's working on a role, there is such a thing - the most important task. People can do anything - drink coffee, tea, play with a child. And here we are now making. Each person has the same super-goal. Sometimes he himself does not formulate. But it's there. Americans have the highest priority, and it is clear - to destroy Russia and China.
Release Date: 19.07.2020
№ 400857   Added MegaMozg 20-07-2020 / 10:18
Let's start with beheading the statues of Christ, virgin Mary... well, it is, unfortunately, natural. Because any infinite revolutionary movements always turn to God. Because the feeling of God in the soul puts some obstacles lawlessness. If you're a religious person, you know that there is a red line that can not move. So, of course, all revolutionaries will fight against God. Especially in Christianity says that there is neither Greek nor Jew. That is, you're black, white, green, red - doesn't matter. These people have a completely opposite picture of the world. This ethnic revolution - the most hard of all, what can be. Why? For example, the class theory of Marxism - there is possible to switch from class to class. A person commits an inner choice and switches to another class. And from the point of view of the religious relationship to the world. A person that is reinterpreted and changed religion. And here is the toughest situation. It is impossible to transfer. You're either black or white.
Release Date: 19.07.2020
№ 400856   Added MegaMozg 20-07-2020 / 10:15
The crowd never defines justice! The crowd may Lynch, the crowd can destroy the Bastille, the crowd can do anything, but it is not a substitute still a fair trial.
Release Date: 12.07.2020
№ 400367   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 07:12
- On spiritual values. Why is it so important to draw the attention of our youth to certain things and correct writers. Me recently asked a man, our compatriot, who said: I notice one thing that no one talks about. English is now becoming global. But the English language cannot convey certain spiritual meanings, which can transmit the Russian language. And here we return to a very important point. The correct moral and spiritual compass can also prevent or minimize certain systemic crises. So no wonder people appreciate the sacred languages (Sanskrit, Hebrew)...
- Russian language is Holy. [remark of Vladimir Solovyov]
Release Date: 25.06.2020
№ 400240   Added MegaMozg 13-07-2020 / 00:48
I'll talk about his favorite subject - the structures of thinking. The semantic pair - Russia - the law - very important. One of our first literary works - sermon on law and grace. There is a slightly different the law is meant, but nevertheless the law. In Russian thinking, the concept of legitimacy is very important. It is not about good or bad people. Good or bad he is the Governor. It is about whether he committed illegal acts in his life. This is the only thing that can answer today a fair hearing and set the court.
Release Date: 09.07.2020
№ 400213   Added MegaMozg 10-07-2020 / 09:33
I with great interest listened to the discussion. I have remarks in the margins. First. We perceive history as a progressive development of the country. I perceive it differently. Was the story of the 90s is one historical period. The second historical period 1999 - 2003. Next - 2003 - 2014. and 2014 till now days.
I would have included from 2008 to 2014 (remark Vladimir R. Solovyov)
It will be on the economy, and I in psychology.
Most people in the in any case, those with whom I had to communicate, do not understand that today, in 2020, we did not live in the country in which we lived in the 90s, or even 2005. It's a different country. The other with different points of view and from the point of view of economy, social sphere, defense, foreign policy, domestic policy.
Release Date: 09.07.2020
№ 400212   Added MegaMozg 10-07-2020 / 09:30
Now, when we talk about the killings, I remember one priest who came into our unit. And he had told us such a thing. He said: you know guys, during the murder killed two soul killer dies, and the body dies victim.
Release Date: 09.07.2020
№ 400210   Added MegaMozg 10-07-2020 / 09:24
Let's look at our journalistic community. If you are not cited abroad, especially military journalism, you generally don't end up a journalist. And the expert community? If you are not quoted by Western agencies, you're not the expert. You're a propagandist. And the scientific community? If you're not published in a foreign language, you're not a scientist. You're so garbage. And where does it go? And please see the manuals of our ministries. View manuals on neurometric our so-called universities and research institutions. Yes, there are for the article in a foreign language about the mating habits of whales you can get a lot more points in scientometric system than fundamental research. <...>
All this nanometrica, based on the priority foreign publications, it is not such a harmless thing. And it's not harmless in the technical disciplines in the natural, and it is not very harmless in the Humanities. Therefore, to demand something from them, it is necessary to restore order at home. Should this scientific compradorship cleaned up by the roots. Why the publication in the Russian media, in Russian scientific journals is less valued than publication in the secondary Malo-read foreign magazines? Why the requirement to publish in a foreign language is included as compulsory? We who are here grow? And why? We grow the people steps will be involved in the foreign network? To foreign intelligence agencies? Why we raise them here, I'd like to know.
Alexander Khinshtein
International rating. One of the tasks of the higher school - to rise in the international rating
Dmitry Evstafiev
I think the fish are rotting from the head. It is necessary to seriously to look through our ministries. And see who and why wrote these instructions. And I think we can expect very interesting discoveries.
Quote Explanation: Evening with Vladimir Solovyov on
Release Date: 08.07.2020
№ 400153   Added MegaMozg 09-07-2020 / 11:09
Well, we returned from the operative counter-intelligence activities to Alfred Koch, as in my opinion it is Gorazd more important. Because it's really a Manifesto, and this excuse treachery, small and large. This is actually a justification of himself as a man of a certain generation and a certain generation. In this sense, of course everything that happens around the case Safronov - it's not about journalism and not about counter-intelligence. It's about responsibility. But where is the responsibility - and there is ideology. And let's see what our ideology. We do so many people herded into a corridor decision-making, when betrayal in varying degrees, for them, it becomes natural.
Release Date: 08.07.2020
№ 400152   Added MegaMozg 09-07-2020 / 11:06
We, Russia, will never become Pro-Chinese civilization. Or Pro-American.
Vladimir Solovyov
Different cultural codes.
Alexey Maslov
I agree with Sergey Mikheev, that Orthodoxy is an ethnic-forming part of the Russian civilization. No matter you believe or not believe. The norms of behavior, culture is set to Orthodoxy. Yes, the Russian civilization was born before the Orthodoxy. And the Russian Orthodox Church has incorporated many of the old traditions. There is a long period of time, formed when the stability of the Russian civilization. It seems, and China.
And due to what was formed by American civilization? All were United by the idea of aggressive economic development spaces. And now this aggression back to them. I think America is trying to bring peace to aggressive behavior. In fact, this mirror is returned to the inside of American civilization. Because if you're aggressive, you're aggressive and in relation to itself. This is something that the system has gone bad. It is not just leaving the trump. The requirement to behave aggressively remain. This ultra-leftist slogan that came to the United States. And it is the most dangerous.
№ 400012   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2020 / 22:27
America, which has set the standard of political behavior, ethics, employment is equal for all, open competition, etc., is now losing its normative. At some point in America, the slogan "no discrimination" has become so declarative that turned into a constant game. Why China, Russia has nowhere to hang these posters? Because here there is no discrimination. The idea is that by constantly reminding there is No discrimination, it leads to a social explosion. People accustomed to the fact that in fact there is discrimination. And need to go out and fight against it.
Dmitry Drobnicki
As the proletariat is convinced that there is exploitation.
Alexey Maslov
You are absolutely right. And there is not even a conspiracy theory. This system has gone viral. And it is very dangerous for the whole world. It is not only an internal affair of the United States.
№ 400011   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2020 / 22:24