suggestion [Theme]

The fog of war is a game of delusion and suggestion for those who have succumbed to the charm of this game.
№ 464819   Added Viker 19-03-2024 / 12:48
One simple truth that is repeated as often as it is ignored is that if you tell a child that he will succeed or, conversely, tell him that he will not succeed, then everything will be exactly that way.
№ 463560   Added Viker 14-03-2024 / 14:35
Sometimes the suggestion and inoculation of ideas plays a much more prominent role than logical persuasion.
№ 413012   Added MegaMozg 05-02-2021 / 17:36
Need suggestion to respublikachi: better, say, all laws not to publish, if these should not run.
№ 396280   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2020 / 10:15
It is better to inspire fear, not love, wastage.
Quote Explanation: Turning to Ari.
№ 392617   Added MegaMozg 29-04-2020 / 09:39
When you enter the basement with daylight, then in the first moment feel as if sinking into a black pit. Do not see any dig. Walk a few steps to touch the wall, and the wall of cold brick, with ancient potholes and chipped and scratched, covered with some mucus. And, it seems that not down in the basement, and into the hell in which they live, devils and ghosts. There is no fear, but scared shitless, because you don't know what awaits you ahead. Warms only the understanding that you have one match, which can ignite at the most critical moment. And the magic that won't leave you in difficult moments.
Two or three minutes the eyes adjust to the darkness, and becomes not so scary. Sometimes once you see the visible outline of the passage. This is probably some kind of self-deception, suggestion, and can be really strong nervous tension that is included the most coveted cat's eye - is difficult to explain. Great desire to see something. And when a great desire, helps magic. It is possible and the time to become basement cat, not only a noble rogue or a wise alchemist. You can melt the fear in magic, to make it work for yourself.
Quote Explanation: Childhood of the magician
№ 392195   Added MegaMozg 25-04-2020 / 17:06
The Achilles heel will in suggestible minds.
№ 390340   Added MegaMozg 05-04-2020 / 09:21
They killed a soldier of Josselin Beaumont. Lured me into a trap. All I needed to inspire before you send a job. Before I put it in his bag rifle with a telescopic sight. For example, what l'm wondering, rascal, kill it a matter of honor. At that time I believed in these ideals, the honor, that we have to live with your head held high. I looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. I hate them.
№ 386915   Added MegaMozg 03-02-2020 / 21:26
- And how is it that Elena doesn't notice all of your terrible deeds? This is a deliberate misconception, or maybe something pathological?
Just some more capable of forgiveness than others. You probably -500 on this criterion.
- Come on, there must be a credit. It is not only in ties, but in what? Suggestion? Manipulation? What did you tell her?
- I think that involved one blonde vampire. I think you murdered Carol Lockwood and worried that Caroline's never gonna forgive you.
- You've done worse.
- Controversial. I don't mind being the bad guy because someone has to be and to do. You're doing nasty things without any reason to be a jerk.
- Controversial.
- Want to be bad - be bad not just because otherwise you don't deserve forgiveness.
4 Season 12 Series
№ 384898   Added MegaMozg 21-12-2019 / 15:50
Don't believe in signs and other crap,
Although I had honestly believed it.
I believe in affection and great food
And also due to internal promptings.
№ 374217   Added MegaMozg 08-07-2019 / 13:02
Birch see? Now shut your eyes. Imagine that this is the spruce, switch out the real birch tree. It's hard, but train every day and then will develop the ability to inspire and the enemy and yourself that your impotence is your power, your invincible weapon. Millions of people hung with weapons from head to toe, they feel powerful, but they immediately lose all your fighting skills to unarmed, unarmed because there is no choice. Think about it.
1 Season 2 Series
№ 370756   Added MegaMozg 27-05-2019 / 04:08
I feel fine,
And pain I am not worried.
I'm going to make a habit
From morning to impress upon one and the same.
№ 368009   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2019 / 15:11
Light or darkness,
Good or evil.
We... attract it,
When you think about it a lot.
№ 364844   Added MegaMozg 22-03-2019 / 13:04
Modern man defies belief, but unable to resist the compulsion.
№ 361456   Added MegaMozg 19-02-2019 / 02:19