spring [Theme] Page 5

My spring, thank you for coming so brightly and swiftly, for being at the right time. Then, when the thirst in the depths of the soul of that new, bright and warm life reached its maximum. Thank you for letting me see the forest in the fresh haze of bird cherry leaves, thank you for the softness of the carpet of anemones, for the many-voiced bird choir. For a fresh gentle wind. For the sun Behind the bright stars is a narcissus in the young grass. For the smells of the earth in the garden. Thank you for the scatterings of spring saffron and for the opportunity to feel it in bright fragrant buns. For the opportunity to sit with freshly baked muffins and fragrant tea and watch the sunset rays play in the room. Smiling at the shadows from the swaying curtains. Live. Rejoice. Be silent.
№ 453138   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2023 / 21:54
With new paints, the old man, with the sandy-windy name Time, began to paint his favorite picture. He secretly wants her more than anyone else, it is she who gives him those wings, those feelings that help him soar, believe in himself again, feel youth and freshness, and most importantly, touch Life. A small flower and a timid butterfly - and you are full of those colors with which you can decorate not only your own canvases, but also the faces and hearts of people. A light breeze - and freshness again touches you, as if Aurora herself invites you to follow her through new achievements and discoveries, in search of miracle and magic. A sunny kiss - and the skin comes to life with a multi-colored motley meadow, on which, after a moment, flowers waltz, giving inexpressible fragrance and aroma. And it feels like all this has already happened many times, but you look, look with bated breath and understand that Life is when you can free of charge, on open palms, stretch out your innermost secrets and gifts to the world, as Spring does. May this spring give you everything that it has been preparing for so long and carefully: warmth, joy, colors, happiness and Love. With a warm smile and a sun-heart, Ya.
№ 453134   Added MegaMozg 28-04-2023 / 21:42
But finally, spring came to Far Far Away. Well, that is, how she came ... It's like with Vasilisa. Here Ivan calls her, let's say: "Vasilisa!" She says: "I'm coming!" But that doesn't mean she's on her way. This means that she will now take a shower, drink coffee, put on makeup, talk on the phone, if it is invented by that time. But I think they will. Because you know how much she wears makeup? That is to say, she said she was coming, but has not yet arrived. So it is with spring.
№ 453008   Added MegaMozg 24-04-2023 / 00:12
I begin to look at the world from a bird's eye view.
№ 453002   Added MegaMozg 23-04-2023 / 18:39
• You can live without a car, without alcohol, too, but how can you say Live without women?
№ 452944   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2023 / 13:33
I will rather cling to your lips and cover with my wing.
№ 452943   Added MegaMozg 21-04-2023 / 13:30
Ravik forgot about Joan. He forgot about himself... He devoted himself entirely to the bright day - the triad of the sun, sea and earth, which transformed the entire coast into a flourishing land, while somewhere high mountain paths still lay under the snow.
№ 452848   Added MegaMozg 17-04-2023 / 11:30
Spring and autumn are the time of hidden hopes!
№ 452823   Added MegaMozg 16-04-2023 / 11:18
Spring is the gap between winter and summer, it is not self-sufficient.
№ 451777   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 16:08
March day.
№ 451723   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 10:05
Quote Explanation: From the film Spring Music I. Dunayevsky. Lyricist: M. Volpin.
№ 451722   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 10:05
№ 451718   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 10:04
- Here's another winter off your shoulders.
Quote Explanation: Nikolay Zabolotsky. From a letter from E. Zabolotskaya dated February 24, 1941
№ 451706   Added Viker 14-03-2023 / 10:02
Spring... Beautiful, light, transparent. Spring... In the city, in the soul, in hopes. Let her every day be light and smooth, warm, like a ray of spring sun, playing with freely flowing hair and running across them with her spring smile. Let there be a mysterious note of magic and warmth, tenderness and multi-colored laughter in it. Let its new melody fill your eyes with its warm reflections, reflecting in cascades of flowers in the heart.
№ 451544   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2023 / 04:15
... The light poured, streamed and fell at her feet, around which multi-colored butterflies circled ... laughing, they tickled her ankles, covering every millimeter of her skin with air kisses ... exactly the same fluttered in the lower abdomen ... and above, where the sun intertwines, clinging to the ribs, caressing the soul... what was it?... it seems... (no, no doubt) it was her... Spring... she silently looked into the darkness , but she saw the light... so tangible that, even if she closed her eyes, it could not be confused with anything... warm, soft and at the same time rough, spring-like light... it was her Light.. .
№ 451536   Added MegaMozg 14-03-2023 / 03:51